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 Asunto: Lo nuevo de NITA STRAUSS
NotaPublicado: Jue Mar 23, 2023 4:07 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
Nuevo single de NITA STRAUSS

Nita Strauss, ha lanzado un nuevo sencillo, "Winner Takes All", con la colaboración especial de Alice Cooper. El tema pertenece al próximo álbum en solitario de Nita, que se publicará a finales de este año a través de Sumerian Records.


"Cuando estábamos trabajando en la música de este álbum, no había duda de que quería crear una canción para colaborar con mi jefe y amigo de toda la vida, el legendario Alice Cooper. Creo que la canción logra lo que nos propusimos hacer: exhibir la voz y el estilo característico de Alice en el contexto de una pista de rock pesado y moderno. Después de muchos años de prestar mi estilo de interpretación a la música de Alice en el escenario, fue un verdadero honor trabajar juntos y escuchar su voz en una de mis canciones".


“Winner Takes All” featuring one of my favorite people in the world, the legendary Alice Cooper, is streaming now on all platforms!!

This was one guest appearance I knew I wanted on the record from day 1, and after so many years of lending my style of playing to Alice's music on stage, it was truly an honor to work together on this and hear his voice on our song! Let’s rock

Make sure and tune into Nights with Alice Cooper tomorrow for an exclusive interview with the boss and myself! ... ?__tn__=-R

"When we were working on the music for this album, there was no question that I wanted to create a song to collaborate with my longtime boss and friend, the legendary Alice Cooper. I think the track accomplishes what we set out to do — showcase Alice's voice and signature style on the backdrop of a heavy, modern rock track. After many years of lending my style of playing to Alice's music on stage, it was truly an honor to work together and hear his voice on one of my songs!" ... er-out-now


 Asunto: Re: Lo nuevo de NITA STRAUSS
NotaPublicado: Sab May 13, 2023 3:17 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
NITA STRAUSS anuncia su segundo disco

La guitarrista Nita Strauss lanzará su segundo álbum en solitario, "The Call Of The Void", el 7 de julio a través de Sumerian Records.

El último sencillo del LP, "The Golden Trail", con la participación del vocalista de In Flames, Anders Fridén, se puede oír más abajo.


01. Summer Storm
02. The Wolf You Feed (feat. Alissa White-Gluz)
03. Digital Bullets (feat. Chris Motionless)
04. Through the Noise (feat. Lzzy Hale)
05. Consume the Fire
06. Dead Inside (feat. David Draiman)
07. Victorious (feat. Dorothy)
08. Scorched
09. Momentum
10. The Golden Trail (feat. Anders Fridén)
11. Winner Takes All (feat. Alice Cooper)
12. Monster (feat. Lilith Czar)
13. Kintsugi
14. Surfacing (feat. Marty Friedman)


Have you ever been at the top of a high building and had the fleeting thought “… I could jump right now?”
This feeling is sometimes called “The Call of the Void”, also known as “High place phenomenon.” It’s not a suicidal impulse, rather the exact opposite- an unconscious decision to live your life, to step back from the ledge and take control. As researcher April Smith aptly put it: "An urge to jump affirms the urge to live.”
I wanted the follow up to Controlled Chaos to be exciting, new and fresh, to take listeners to a new place and take myself somewhere new as an artist too. We have some amazing collaborations on this album with incredible musicians, as well as the instrumental guitar music that first inspired me to play.
Grateful more than words can say - lots to come! ... el?__cft__


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