K.K. Downing, Tim “Ripper” Owens y Les Binks se unen en KK'S PRIEST Los ex miembros de Judas Priest K.K. Downing (guitarra), Tim "Ripper" Owens (voz) y Les Binks (batería) se han unido creando la nueva banda KK's Priest. El grupo, que rendirá homenaje a Downing, se completa con el guitarrista A.J. Mills (Hostile) y el bajista Tony Newton (Voodoo Six).
Dice Downing en una parte de su comunicado: "Debido a la demanda masiva y al apoyo abrumador de fans de todo el mundo, siento que aquí es a donde pertenezco, a un grupo que combina las verdaderas canciones clásicas y el sonido de Priest, junto con grandes pistas de metal recién forjadas, es lo que los fans pueden esperar de KK's Priest".
KK's Priest están trabajando en su álbum debut, que se lanzará a través de Explorer1 Music Group. También actuaran en conciertos selectos a finales de este año para conmemorar el 50 aniversario de Priest y la carrera de Downing como miembro fundador.

Former JUDAS PRIEST members K.K. Downing (guitar), Tim "Ripper" Owens (vocals) and Les Binks (drums) have joined forced in a new band called KK'S PRIEST. The group, which will pay homage to Downing's past the lineup, is rounded out by guitarist A.J. Mills (HOSTILE) and bassist Tony Newton (VOODOO SIX).
"Forging ahead with KK'S PRIEST was not only inevitable but essential for me to perform and deliver everything that is expected from me and KK'S PRIEST," Downing said in a statement. "Due to the massive demand and overwhelming support from fans around the world, I feel this is where I belong, and a set combining the true, classic songs and sound of PRIEST, together with great, newly forged metal tracks, is what fans can expect when KK'S PRIEST is taking to stages."
KK'S PRIEST is working on its debut album, to be released via Explorer1 Music Group. It will also play select shows later this year to mark the 50th anniversary of PRIEST and Downing's career as a founding member. KK'S PRIEST's setlist will consist of PRIEST classics and new songs.
KK'S PRIEST is represented exclusively by Andy Gould for Explorer1, with Jim Morewood handling the band's global bookings outside the U.S. for the K2 Agency.
https://www.blabbermouth.net/news/k-k-d ... ks-priest/