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 Asunto: Noticias de TIGERTAILZ
NotaPublicado: Sab Nov 28, 2009 3:46 am 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody
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Registrado: Vie Jun 20, 2008 4:19 pm
Mensajes: 253
Tigertailz TV

La banda británica de Glam Metal Tigertailz ha creado su canal "Tailz TV". En él se pueden encontrar desde los videoclips de la banda, hasta entrevistas y actuaciones en directo.

Tailz Tv:



Yes it's finally here...After months of editing, uploading then not wanting to bother with editing anymore, we've committed what some might call ‘rock n roll hari kari' by launching Tailz TV - our very own online TV station - in full jaw dropping ‘warts and all' technicolour!

Go to and feast for free on a whole host of Tigertailz filmed delights...Tour diaries, live footage, promo material, interviews, misdemeanors, never seen before gems and way too much honesty!..This is the definitive Tigertailz visual experience...And there's more to come, so keep checking back, the site will be updated regularly!

Also if you're creatively minded and ever so slightly twisted you may also want to download your favourite bits and edit some footage yourself - if we like it, we'll upload it!

We love this site, hope you do too. Drop by the message board and tell us what you think...


PS Thanks to Spindogs for their creative help and know how and Gaz. E for that image of Jay!


 Asunto: Re: Tigertailz TV
NotaPublicado: Jue Ene 21, 2010 2:27 am 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody
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Registrado: Vie Jun 20, 2008 4:19 pm
Mensajes: 253
Tigertailz ficha nuevo bajo

La veterana banda británica de Glam Metal nos anuncia que se han decido a incluir un nuevo miembro en el grupo para suplir la baja de Pepsi Tate (1965-2007). La nueva bajista es Sarah Firebrand. Por lo que parece pretenden seguir dando guerra y anuncian además su presencia en el Hard Rock Hell ‘Road Trip' que se celebrará en Ibiza entre el 2 y el 9 de junio.


What better way to kick off a new decade than with some MAJOR Tigertailz newz! We've got big plans for 2010, and the first of those is welcoming a new band member to our ranks!

You won't need the eyes of a hawk to work out that something looks different about us. Please welcome Sarah Firebrand, our brand new queen of the four-string sting. We think she's an amazing find and we're sure all you Tailz maniacs will be welcoming her to our insane world as warmly as we have. It also means that the average age of the band has dropped considerably - that's right, we're officially getting younger.

Sarah first grabbed some headlines with all-girl rock trio Firebrand, later playing with Fuzzbox / Ginger And The Sonic Circus singer Vix in her side project Vix N The Kix. Sarah says: "I was only five when ‘Bezerk' came out and it's an incredible honour to think that I'm now part of the band. It's a completely thrilling opportunity to which I'll be giving 100%. This is iconic British rock music unlike anything before or since, and I can't wait to tear it up on stage with these guys!"

As most of you will know, Glen ‘Nailz' Quinn has been helping us out on bass since we lost Pepsi so tragically in September 2007. He stood in for Pepsi at a very difficult time for everyone, and was an absolute marvel. Thanking Nailz for his immeasurable contribution, Jay Pepper says: "It's thanks to Nailz that we were able to carry on - as Pepsi wanted us to. Now we think it's time to get back to a full-band line-up, and we're all incredibly excited to have Sarah aboard. She is the injection of life we need, and the fans are going to love her...So with a toast to the future and much respect to the past, we give you the Firebrand!"

Hooker, Pepper, Blakout, Firebrand

Tigertailz will play Hard Rock Hell ‘Road Trip' in Ibiza, June 2-9, ... igertailz/


 Asunto: Re: Tigertailz TV
NotaPublicado: Vie Ene 22, 2010 1:06 am 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody

Registrado: Dom May 03, 2009 2:43 am
Mensajes: 252
Qué pena que nunca hayan tenido el reconocimiento que merecen. Sus discos siempre han sido impresionantes y su directo muy sólido, pero no sé por qué, nunca han salido de la tercera fila. Una de las mayores injusticias del heavy. Quizás su imagen les ha perjudicado. Si no los conoceis, os recomiendo cualquiera de sus discos.

 Asunto: Re: Tigertailz TV
NotaPublicado: Mar Mar 30, 2010 11:44 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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TIGERTAILZ interpretará integro su álbum "Bezerk" en un concierto en Newcastle

Pues como dice el título de noticia la veterana banda británica de Glam Metal TIGERTAILZ, interpretará integro el que fue su álbum de mayor éxito.

Fecha: Viernes, 02 de julio 2010
Hora: 19:00-22:30
Location: Legends, Newcastle



Date: Friday, 02 July 2010
Time: 19:00 - 22:30
Location: Legends, Newcastle

It's been a while since Tigertailz headlined at Newcastle and we can't wait to have them back!! They've promised to play the entire Bezerk album.

More details to follow - but we wanted to give you a heads up...

The Hellfire Club will be on afterwards too.

Support from NEW GENERATION SUPERSTARS and BONE IDLE ... -the-tyne/


 Asunto: Re: Tigertailz TV
NotaPublicado: Vie Jul 16, 2010 7:47 pm 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody
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Registrado: Vie Jun 20, 2008 4:19 pm
Mensajes: 253
TIGERTAILZ anuncia la vuelta de su batería original

TIGERTAILZ han roto con el bateriaa Matt Blakout. "El resto de la banda le desea aMatt todo lo mejor en cualquier cosa que decida hacer a continuación. TIGERTAILZ están también muy contentos de anunciar el regreso del baterista original Ace Finchum para el resto de conciertos de la gira la Bezerk 2010 "


Long-running U.K. glam rockers TIGERTAILZ have parted ways with drummer Matt Blakout. The group says in a statement, "The rest of the band wish Matt all the best in whatever he decides to do next. TIGERTAILZ are also very pleased to announce the re-instatement of former original drummer Ace Finchum for the remainder of the Bezerk 2010 gigs."

Tigertailz Latest

Tigertailz have parted company with drummer Matt Blakout. The rest of the band wish Matt all the best in whatever he decides to do next - no doubt he'll be smashing the skins like only he can with an exciting new project again very soon.

PLEASE NOTE: All dates confirmed for this year, Cardiff, Thursday September 30th, Wolverhampton, Saturday October 16th and Hard Rock Hell, Prestatyn, Thursday 2nd Decmber are 100% on!

More news shortly... ... lz-latest/


 Asunto: Re: Tigertailz TV
NotaPublicado: Sab Jul 17, 2010 4:42 pm 
Guitar Hero
Guitar Hero
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Registrado: Jue Feb 26, 2009 1:00 pm
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¿Estos no imitan a Tokio Hotel? dedorisa.gif dedorisa.gif dedorisa.gif

 Asunto: Re: Tigertailz TV
NotaPublicado: Jue Jul 22, 2010 2:16 am 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody
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Registrado: Lun Jul 14, 2008 6:05 pm
Mensajes: 16
Ubicación: Ubicado
Pastra escribió:
¿Estos no imitan a Tokio Hotel? dedorisa.gif dedorisa.gif dedorisa.gif

No, esos son los Guns 'N Roses. coscorrones.gif

 Asunto: Re: Tigertailz TV
NotaPublicado: Sab Nov 20, 2010 12:08 am 
Up the Irons!!!
Up the Irons!!!

Registrado: Dom Jun 22, 2008 12:19 am
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Ubicación: En Madrizzz
TIGERTAILZ: Nuevo disco en directo


La banda galesa TIGERTAILZ lanzará su nuevo disco en vivo, "Bezerk Live - Burnin' Fuel", el 6 de diciembre vía TT Records. Este trabajo conmemora el vigésimo aniversario de su éxitoso disco "Berzek".

La banda ha estado este año interpretando en directo el disco completo, con alguna sorpresa extra. El resultado es esta obra, grabada entre Cardiff, Newcastle y Estocolmo, en donde se recogen los principales temas de TIGERTAILZ como "Love Bomb Baby", "Heaven", "Noise Level Critical" o "Sick Sex".


El listado completo de temas de "Berzerk Live - Burnin' Fuel" es éste:

01. Sick Sex
02. Love Bomb Baby
03. I Can Fight Dirty Too
04. Noise Level Critical
05. Heaven
06. Love Overload
07. Action City
08. Twist And Shake
09. Squeeze It Dry
10. Call Of The Wild
11. Crazy Horses
12. Ace Of Spades

:shock: platanobailón :shock: Ahorre energía, viaje en Tripi :shock: platanobailón :shock:

 Asunto: Re: Tigertailz TV
NotaPublicado: Jue Ene 13, 2011 1:25 am 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody
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Registrado: Vie Jun 20, 2008 4:19 pm
Mensajes: 253

Tigertailz se complace en anunciar su primera gira por Reino Unido desde el año 2007.

Los héroes de rock galés están regresando al circuito con un nuevo álbum en vivo, un rejuvenecido line-up, y un ojo en el futuro. No es sólo una gira en que verlos tocar todos los temas favoritos de los fans y de sus álbumes más populares hasta la fecha, sino que también marca la primera página en una nueva era para el cuarteto.

"Sin duda, esta formación es una fuerza a tener en cuenta", dice el guitarrista Jay Pepper. "Obviamente Tigertailz nunca será lo mismo sin Pepsi, pero lo que tenemos en Robin y Sarah es una poderosa sección rítmica que nos hace tan buenos como cualquier banda de alrededor, y la gente está tomando nota. Creo que hemos sido minusvalorados en la mayor parte de nuestra carrera, pero esta gira ayudará a cambiar esa percepción. Estamos escribiendo también - ¿quién sabe lo que puede ocurrir este año?".


SPAIN - Sat 19 March – Ritmo y Compas, Madrid

ITALY - Sunday 3 April, Glam Fest, Estragon, Bologna

Friday 13 May – Birmingham HMV Temple, UK - Ticket Info here

Saturday 14 May – London Underworld, UK - Ticket Info here

Sunday 15 May – Manchester Moho Live, UK - Ticket Info here

Wednesday 18 May – Sheffield Academy 2, UK - Ticket Info here

Thursday 19 May – Newcastle Academy 2, UK - Ticket Info here

Friday 20 May – Glasgow Cathouse, UK - Ticket Info here

(please note that a further UK date may be added on Saturday 21 May)

Support on all UK dates comes from Spit Like This.



Tigertailz are pleased to announce their first multi-date UK tour since 2007.

The Welsh rock heroes are returning to the live circuit with a new live album, a rejuvenated line-up, and a keen eye on the future. Not only will the tour see them playing all the fan favourites from their most popular albums to date, but it will also mark the first page in a new era for the much loved quartet.

With the ‘Bezerk Live – Burnin’ Fuel’ live album available from January on TT/Cargo Records and from their website, and new material being written as we speak, Tigertailz are preparing to go back on the road.

“Without doubt this line-up is a force to be reckoned with,” says guitarist Jay Pepper. “Obviously Tigertailz will never be the same without Pepsi, but what we have in Robin and Sarah is a powerhouse rhythm section that makes us as good as any band around, and people are taking notice. I think we’ve been misunderstood for most of our career but this tour will help to change that perception. We’re writing too – who knows what might happen this year.”


 Asunto: Re: Tigertailz TV
NotaPublicado: Jue Ene 13, 2011 9:43 am 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Registrado: Lun Jun 23, 2008 3:44 pm
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Ubicación: Axturiana perdida en Dublin
Xan do Can escribió:

SPAIN - Sat 19 March – Ritmo y Compas, Madrid

2alegria.gif 2alegria.gif 2alegria.gif 2alegria.gif

- Yari -

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