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 Asunto: Nuevo disco de FM
NotaPublicado: Vie Feb 21, 2020 3:24 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Nuevo disco de FM

El 10 de abril se lanzará el duodécimo álbum de estudio de FM, "Synchronized", a través de Frontiers Music Srl.


01. Synchronized
02. Broken
03. Best Of Times
04. End Of Days
05. Ghost Of You And I
06. Change For The Better
07. Walk Through The Fire
08. Superstar
09. Hell Or High Water
10. Pray
11. Angels Cried
12. Ready For Me


Steve Overland - Voz and Guitarra
Merv Goldsworthy - Bajo
Pete Jupp - Batería
Jem Davis - Teclados
Jim Kirkpatrick - Guitarra

April 10, 2020 will see the release of FM's twelfth studio album, SYNCHRONIZED. To no one’s surprise, it is another top-notch album that will keep the band’s status as one of the premiere melodic rock entities firmly in place. Today, the band has released a music video for the title track to the album ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de FM
NotaPublicado: Mar Ene 25, 2022 2:53 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
FM anuncian el lanzamiento de su nuevo disco "Thirteen"

El 18 de marzo de 2022 se lanzará el decimotercer álbum de estudio de FM, titulado "Thirteen", y que has sido producido por la propia banda.


01. Shaking The Tree
02. Waiting On Love
03. Talk Is Cheap
04. Turn This Car Around
05. Love And War
06. Long Road Home
07. Be Lucky
08. Every Man Needs A Woman
09. Just Got Started
10. Fight Fire With Fire
11. Be True To Yourself


Steve Overland - Voz, Guitarra
Merv Goldsworthy - Bajo
Pete Jupp - Batería
Jem Davis - Teclados
Jim Kirkpatrick - Guitarra

March 18, 2022 will see the release of melodic rock stalwarts FM official's thirteenth studio album, the appropriately titled "Thirteen". Produced by the band, "Thirteen" is yet another high-quality album that furthers the band’s standing as one of the premiere melodic rock entities in the world. The first single and video from the album, 'Waiting On Love' is out today. See the video HERE:
Pre-order/save "Thirteen" on CD/LP/Digital HERE:
Signed copies of the album can be pre-ordered from the official band store at the link above or directly at this link: ... rteen.html
The band's current, and longest running, line-up, in place since 2008, has spent the last decade plus writing, recording, and touring and thus is an incredibly gelled and cohesive unit. The rhythm section of bassist Merv Goldsworthy and drummer Pete Jupp anchor FM with a rock-solid backbone, while guitarist Jim Kirkpatrick delivers delicious hooks and melodies with keyboardist Jem Davis adds lush layers to the band's dynamic sound. And what more could be said about Steve "The Voice" Overland, whose golden pipes have easily withstood the test of time and who still sings like an angel, while adding delightful guitar parts to the proceedings. The five-piece once again bonds together as the mighty unit FM on "Thirteen" and delivers beautiful melodic rock that their fans have come to expect. ... =3&theater


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