BLACK MIRRORS: detalles de su nuevo disco "Look Into The Black Mirror""Look Into The Black Mirror" saldrá a la venta el 31 de agosto.

01. Shoes For Booze
02. Funky Queen
03. Lay My Burden Down
04. Inner Reality
05. Moonstone
06. Günther Kimmich
07. Cold Midnight Drum
08. Mind Shape
09. Till The Land Wind Blows
10. Burning Warriors
11. Whispering Ghost (Bonus Track)

Marcella Di Troia - Voz
Pierre Lateur - Guitarra
Loïc Videtta - Bajo
Paul Moreau - Batería
The new voice of Rock’n’Roll! Black Mirrors created a masterpiece.
Funky Queen, the 2017 debut EP by rock newcomers Black Mirrors melted speakers everywhere: and yet the Belgian fourpiece was simply warming up for bigger things to come. Look Into The Black Mirror is a prime example of all the wonderful stuff that can happen when you sell your soul to snotty garage rock, blues, psychedelia and stoner rock! The beautifully unchained Marcella Di Troia sings, screams, croons and whispers on otherworldy ballads like ‘‘Moonstone‘ and over the danceable grooves of ‘Lay My Burden Down‘ – and the band keeps the hypnotic beats and thunderous riff walls coming.
The Belgian crew succeeds at crisp Josh Homme-style stompers like ‘Günther Kimmich‘ as easily as they pull off a monolithic jam like album closer ‘Burning Warriors‘. These guys and gal will be HUGE! ... undle.html