REFUGE lanzarán un discoWeb:
Facebook: la banda de power metal formada alrededor de Peter "Peavy" Wagner, ha firmado recientemente un contrato con la discográfica Frontiers Music Srl.
Refuge la forman Manni Schmidt (guitarras), Christos Efthimiadis (batería) y Peavy Wagner (voz, bajo), se trata de la formación de 1987 a 1994 de Rage. Los ex miembros de Rage volvieron a reunirse a finales de 2014 bajo el nombre de Refuge para tocar las viejas canciones de la banda. Lo que comenzó como algo divertido con los amigos, ha evolucionado hasta convertirse en un nuevo proyecto.
Peavy Wagner señala que el lanzamiento de un nuevo álbum con Refuge, no entrará en conflicto con su otra banda Rage: "Refuge y Rage son dos bandas diferentes. Con Refuge, somos capaces de tocar canciones de la vieja epoca que nunca han encontrado su sitio en los setlist de Rage. Refuge también tiene diferentes músicos - excepto yo - que tienen diferentes ideas y un ambiente diferente. Refuge es más parecido a la vieja escuela".

BREAKING NEWS: The German power metal band Refuge built around heavy metal icon Peter “Peavy” Wagner has recently signed a record deal with Frontiers Music Srl.
The Herne, Germany based Refuge, which consists of Manni Schmidt (guitars), Christos Efthimiadis (drums) and frontman/bassplayer Peavy Wagner, is the 1987 – 1994 line up of the German Metal institution Rage. The former Rage members got back together at the end of 2014 under the name Refuge to play the old Rage songs from their time in the band. What started out as a fun project with friends, has since evolved into a very special band.
Refuge guitarist Manni Schmidt says: “When we played at a number of festivals last summer, we instantly realized that the chemistry was back. The shows worked out great and very naturally, there were ideas for new songs that we wanted to hold, because we liked them so much. Somehow the guys from Frontiers have heard about this and they offered us a deal. Peavy, Efthi and I are very thrilled to say that there will be a record released full of brand new songs by our band REFUGE!”
Frontman Peavy Wagner also points out that releasing a new album with REFUGE won’t clash with his other band RAGE: “REFUGE and RAGE are two different bands now. With REFUGE, we are able to play songs of the old era that have never found their way to a setlist of a RAGE show. REFUGE also consists of different musicians – except me – who have different ideas and a different vibe. REFUGE is more like old school. The fans will find out latest when they will hold the new REFUGE album in their hands.” About the signing with Frontiers Music Srl, Peavy says: “The members of REFUGE are looking very much forward to working with such a renowned label as Frontiers Music Srl. The company’s roster is impressive and for all I know, Mario, Serafino and their crew are behind the band to a 100%. I can’t wait to start working with them.”
Mario de Riso, Label Manager of Frontiers Music Srl adds: “We are very happy to welcome REFUGE to our label. Since we are all fans of the “old” RAGE, we are particularly glad about the fact, that the band with the lineup from back then is a part of the Frontiers family now and we look forward to our future cooperation.” ... =3&theaterXanceda escribió:
Reunión de la formación original de RAGEPeavy Wagner, Manni Schmidt y Christos Efthimiadis, que lanzaron cinco álbumes de RAGE, se han reunido en un nuevo proyecto llamado REFUGE.
Desde 1994, los tres músicos han tocado con diferentes bandas siguiendo sus propios caminos: Peavy con RAGE, Manni con GRAVE DIGGER y Christos con TRI STATE CORNER.
En 2014, después de un largo periodo de poco contacto, los tres se reunieron de nuevo y decidieron tocar en secreto en su ciudad natal de Herne bajo el nombre de Tres Hombres. A pesar de que el concierto no fue publicitado, el boca a boca y la actividad en Facebook dio lugar a que más de 1.200 aficionados asistiesen al concierto el 15 de agosto. TRES HOMBRES interpreto los éxitos de la formación original y disfrutó de cada segundo del concierto, lo que llevo a la formación de REFUGE
El trio comentó: "Estamos muy contentos de anunciar que vamos a tener la oportunidad de viajar con vosotros a través de los primeros años 1988-1993 una vez más en un festival de verano en 2015."
Peavy Wagner, Manni Schmidt and Christos Efthimiadis, who released five albums in one of the most successful lineups of their band RAGE, have reunited in a brand new project called REFUGE.
Since 1994, the three musicians have played with different bands and continued to follow their own individual paths: Peavy with RAGE, Manni with GRAVE DIGGER and Christos with TRI STATE CORNER.
In 2014, after a long period of little contact, the three guys met again and decided to play a secret show in their German hometown of Herne under the name TRES HOMBRES. Despite the fact that the concert was not properly promoted, word of mouth and Facebook activity resulted in more than 1,200 fans attending the gig on August 15. TRES HOMBRES performed all the RAGE hits in the original lineup and enjoyed every second of the concert, leading to the formation of REFUGE.
Says REFUGE in a statement: "We are very happy to announce that we will have the opportunity to travel with you through the early years 1988-1993 one more time in the festival summer of 2015." ... pearances/