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 Asunto: Sphinx (Rusia), descarga gratis su nuevo trabajo
NotaPublicado: Mié Jun 30, 2010 12:52 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Sphinx (Rusia) descarga gratis su nuevo trabajo "White Moon"

Rusia, Symphonic Romantic Metal. En su web os podéis descargar el disco con un cuidado libreto incluido.



«White Moon» (2010)

1. Wild Wind
2. White Moon - 2
3. Skyline
4. Twilight

Description: «The white Moon» is one more our experimental release. It has been made and written in a gift to all our listeners and is accessible to free downloading from our site.
Each of four songs on an album is a minihistory with participation of one character. Sometimes this character is just a spectator, as in the song "Wild Wind" or "Skyline". And sometimes he even takes direct part in a story. This character - the mystical White Moon, a crown of night. The moon, which is attracting all the romantics, mystics and madmen.
Each history on this album occurs in one night, but in absolutely different places. And it is possible, if you close your eyes and switch off light, you can feel this atmosphere of magic night where She looks at you from heavens, the White Moon.
Each song on this album is as a small film with the soundtrack. We always very much would like to work in a soundtrack genre. Therefore many moments in songs are attempts to achieve some atmosphere and can be even a certain cine pathos. On this album music prevails over words. And if you correctly understand a story, you can watch with ease that occurs on the big screen in your head where music broadcasts the cinema. For more correct understanding of the story, to some songs illustrations have been made.
We have reached conceived, or not - you will resolve, our listeners.


Andrey “Andersen“ Varenik - bass-guitar, vocals
Andrey “Chronos“ Potapov - guitars
Elena Eskina - vocals
Natalya Telyh - vocals
Antony “Lie“ Chetvergov - Drums (2)

Dmitry Shnitko - Drums (1,3,4)
Matvey Kozin - Vocals (4)

Music: Andrey “Chronos“ Potapov, Andrey “Andersen“ Varenik

Lyrics: Andrey “Chronos“ Potapov, Andrey “Andersen“ Varenik, Lilya Hasanova

Mixing, Mastering: Andrey “Andersen“ Varenik.
Orchestral arrangements: Andrey “Chronos“ Potapov, Andrey “Andersen“ Varenik

Consultant on English language: Eugenia Gres

Artwork, photo, design: Andrey “Chronos“ Potapov
Models: Valeria Kalinkina, Mikhail Kiryukhin

Thanks to: Vyacheslav Kozlov, Alexander Varenik


 Asunto: Re: Sphinx (Rusia), descarga gratis su nuevo trabajo
NotaPublicado: Jue Jul 01, 2010 7:11 am 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Registrado: Vie Oct 24, 2008 10:27 pm
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Gracias por la info Xan
25beber.gif 25beber.gif 25beber.gif 25beber.gif

Debaxo desi mandil
Tienes un paxarin pintu
Teo yo una escopetina
Dexame pegai un tiru.

 Asunto: Re: Sphinx (Rusia), descarga gratis su nuevo trabajo
NotaPublicado: Jue Jul 01, 2010 8:30 am 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody

Registrado: Jue Sep 11, 2008 11:21 pm
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GRACIAS muy interesante, a ver que tal suena! 2alegria.gif

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