SONATA ARCTICA grabará nuevo DVD en directoWeb:
MySpace:"SONATA ARCTICA se alegran de anunciar la próxima grabación de su segundo DVD, que tendrá lugar en Alcatraz, Milán, Italia el 30 de septiembre 2010.
SONATA ARCTICA llevará a cabo un espectáculo único... de por lo menos 120 minutos. Junto a las canciones de su último álbum “The Days Of Grays” y “Unia”, también se interpretarán algunas de las canciones de álbumes anteriores, además de otras interpretadas pocas veces en directo durante los últimos años. Seguramente este será un evento inolvidable ...
El DVD será lanzado en la primavera de 2011 (TBA) a través de Nuclear Blast Records Inc. y Marquee en Japón y, junto al show de Milán, contendrá otro espectáculo, grabado durante el 2009, el SONATA ARCTICA Open Air Festival en su ciudad natal de Kemi, Finlandia . Y por supuesto habrá material extra como "The Making of", entrevistas, y un montón de secuencias de video que la banda grabó los últimos años durante sus giras...
Recording their second DVD September 30th, 2010 at the ALCATRAZ in Milan
SONATA ARCTICA are extremely excited to announce their upcoming recording of their second DVD which will take place at the ALCATRAZ in Milan, Italy on September 30th, 2010.
SONATA ARCTICA will perform a pretty unique show of at least 120 minutes. Next to songs of their latest albums “The Days Of Grays” and “Unia” they also will perform some of the older songs from previous albums plus some very rare songs they didn’t play live during the last years. For sure this will be an unforgettable event and a journey from the beginning of their career as one of the most popular Finish metal bands until now - you definitely shouldn’t miss it.
The DVD will be released in spring 2011 (tba) thru Nuclear Blast records and Marquee Inc. in Japan and will, next to the show in Milan, contain another show, recorded 2009 during the SONATA ARCTICA Open Air Festival in their hometown Kemi, Finland. And of course there will be massive bonus material such as “The Making Of”, interviews, and plenty of video footage the band recorded the last few years during their career on tour.
On sale: April 28th through ... 133&ntop=0