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 Asunto: Metallica - Live in Lincoln, Nebraska - September 6, 2018
NotaPublicado: Mar May 25, 2021 3:47 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Metallica - Live in Lincoln, Nebraska - September 6, 2018

00:00:00 Intro
00:05:08 Hardwired
00:08:49 Atlas, Rise!
00:15:23 Seek & Destroy
00:22:36 The Memory Remains
00:27:42 The Unforgiven III
00:36:30 Now That We’re Dead
00:47:13 Creeping Death
00:54:12 For Whom the Bell Tolls
00:59:34 Fade to Black
01:08:52 Rob & Kirk’s Doodle
01:14:24 Hit the Lights
01:18:32 Fuel
01:23:02 Moth Into Flame
01:34:27 Sad But True
01:40:38 One
01:49:24 Master of Puppets
02:01:15 Spit Out the Bone
02:08:32 Nothing Else Matters
02:15:23 Enter Sandman


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