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 Asunto: Nuevo trabajo de NILE
NotaPublicado: Vie Jun 08, 2012 1:21 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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NILE nuevo disco "At The Gate Of Sethu"

El séptimo álbum de larga duración de Nile "At The Gate Of Sethu", será lanzado en Europa el 29 de junio y en los EE.UU. el 3 de julio a través de Nuclear Blast Records.


Fue producido y mezclado por Neil Kernon, quien ha trabajado anteriormente con NEVERMORE, CANNIBAL CORPSE, QUEENSRŸCHE y DEICIDE, entre muchos otros. La obra de arte de CD estuvo a cargo de Seth Siro Anton (SOILWORK, PARADISE LOST, SEPTICFLESH).


"At The Gate Of Sethu" (North American/European digipack):

01. Enduring The Eternal Molestation Of Flame
02. The Fiends Who Come To Steal The Magick Of The Deceased
03. The Inevitable Degradation Of Flesh
04. When My Wrath Is Done
05. Slaves Of Xul
06. The Gods Who Light Up The Sky At The Gate Of Sethu
07. Natural Liberation Of Fear Through The Ritual Deception Of Death
08. Ethno-Musicological Cannibalisms
09. Tribunal Of The Dead
10. Supreme Humanism Of Megalomania
11. The Chaining Of The Iniquitous


12. Enduring The Eternal Molestation Of Flame (instrumental)
13. The Inevitable Degradation Of Flesh (instrumental)


"At The Gate Of Sethu" (European jewel case):

01. Enduring The Eternal Molestation Of Flame
02. The Fiends Who Come To Steal The Magick Of The Deceased
03. The Inevitable Degradation Of Flesh
04. When My Wrath Is Done
05. Slaves Of Xul
06. The Gods Who Light Up The Sky At The Gate Of Sethu
07. Natural Liberation Of Fear Through The Ritual Deception Of Death
08. Ethno-Musicological Cannibalisms
09. Tribunal Of The Dead
10. Supreme Humanism Of Megalomania
11. The Chaining Of The Iniquitous


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo trabajo de NILE
NotaPublicado: Mié May 27, 2015 2:26 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Nuevo trabajo de NILE

Nile están actualmente en el estudio terminando la mezcla de su próximo álbum "What Should Not Be Unearthed". El disco ha sido producido por Nile y mezclado por Neil Kernon, el CD será lanzado el 28 de agosto por Nuclear Blast. La portada es obra de Michal "Xaay" Loran.


NILE estarán de gira por Europa con SUFFOCATION a finales de agosto, las fechas confirmadas son las siguientes:

Aug. 29 - POL - Warszawa - Progresja Music Zone / Massivefest
Aug. 30 - POL - Wrocław - Alibi
Aug. 31 - GER - Berlin - K17
Sep. 01 - GER - Bremen - Tivoli
Sep. 02 - GER - Saarbrucken - Garage
Sep. 03 - GER - Munich - Backstage
Sep. 04 - CH - Huttikon - Meh Stuff! Metal Festival
Sep. 05 - FR - Torcy - Fall Of Summer
Sep. 06 - UK - Plymouth - The Hub
Sep. 07 - UK - Manchester - Sound Control
Sep. 08 - UK - London - The Dome
Sep. 09 - UK - Bristol - The Marble Factory
Sep. 10 - HOL - Nijmegen - Doornroosje
Sep. 11 - GER - Andernach - Death Feast Open Air
Sep. 13 - FR - Toulouse - Connexion Live
Sep. 15 - SP - Bilbao - Santana 27
Sep. 16 - POR - Porto - Hard Club
Sep. 17 - POR - Lisbon - RCA Club
Sep. 18 - SP - Madrid - Arena
Sep. 19 - SP - Barcelona - Razzamataz 2

Sep. 20 - FR - Marseille - Moulin -
Sep. 21 - CH - La Chaux-de-Fonds - Bikini Test
Sep. 23 - ITA - Brescia - Circolo Colony
Sep. 24 - SLO - Ljubljana - Kino Siska
Sep. 25 - HUN - Budapest - A38
Sep. 26 - A - Wien - Szene
Sep. 27 - SK - Kosice - Collosseum


The reigning kings of technical, historically-themed brutality, NILE, are currently in the studio wrapping up the mix of their upcoming album »What Should Not Be Unearthed«. Produced by NILE and mixed by Neil Kernon. The album will be released August 28th, 2015 via Nuclear Blast Records...

NILE will hit the road together with their label mates SUFFOCATION as special guests, to support their upcoming masterpiece »What Should Not Be Unearthed«. ... unced.html



 Asunto: Re: Nuevo trabajo de NILE
NotaPublicado: Mié Jul 08, 2015 2:55 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Lista de temas de "What Should Not Be Unearthed" lo nuevo de NILE

En nuevo disco de Nile "What Should Not Be Unearthed", ha sido producido por Nile y mezclado por Neil Kernon. El CD será lanzado el 28 de agosto por Nuclear Blast.


01. Call To Destruction
02. Negating The Abominable Coils Of Apep
03. Liber Stellae Rubeae
04. In The Name Of Amun
05. What Should Not Be Unearthed
06. Evil To Cast Out Evil
07. Age Of Famine
08. Ushabti Reanimator
09. Rape Of The Black Earth
10. To Walk Forth From Flames Unscathed

NILE, reveal the tracklist of »What Should Be Unearthed«, which will be released on August, 28th via Nuclear Blast. ... klist.html


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo trabajo de NILE
NotaPublicado: Sab Jul 25, 2015 2:19 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
NILE: nuevo tema "Call to Destruction"


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo trabajo de NILE
NotaPublicado: Vie Ago 14, 2015 2:36 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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NILE: nuevo tema "Evil To Cast Out Evil"


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo trabajo de NILE
NotaPublicado: Sab Sep 07, 2019 2:01 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Detalles del nuevo disco de NILE, "Vile Nilotic Rites"

Nile lanzaran su noveno álbum, “Vile Nilotic Rites”, el 1 de noviembre a través de Nuclear Blast.

El disco fue grabado y producida por Karl Sanders en loa estudios “Serpent Headed” en Greenville, Carolina del Sur con la excepción de la batería que se grabó en los estudios “Esoteron Music” en Atenas, Grecia, los ingenieros de sonido fueron Jim Touras y George Dovolos. El álbum fue mezclado y masterizado por Mark Lewis en los estudios “MRL”.
La portada del álbum es obra de Michał "Xaay" Loranc, que ha trabajado con la banda durante más de 10 años.


01. Long Shadows Of Dread
02. Oxford Handbook Of Savage Genocidal Warfare
03. Vile Nilotic Rites
04. Seven Horns Of War
05. That Which Is Forbidden
06. Snake Pit Mating Frenzy
07. Revel In Their Suffering
08. Thus Sayeth The Parasites Of The Mind
09. Where Is The Wrathful Sky
10. The Imperishable Stars Are Sickened
11. We Are Cursed


Karl Sanders: Guitarra, Voz
George Kollias: Batería
Brad Parris: Bajo, Voz
Brian Kingsland: Guitarra, Voz

2019-09-06 - Technical death metal Egyptologists NILE are proud to reveal their ninth album, »Vile Nilotic Rites,« will be released on November 1st via Nuclear Blast. Today, the band gives fans a taste of the album with the release of the first single 'Long Shadows Of Dread.' Watch the lyric video here:

Mastermind Karl Sanders comments, "I am thankful the day has finally arrived that we can share with fans the first single from »Vile Nilotic Rites.« It's the opening track on the new disc, and a song we will be thoroughly enjoying playing live on our upcoming EU and USA tours. 'Long Shadows' was chosen as the first song we want people to hear from this upcoming album as this crushing track should leave NO DOUBT in anyone's mind concerning the uncompromising, brutal, destructive intent evident throughout the entirety of the »Vile Nilotic Rites« album. I would also like to thank our fans who have been patiently waiting while we worked tirelessly to make this record undeniably the best NILE record in many years."

»Vile Nilotic Rites« was recorded and produced by Karl Sanders at Serpent Headed Studios in Greenville, South Carolina with the exception of the drums which were recorded at Esoteron Music Studios in Athens, Greece with engineering handled by Jim Touras and George Dovolos. The album was mixed and mastered by Mark Lewis at MRL Studios. For the album artwork, the band returned to artist Michał "Xaay" Loranc who has worked with the band for over 10 years. ... laquo.html


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo trabajo de NILE
NotaPublicado: Mar Oct 08, 2019 2:03 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
NILE: nuevo tema "Vile Nilotic Rites"


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo trabajo de NILE
NotaPublicado: Lun Jul 04, 2022 1:27 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Brad Parris (bajo/voz) deja NILE

Nile han anunciado que su bajista y vocalista Brad Parris, dejará la banda este año.

Comunicado de la banda:

Es hora de que compartamos con nuestros fans y la comunidad de metal que Brad Parris dejará Nile este año. Esto es algo que conocemos y hemos estado trabajando junto con Brad para la transición. Brad ha sido un miembro ejemplar de la banda Nile desde 2015, comportándose en todo momento con profesionalismo e integridad. Se va en los mejores términos para concentrarse en otros proyectos y preocupaciones familiares.

Nuestra amistad y hermandad siguen siendo tan fuertes como siempre, y le deseamos lo mejor mientras continúa su viaje musical en la vida.

Los compromisos de gira y grabación de Nile siguen vigentes. ¡Es natural que una banda que se ha fortalecido durante más de 25 años tenga cambios y prometemos a nuestros fans que nos mantendremos tan fieles y brutales como siempre!

En este momento tenemos algunos candidatos fuertes para el bajo/voz, sin embargo, cualquier persona interesada en audicionar debe enviar un correo electrónico a


It’s time for us to share with our fans and the metal community that Brad Parris is leaving Nile this year. This is something that we have known about and have been working together with Brad through the transition. Brad has been an exemplary band member of Nile since 2015, conducting himself at all times with professionalism and integrity. He is parting under the absolute best of terms to focus on other projects and family concerns.
Our friendship and brotherhood remain as strong as ever, and we wish him only the best as he continues his musical journey in life.
Nile’s touring and recording commitments remain in effect. It is natural for a band that’s been going strong for 25+ years to have changes and we promise our fans to stay as true and brutal as ever!
At this time we have a few strong candidates for bass/vocals, however any persons interested in auditioning should email ... AV8tbhn9Vl


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo trabajo de NILE
NotaPublicado: Jue May 30, 2024 3:40 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
NILE regresan con nuevo disco

Nile regresa en 2024 con su décimo disco, "The Underworld Awaits Us All", que se lanzará el 23 de agosto a través de Napalm Records.


01. Stelae Of Vultures
02. Chapter For Not Being Hung Upside Down On A Stake In The Underworld And Made To Eat Feces By The Four Apes
03. To Strike With Secret Fang
04. Naqada II Enter The Golden Age
05. The Pentagrammathion Of Nephren-Ka
06. Overlords Of The Black Earth
07. Under The Curse Of The One God
09. Doctrine Of Last Things
10. True Gods Of The Desert
11. The Underworld Awaits Us All
12. Lament For The Destruction Of Time


Karl Sanders: guitarra, voz, teclados
George Kollias - Batería
Brian Kingsland - Guitarra, Voz
Zach Jeter - Guitarra, Voz
Dan Vadim Von - Bajo

Death Metal Icons Nile to Release First New Album in Five Years, The Underworld Awaits Us All. Out August 23, 2024 via Napalm Records!
Watch the video for "Chapter for Not Being Hung Upside Down on a Stake in the Underworld and Made to Eat Feces by the Four Apes" here:
Pre-Order the album here:
World-renowned American death metal icons NILE return in 2024 with their highly-anticipated 10th onslaught, The Underworld Awaits Us All, out August 23 via Napalm Records. Boasting airtight technicality and unrelenting brutality, the new album pushes each member of NILE – founding mastermind/guitarist Karl Sanders, longtime drum master George Kollias, vocalist/guitarists Brian Kingsland and Zach Jeter, and bassist Dan Vadim Von – to their furthest extremes both in artistry and performance.
Once again produced and recorded at Sanders’ own Serpent Headed Studios in Greenville, South Carolina, the band returned to Vile Nilotic Rites engineer Mark Lewis (Cannibal Corpse, Dying Fetus, Whitechapel) for mixing and mastering.
In celebration of today's announcement, NILE have dropped the album's first new single, "Chapter for Not Being Hung Upside Down on a Stake in the Underworld and Made to Eat Feces by the Four Apes", alongside a new official music video. Topped by killer screams and gutturals, the track is a winding hacksaw of brutal tech-death injections citing the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
NILE's Karl Sanders comments on the new track and video:
“'Chapter for not being Hung Upside Down' is one of our favorite tracks on the new record. It’s a lot of fun to play, challenging and unpredictable, but with an infectiously brutal, unrestrained vibe that I am very certain will be a blast in the mosh pit during live shows.
We are super happy to be working with Tom Flynn for the video for this song - he is a visionary with insanely creative ideas and a really cool guy to work with. Very excited for people to see what he has been cooking up with this video." ... dcxRzkTjul


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo trabajo de NILE
NotaPublicado: Mié Ago 21, 2024 2:43 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
NILE publican su nuevo tema "Under the Curse of the One God"


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