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 Asunto: Judas Priest - Live in Dortmund 1983
NotaPublicado: Vie Ene 04, 2019 11:21 pm 
The Sentinel
The Sentinel
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Registrado: Sab Jun 21, 2008 8:21 am
Mensajes: 4907
Judas Priest - Live in Dortmund 1983/12/18 [Rock Pop Festival '83] [60fps] 720p60 NTSC

00:00 - Riding On The Wind
03:05 - Breaking The Law
06:02 - Freewheel Burning
10:40 - You've Got Another Thing Comin'
18:38 - Living After Midnight
22:59 - Victim Of Changes
33:09 - Hell Bent For Leather


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