THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER: nuevo disco "Everblack"Facebook: BLACK DAHLIA MURDER lanzará su sexto álbum de larga duración "Everblack" el 11 de junio a través de Metal Blade Records. El CD fue grabado en los estudios Audiohammer (guitarra solista y voz), Rustbelt Studios (batería), y Regal fecal (guitarra y bajo). La mezcla estuvo a cargo de Jason Williams y Ryan Suecof, el master fue completado por Alan Douches en los West West Side Music (SEPULTURA, ASFIXIA, UNEARTH) en New Windsor, Nueva York.

01. In Hell Is Where She Waits For Me
02. Goat Of Departure
03. Into The Everblack
04. Raped In Hatred By Vines Of Thorn
05. Phantom Limb Masturbation
06. Control
07. Blood Mine
08. Every Rope a Noose
09. Their Beloved Absentee
10. Map Of Scars
Michigan's unstoppable sons of molten melodic death metal THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER will release their sixth full-length album, "Everblack", on June 11 via Metal Blade Records. The CD was recorded at Audiohammer Studios (lead guitars and vocals), Rustbelt Studios (drums), and Regal Fecal (guitar and bass). Mixing was handled by Jason Suecof and Ryan Williams, mastering was completed by Alan Douches at West West Side Music (SEPULTURA, SUFFOCATION, UNEARTH) in New Windsor, New York. Frontman Trevor Strnad's horror-inspired lyrics persist on "Everblack", beginning with "In Hell Is Where She Waits For Me", a reference to the murder from which the band took for its moniker. The cover artwork was painted by renowned artist Nick Keller. ... adlines%29