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 Asunto: Nuevo disco de EXHUMED
NotaPublicado: Mié Ago 14, 2019 7:39 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
"Horror", nuevo disco de EXHUMED

El nuevo álbum de Exhumed, “Horror” llegará el 4 de octubre a traveás de Relapse Records. El disco se grabó en el estudio casero de Exhumed, fue producido por Exhumed y Alejandro Corredor (Brujeria, Nausea) y mezclado y masterizado por Joel Grind (Toxic Holocaust).


01. Unsound
02. Ravenous Cadavers
03. Scream Out In Fright
04. The Red Death
05. Utter Mutilation Of Your Corpse
06. Slaughter Maniac
07. Ripping Death
08. Clawing
09. Naked, Screaming, And Covered In Blood
10. Playing With Fear
11. Dead Meat
12. Rabid
13. In The Mouth Of Hell
14. Shattered Saity
15. Re-Animated
16. Crypt Of Terror (bonus track)
17. Re-Entry And Destruction (bonus track)
18. The Day Man Lost (bonus track)


Matt Harvey - guitar, vocals
Ross Sewage - bass, vocals
Mike Hamilton - drums
Sebastian Phillips - guitar

New album HORROR is coming October 4th on Relapse Records! Check out the Horror Deluxe VCR “Slaughter Video” Rental Store Pack, stream "Ravenous Cadavers" and pre-order at

Horror was recorded at EXHUMED’s home-built studio Darker Corners, a first in the band’s career. Horror was produced by EXHUMED and Alejandro Corredor (Brujeria, Nausea) and was mixed & mastered by Joel Grind (Toxic Holocaust).

The exclusive Horror Deluxe VCR “Slaughter Video” Rental Store Pack is strictly limited to 100 and includes the Horror LP pressed on blood red and white merge with aqua blue, blood red and oxblood splatter, a playable VHS in custom slipcase with audio and visuals of the entire album, a retro VHS inspired sticker sheet, plus an authorized Slaughter Video membership laminated card as well as an official Slaughter Video employee t-shirt. All items are exclusive to this package and are housed in a meticulously designed VCR inspired boxset. ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de EXHUMED
NotaPublicado: Jue Sep 22, 2022 2:48 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Detalles del nuevo disco de EXHUMED, “To The Dead”

Exhumed regresan con su nuevo álbum, “To The Dead”, que saldrá el 21 de octubre a través de Relapse Records.


01. Putrescine And Cadaverine
02. Drained Of Color
03. Carbonized
04. Rank And Defiled
05. Lurid, Shocking, And Vile
06. Undertaking The Overkilled
07. Nerotica
08. No Headstone Unturned
09. Defecated
10. Disgusted


Matt Harvey - guitarra, voz
Ross Sewage - bajo, voz
Mike Hamilton - batería
Sebastian Phillips - guitarra

We've crawled forth from the depths to announce our macabre new album, "To The Dead" - out October 21 on Relapse Records!
The video for our first single, "Drained of Color: is OUT NOW! Watch it here:
Physical To The Dead pre-orders, including an exclusive vinyl variant bundle, are available for US customers via the band’s official webstore ... o-the-dead
Or via our longtime partners in grime, Relapse Records here:
Digital Downloads/Streaming/Pre-Save here: ... 44?__cft__


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