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 Asunto: Xandria - Reborn
NotaPublicado: Mié May 25, 2022 2:27 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Xandria - Reborn

Vuelva Xandria con nuevo video y formación.

Parte de la nota que ha colgado la banda en sus redes sociales:

“Queridos fans de Xandria,

Xandria finalmente renace.

Ha sido un gran viaje hasta ahora, y un nuevo viaje está a punto de comenzar ahora mismo.
Aún habrá mucho por venir, y "Reborn" es solo la primera señal de vida para todos ustedes, increíbles fans. ¡Muchas gracias por su paciencia y apoyo, en este tiempo necesario para volver a la vida! ¡Ni siquiera podemos comenzar a decirles cuánto apreciamos las cálidas palabras de bienvenida de muchos de ustedes en los últimos días! ¡Gracias a todos! ¡Realmente esperamos que estés disfrutando de esta nueva canción!...

… "Reborn" también presenta a nuestra nueva cantante Ambre Vourvahis, que para nosotros es la combinación perfecta para la nueva Xandria…

… Como puede ver, también hay algunas otras caras nuevas.
Sus nombres son: Dimitrios Gatsios (batería), Dimitrios GatsiosTim Schwarz (bajo) y Rob Klawonn (guitarra)...

Nuestros antiguos miembros continuaron con nuevos trabajos musicales, y les deseamos a todos lo mejor para el futuro...

Queremos compartir con todos ustedes una declaración de los antiguos miembros Philip, Gerit y Marco:

"Después de un largo viaje juntos, durante el cual compartimos grandes experiencias, pero también nos desarrollamos en diferentes direcciones, hemos decidido que es hora de que cada uno de nosotros siga nuestro propio camino. Nos gustaría agradecer a los fans por los muchos recuerdos maravillosos y les deseamos lo mejor para el futuro. Nos vemos pronto con nuestros proyectos nuevos o antiguos. ¡La música seguirá conectándonos a todos!
Felipe, Gerit y Marco"..."


Dear Xandria fans,
Xandria is finally reborn.
It has been quite a journey so far, and a new journey is about to begin right now.
There will be a lot to come still, and "Reborn" is just the first sign of life for all of you amazing fans out there. Thank you so much for your patience and support, in this time needed to be coming back to life! We cannot even begin to tell you how much we appreciate the warm welcoming words of many of you in the last days! Thank you all! We truly hope you will be enjoying this new song!
It tells you about the time when you feel that something very precious in your life, the passion that you give all your heart into, is about to die - and that you need all your strength for going through a hard time in which you have to painfully sacrifice and leave behind things, to let it be reborn.
There definitely was a lot of passion and heart going into this song, too.
"Reborn" also introduces our new singer Ambre Vourvahis, who for us is the perfect match for the new Xandria you are going to experience! You will hear something more about her very soon! In this song you can hear already a few of her diverse voice facettes, but she will show you quite some more still, so be prepared for some surprises…
As you can see there are also a few other new faces.
Their names are: Dimitrios Gatsios (drums), Dimitrios GatsiosTim Schwarz (bass) and Rob Klawonn (guitar). Robert Klawonn
You will soon learn more about these both great people and musicians, too!
Our former members went on to new musical endevours, and we wish all of them the best for the future, every single musician having been in the band and everyone else having been involved over the years, in gratefulness and respect for the times we shared and everything that they have done for Xandria.
We want to share a statement of the long time members Philip, Gerit and Marco with you all:
"After a long journey together, during which we were sharing great experiences, but as well have developed in different directions, we have decided that it is time for each of us to go our own way. We would like to thank the fans for the many wonderful memories, and wish each other all the best for the future. See all of you soon out there with our new or old projects. The music will be connecting us all still!
Philip, Gerit and Marco"
Check out Gerit´s new band Catalyst Crime and Steven in ORDEN OGAN
Also you can follow Philip and Gerit in their new band King Chaos & The Handsome Hellhounds King Chaos & The Handsome Hellhounds ... 286679490/


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