Only Heavy Metal

Noticas de Heavy Metal y Hard Rock en español. Foro Independiente con todas las novedades del mundo del Metal.

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NotaPublicado: Jue Jul 10, 2008 4:12 pm 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:13 am
Mensajes: 600

- All kind of download links are forbidden, including those linking to either P2P programs or direct down_loads of illegal or copyright-protected material. This includes requests and offerings of down_load links and links to other websites where they can be found.

Ignoring this rule entails the definitive expulsion from the Forum.

Piracy has no place in this site. We only offer information of the new releases that you can find in your music shop.

In no case this site supports piracy; actually it's frontally rejected, according to Spanish and many other countries' laws.

- Before posting, make sure there isn't another similar topic already existing. Your question may have been already answered; if it hasn't, look for a topic with a similar subject and ask there. Repeated posts will be deleted.

Use the Imagen Buscar option (buscar= Spanish word for "Search"), in the top centre of the forum. If you tick "Buscar todas las palabras" (=Search all the words"), you'll have more probabilities of finding what you look for.

Read carefully every section's description in order for you to know which is the right section to post in. This helps the forum's good working.

- No lack of respect or insults to any other forum user will be tolerated.

Ignoring this rule entails the definitive expulsion from the Forum.

- Do not write posts in capitals without a good reason. It's considered as shouting and a lack of respect towards the rest of users. It's also uncomfortable and sight-tiring, isn't it?

- Do not write two posts together. Use the EDIT button to change your messages or say something you forgot.

Do not write the same message in several different sections. All posts in wrong sections will be deleted, except for the one which is in the right section.

- Do not advertise other websites. Do not put any advertisement banner in your signature whose purposes were lucrative.

- News copied from other websites must include a direct link to the original site where it has been taken from. Exceptions will be made with those whose purpose was spam (these will be deleted, of course).

Ignoring this rule entails the definitive expulsion from the Forum.


1.- Avatar's maximum size is 150x150 pixels, being either animated or still images.

2.- Signature's maximum size is 410x175 pixels. If you have several images, the total size must not surpass the maximum. The reason is the better load of the forum.

3.- They must not link to any website or contain publicity.

- This rules are subject to changes under the Webmaster's criterion, according to new situations that might occur.

Translation by El Chupijuai. Blame him for anything you don't understand.

NotaPublicado: Lun Oct 06, 2008 5:15 pm 
Centinela de Asgard
Centinela de Asgard
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Registrado: Dom Jun 22, 2008 11:15 pm
Mensajes: 9957
Ubicación: Beneath the metal sky
All those messages whose contents differ from the original topic will be considered as spam, very specially in the following sections:

Ayuda / Help
Buzón de Sugerencias
Conciertos y Festivales
Only Heavy Metal Team

Metal Internacional
Metal Nacional
Metal Video

There are sections for contents of all kind. So, please, let's not spoil the abovementioned. This rule is made for general comfort and for everyone's good, because this way you'll be able to access information faster and more directly.

O es que crees que eres el único que va to ciclau ahiiii pinchando aguja por todo baraca? eh?

 Asunto: Re: FORUM RULES
NotaPublicado: Lun Jul 27, 2009 2:31 pm 
Centinela de Asgard
Centinela de Asgard
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Registrado: Dom Jun 22, 2008 11:15 pm
Mensajes: 9957
Ubicación: Beneath the metal sky
There are some rules that must be followed when posting albums, dvds...

The most important of those rules is that you can't post the emule link on the forum, because the server we are hosted in has its own rules, and one of them is no dowload links. So you have to post it as a recommendation with this name:

Name of the band ..... Name of the album/dvd ..... the year of edition .... OHM

For example:

Motorhead Inferno 30th Anniversary Edition 2005 OHM

Then, we search the file in emule with that name (Motorhead Inferno 30th Anniversary Edition 2005 OHM).


[Thanks to m6.]

O es que crees que eres el único que va to ciclau ahiiii pinchando aguja por todo baraca? eh?

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