Nuevo disco de BRUCE DICKINSONBruce Dickinson lanzará un nuevo álbum en solitario a principios de 2024, titulado, "The Mandrake Project" (discográfica BMG). Pare este nuevo disco ser reunirá con su colaborador musical y productor desde hace años Roy Z.
"The Mandrake Project" será el séptimo álbum en solitario de Dickinson y el primero desde "Tyranny Of Souls" en 2005.

Dickinson explica: "Este álbum ha sido un viaje muy personal para mí y estoy muy orgulloso de él. Roy Z y yo hemos estado planificándolo, escribiéndolo y grabándolo durante años, y estoy muy emocionado de que la gente finalmente lo escuche. Estoy aún más emocionado ante la perspectiva de salir de gira con esta increíble banda que hemos formado, para poder darle vida. Estamos planeando tocar tantos conciertos como podamos, en tantos lugares como sea posible. ¡Es posible, para tanta gente como podamos! En cuanto a lo que realmente es 'El Proyecto Mandrágora'... ¡todo se revelará pronto!
Los primeros conciertos anunciados serán en México y Brasil en abril y mayo de 2024.

18 - Diana Theater - Guadalajara, Mexico
20 - Pepsi Theatre - Mexico City, Mexico
24 - Live Curitiba - Curitiba, Brazil
25 - Pepsi On Stage - Porto Alegre, Brazil
27 - Opera Hall - Brasilia, Brazil
28 - Arena Hall - Belo Horizonte, Brazil
30 - Qualistage - Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
2 - Quinta Linda - Ribeirao Preto, Brazil
4 - Vibra - Sao Paulo, Brazil
Renowned around the world as one of the greatest and most distinctive heavy metal vocalists of all time, Iron Maiden's Bruce Dickinson will be releasing a brand new solo album in early 2024 via BMG Records. Entitled The Mandrake Project, it sees him reunited with long-time musical collaborator and producer Roy Z.
The Mandrake Project will be Dickinson’s seventh solo album and his first since Tyranny Of Souls in 2005.
Bruce explains, “This album has been a very personal journey for me and I am extremely proud of it. Roy Z and I have been planning, writing and recording it for years, and I am very excited for people to finally hear it. I’m even more excited at the prospect of getting out on the road with this amazing band that we have put together, to be able to bring it to life. We’re planning to play as many shows as we can in as many places as possible, for as many people as we can! As for what The Mandrake Project actually is… all will be revealed soon!”
The first live shows to be announced are in Mexico and Brazil in April and May 2024, with further touring plans to be revealed in due course. ... ke-project