THERION Nuevo guitarrista Therion han reclutado al argentino Christian Vidal como nuevo guitarrista de la banda. Vidal hizp su debut el 4 de Junio en un concierto en la ciudad de Mexico.

"A menos que hayas estado viviendo debajo de las piedras, sabrás que Therion recientemente completó su formación. El 04 de junio, Christian Vidal fue presentado como el nuevo guitarrista."
Unless you have been living under rocks, Therion recently completed their line-up. On June 4th, Christian Vidal was presented as the new guitarist. More information about him, as well as Thomas Vikström, will be available on the site sometime next week.
As mentioned a few days ago on Twitter: On the show the 4th of June in Mexico City, Therion will be presenting their new guitarplayer on stage. Stay tuned!
Swedish progressive/experimental metallers THERION have recruited Christian Vidal from Argentina as the band's new guitarist.
Vidal made his live debut with THERION on June 4, 2010 in Mexico City.