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 Asunto: Europe - Hold Your Head Up
NotaPublicado: Vie Sep 29, 2023 2:36 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Europe - Hold Your Head Up

El tema "Hold Your Head Up”, fue grabado en agosto en los Atlantis Studios de Estocolmo con el productor Klas Åhlund (Ghost, Robyn) y fue mezclado por Stefan Glaumann (Rammstein, Def Leppard), quien también mezcló el álbum "Secret Society" de Europe. La canción, que estará disponible para streaming y descargar el viernes 29 de septiembre en todas las plataformas digitales, servirá como adelanto del nuevo álbum, que se grabará en 2024 y se lanzará a finales de 2024 o principios de 2025.


Less than 2 days to go!
Our brand new single “HOLD YOUR HEAD UP” is available this Friday 29th September at 00:01 am localized time through all the usual DSP’s inc Spotify, Apple Music and all others.
If you would like to pre-save/pre-add the song please use the following link: which will also be the ‘out now’ once the song is live.
We recorded the song at Atlantis Studios in Stockholm with producer Klas Åhlund (Ghost, Robyn) and it was mixed by Stefan Glaumann (Rammstein, Def Leppard) who also mixed EUROPE’S Secret Society album.
Due to the Worldwide release and the varying time zones we are pleased to say you can view the VIDEO for the song on the europethebandtv official YouTube account this THURSDAY 28th at 3 pm BST / 4 pm CEST / 7 am PDT / 10 am EDT
We will post the link at this time also.
We really hope you like it!
// Europe ... xHEoYguvpl


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