Rein Blomquist (Bajo) abandona LEPROUS"Como algunos de vosotros podríais haber sospechado, Rein y Leprous han escogido diferentes caminos para el futuro. Rein ha sido parte de Leprous en nuestros dos mejores años hasta ahora, y le estamos eternamente agradecidos por toda la gran música y los buenos tiempos. Tocará su último show con Leprous en el "Brutal Assault" este sábado, así que estate allí si quieres decirle adiós!"
Rein: "Ha llegado para mí el momento de separarme de Leprous, siento la necesidad de dar prioridad a cosas diferentes en la vida, y como Leprous es una banda que necesita y merece un alto nivel de dedicación, decidí que lo mejor iba a ser despedirme...."
Martin Skrebergene será el nuevo bajista de la banda.

As some of you might have suspected, Rein and Leprous have chosen different paths for the future. Rein has been a part of Leprous in our two best years so far, and we are forever grateful for all the great music good times! He will play his last Leprous-show on Brutal Assault this Saturday, so be there if you wanna wave him goodbye! Rein: "The time has come for me to part ways with Leprous. I feel the need to prioritize different things in life, and as Leprous is a band that needs, and deserves, a high level of dedication, I decided that the best course of action was to take my leave.
I am extremely grateful for being a part of Leprous for the last couple of years, for all the great memories and experiences, the ups and downs, and for being able to share them all with the rest of the guys in the band. I am confident that Leprous will continue on to accomplish great things, and I look forward to follow Leprous into the future.
Thanks for the ride, guys!" But....we are really happy to announce our new bassplayer, Martin Skrebergene! Martin is a very talented bassplayer, the most beautiful bass sound and technique we've heard in a while! We want you all to give him a warm welcome, and be there when he will perform his first Leprous show at Le Ferrallieur in Nantes, France! Martin: "I'm really excited to be a part of this great band and inspiring group of people. I look forward to bringing my style and musical influences into the band, and contributing with shaping an awesome future ahead with Leprous' ... 100&type=1