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 Asunto: Disco debut de HER CHARIOT AWAITS
NotaPublicado: Mié Oct 16, 2019 2:37 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Frontiers Music nos presentan la nueva banda “Her Chariot Awaits”, un proyecto que nace de la unión de Mike Orlando (Adrenaline Mob) y Ailyn (ex-Sirenia). La banda actualmente está terminando su álbum debut que lanzarán a principios de 2020.



Mike Orlando - Guitarra, bajo y voz
Ailyn - Voz principal
Jeff Thal - Batería
Brian Gearty - Bajo


Frontiers Music Srl is excited to announce the signing of Her Chariot Awaits, a new band project featuring the artistic union between the awesome American guitarist and producer Mike Orlando Music (Adrenaline Mob) and highly regarded ex-Sirenia singer Ailyn on lead vocals. The band is currently wrapping up their debut album for release in early 2020.

This exciting new musical alliance came about through the vision of Frontiers, which put the two artists - each eager to create a new and exciting musical project - in touch with one another. The pair gelled very well, as listeners will be able to hear upon the album's release. Ailyn, especially, is excited to be able to explore new and very muscular, but still melodic, musical landscapes.

The resulting album, which will see the light of day in the first part of 2020, offers up songs that will excite all lovers of technical, aggressive and extremely catchy heavy metal music. Melting the well defined metal approach of Adrenaline Mob with more melodic hooks, Her Chariot Awaits showcases the incredible vocal talents of Ailyn. Here, she moves in a heavier and more straight ahead territory compared to her previous band, Sirenia.

Ailyn says, “After a two year break from the scene, I am pleased to announce my new collaboration with Mike Orlando on Her Chariot Awaits. I’m very honoured and thankful to be part of it. I’m looking forward for everyone to learn about this new adventure, which allowed me to experiment and explore a new side on my singing, working together with a great musician. Her Chariot Awaits is a new step forward on my music career and I can’t wait to share the beginning of this journey with all of you."

Mike Orlando says, “It was a pleasure to write and perform an album with a singer like Ailyn with music that is geared more towards the commercial side of rock. Ailyn has a beautiful voice and was great to work with in and out of the studio, as was as Jeff Thal on drums! I'm very happy with how the album is coming out. It's a great collection of hard hitting yet melodic commercial rock tracks, which I hope you all enjoy.”

The resulting album is going to leave people breathless and marks an amazing union of two great artists who still have a lot to prove - stay tuned!

Be sure to follow the band on their newly launch Facebook page here:


Mike Orlando - Guitars, Bass, & Additional Vocals
Ailyn - Lead Vocals
Jeff Thal - Drums
Brian Gearty - Bass

Written, Produced, & Mixed by Mike Orlando ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Disco debut de HER CHARIOT AWAITS (Ailyn)
NotaPublicado: Sab Feb 08, 2020 3:42 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
Disco debut de HER CHARIOT AWAITS (Ailyn)


Her Chariot Awaits es un grupo de hard rock / metal recién formado con la vocalista española Ailyn (ex-Sirenia) y el guitarrista y productor estadounidense Mike Orlando (Adrenaline Mob). El debut homónimo de la banda se lanzará el 10 de abril de 2020 a través de Frontiers Music Srl.


01. Misery
02. Dead & Gone
03. Screaming Misfire
04. Stolen Heart
05. Constant Craving
06. Say No
07. Line Of Fire
08. Turning The Page
09. Take Me Higher
10. Just Remember
11. Forgive Me Dear


Mike Orlando – guitarra, bajo, voz
Ailyn – voz
Jeff Thal – batería
Brian Gearty – bajo

Escrito, producido y mezclado por Mike Orlando

Her Chariot Awaits is a newly formed hard rock/metal group featuring the highly regarded Spanish vocalist Ailyn (ex-Sirenia) and the awesome American guitarist and producer Mike Orlando (Adrenaline Mob). The band's self-titled debut will be released on April 10, 2020 via Frontiers Music Srl. Today, the band has released their first single and music video, 'Dead & Gone'. Watch the video HERE:

Stream the single and pre-order physical or digital copies of the album HERE:

Of first single 'Dead & Gone', Ailyn says "Dead & Gone tells as story in the first person of how it feels to have been neglected and abandoned by somebody, in this case a biological father. It's about the words the character, a woman, wants to express to make him realize how he made her feel, and in a way put an end to that story in her life and be able to move on."

On the writing of the song, Mike says, "The song came together musically starting with the verse guitar parts and the heavy bridge/solo section. From that point everything fell into place as I wanted the chorus to drop more into a slower half time groove. Lyrically, it started as somewhat of a letter from my girlfriend Dana regarding her biological father. I then turned the basis of what she was trying to say into a more streamlined story and added a chorus and some key sections. A true story brought to life in a song and a powerful message that Ailyn delivered wonderfully."

Continues Orlando, "We had a great time shooting the video over the course of a few days. It takes place in multiple locations, which included an old Victorian style home and a beautiful modern farmhouse style home owned by my dear friend Nancy. Ailyn plays the part of a daughter who feels neglected and abandoned by her father. The video ends up outside with the band performing around a raging fire pit in an attempt to rid herself of all the memories and pain and move on. The final moment being encompassed by her tossing dirt on the flame, putting an end to the story and walking away."

This exciting new musical alliance came about through the vision of Frontiers, who put the two artists – each eager to create a new and exciting project – in touch. The pair gelled extremely well, creating an album that offers songs that will excite all lovers of technical, aggressive, modern and extremely catchy heavy music. Melting the well defined metal approach of Adrenaline Mob with more melodic hooks, Her Chariot Awaits showcases the incredible vocal talents of Ailyn. Here, she moves in a heavier and more straight ahead direction compared to her previous band.

“After a two year break from the scene, I am pleased to announce my new collaboration with Mike Orlando on Her Chariot Awaits. I’m very honoured and thankful to be part of it. I’m looking forward to everyone learning about this new adventure, which allowed me to experiment and explore a new side to my singing, working together with a great musician. Her Chariot Awaits is a new step forward in my music career and I can’t wait to share the beginning of this journey with all of you,” enthuses Ailyn.

Orlando adds that “It was a pleasure to write and perform an album with a singer like Ailyn with music that is geared more towards the commercial side of rock. Ailyn has a beautiful voice and was great to work with in and out of the studio, as was Jeff Thal on drums! I’m very happy with how the album is coming out. It’s a great collection of hard hitting yet melodic commercial rock tracks, which I hope you will all enjoy.”

The album is a remarkable union of two great artists who still have a lot to prove, and is going to leave listeners breathless come April 10th! ... ?__tn__=-R


 Asunto: Re: Disco debut de HER CHARIOT AWAITS (Ailyn)
NotaPublicado: Jue Mar 05, 2020 3:30 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
HER CHARIOT AWAITS: nuevo tema "Constant Craving"


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