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 Asunto: Re: ARKONA: Novedades varias
NotaPublicado: Mié Oct 07, 2009 10:15 pm 
Centinela de Asgard
Centinela de Asgard
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Registrado: Dom Jun 22, 2008 11:15 pm
Mensajes: 9957
Ubicación: Beneath the metal sky
Ooooootra canción más, esta sí que mola, al estilo "Kupala i kostroma" y demás

O es que crees que eres el único que va to ciclau ahiiii pinchando aguja por todo baraca? eh?

 Asunto: Re: ARKONA: Novedades varias
NotaPublicado: Jue Oct 08, 2009 7:08 am 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Registrado: Vie Oct 24, 2008 10:27 pm
Mensajes: 2444
Ubicación: Uvieu
como sigan así en un par de días tenemos el disco completo dedorisa.gif dedorisa.gif

Que afonía mas buena tiene esta tia...

Debaxo desi mandil
Tienes un paxarin pintu
Teo yo una escopetina
Dexame pegai un tiru.

 Asunto: Re: ARKONA: Novedades varias
NotaPublicado: Jue Oct 08, 2009 12:50 pm 
Centinela de Asgard
Centinela de Asgard
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Registrado: Dom Jun 22, 2008 11:15 pm
Mensajes: 9957
Ubicación: Beneath the metal sky
Para el disco completo aún faltan doce canciones... ochenta minutos, es una locura

O es que crees que eres el único que va to ciclau ahiiii pinchando aguja por todo baraca? eh?

 Asunto: Re: ARKONA: Novedades varias
NotaPublicado: Mar Jun 14, 2011 10:21 pm 
Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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Registrado: Vie Oct 17, 2008 1:34 pm
Mensajes: 602
Ubicación: Bergantitos
Lo nuevo de ARKONA en agosto


Los paganos rusos ARKONA anuncian que ya tienen listo su sexto trabajo, que recibirá por título Слово (pronunciado “slovo”, significa palabra). Saldrá a la venta a finales de agosto por medio de Napalm Records, como los dos anteriores, y la portada, que podéis ver ahí arriba, fue realizada por el siempre genial artista belga Kris Verwimp, que además hizo un dibujo a doble página de libreto para cada una de las canciones.


Aprovechamos para recordaros que estarán girando por primera vez por España la semana que viene; concretamente estarán en Madrid el martes 21 (Ritmo y Compás) y en Barcelona el miércoles 22 (Salamandra 1).

Fuente: ... -espanola/

chupi.gif Imagen chupi.gif

 Asunto: Re: ARKONA: Novedades varias
NotaPublicado: Mié Jun 15, 2011 3:15 pm 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody
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Registrado: Vie Nov 14, 2008 7:49 pm
Mensajes: 130
Ubicación: Barcelona
Huuu me gusta, me gusta muy mucho

 Asunto: Re: ARKONA: Novedades varias
NotaPublicado: Lun Jul 04, 2011 2:58 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
ARKONA, lista de temas de su nuevo disco "Slovo" y otros detalles


Arkona – “Slovo” 2011 (CD)

01. Az’
02. Arkaim
03. Bol’no mne
04. Leshiy
05. Zakliatie
06. Predok
07. Nikogda
08. Tam za tumanami
09. Potomok
10. Slovo
11. Odna
12. Vo moiom sadochke…
13. Stenka na Stenku
14. Zimushka


Masha "Scream" - vocals, screaming, growling, keyboards, tambourine, khomuz, shaman drums, shaker, choirs, acoustic guitar (Bol’no mne)
Sergey "Lazar" - guitars, acoustic guitars, balalaika, monologue (“Arkaim”, “Nikogda”)
Ruslan "Kniaz" - bass
Vlad "Artist" - drums
Vladimir "Volk" - Gaita Gallega, tin whistle, low whistle, sopilka, zhaleyka, blockflute, hurdy-gurdy
Mari Tadic (from Eluveitie) - violin
Anna Kalinovskaya (from Rodogost) – tsymbal
Pavel Lukoyanov – gusli (“Vo moiom sadochke…”)
Tatiana Narishkina (from Vedan’ Kolod’) – vocals (“Zimushka”)
Dariana Antipova (from Vedan’ Kolod’) – vocals (“Zimushka”)
Ilya "Wolfenhirt" (from Svarga) - choir ("Stenka na Stenku")
Aleksandr "Shmel" (from Rarog) - choir ("Stenka na Stenku")
Aleksandr Oleynikov (from Kalevala) - accordeon ("Stenka na Stenku")
Ilya "Hurry" (from Svarga) - accordeon ("Leshiy")
Radimir – monologue (“Potomok”)

Also take part:

Chamber Orchestra of Kazan State Conservatory N.G. Zhiganova (under the direction of Darya Ivanova)
The choir of Moscow State Conservatory students (conductor: Alexandra Sidorova)

Album recorded at CDM Records studio (Moscow sound) (November 2010 - April 2011)

Produced, engineered and mixed by Sergey “Lazar” and Masha “Scream”
Mastered by Sergey “Lazar”
Music & Lyrics: Masha "Scream", except: "Zimushka " (music is folk)

“Az” translates as “the beginning of all beginnings.”

1. Arkaim
Arkaim is the city of ancient Aryans, the ancestors of Slavs, it existed and was destroyed many thousands of years ago.
This song is the symbol of the return of the lost, but not forgotten, native things.

“Arkaim, the city of our grandfathers and heritage,
As if the smoke of thousands of years
Striving like flames into the skies,
Rouse yourself to reappear!”

2. Bol’no mne (It’s painful for me)
A song about the dying nature, about the suffering that the tormented souls of trees experience…
This song conveys the idea that in the future humankind, after destroying all living things on this planet, will destroy itself this way.

The silhouettes of dead trees and their hands,
Through the piercing light, through the hundred year wounds,
We’ll howl with pain that we don’t exist anymore.
Only cold…”

3. Leshiy
The Leshiy is a forest spirit in the Slavic mythology. The spirit of the dark “Nav” underworld, who guards his dwelling-place and can make a person never find a way out of the forest…

“Under an old pine-tree there is the Leshiy, squint-eyed and evil!
The Leshiy, squint-eyed, is guarding his forest citadel!”

4. Zakliatie (Incantation)
The song is an incantation, a pagan prayer to the chief Slavic god Rod, the forebear of all living things.

“Goi, the Great, the Manyfaced!
See the rite, the flames in the skies!
Appear before us, in the “Yav”!
Your eye us in the “Prav”, your hand is in the “Nav”!
Give strength to us standing here!
Goi, the Great, the Manyfaced!
Accept the rite, three times “Slava!”
Those who look into your eyes!”

5. Predok (Ancestor)
An address to a deceased ancestor, a prayer for help during hard times, asking to give advice to follow the course of life that is before us.

“I’ll wrap my words into dry leaves.
I’m sorry to have disturbed you.
Please, hear me, my dear ancestor.
I’ll drop my words into the ground for you.
Sleep peacefully…”

6. Nikogda (Never)
This song conveys the idea that in spite of the imposed, wrong conditions of the modern life, we are still alive and will never leave our land, cherishing in our hearts freedom and the true traditions of our people, we’ll carry it into the future through our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

“Never we’ll disappear into nothing,
We’ll survive through years!
The trace of war
Will never make us run into the darkness,
Never we will be kept in captivity on our land!”

7. Tam za tumanami (Behind the mist)
It’s an acoustic ballade that describes a warrior’s death, about the despair of a young woman, who perishes from the frost in a winter snow-covered field, waiting for her beloved.

“If you don’t come back, if you won’t be found,
I’ll whisper to you like the wind in the field.
I’ll shelter tenderly with my snow-covered hand,
I’ll scream a song that would protect you.
Walk your road, walk a wide road,
Swimming with the mist, become the morning dew.
Cover my heart, and under the sister Moon,
In the darkness of night, I will follow you.”

8. Potomok (The Descendant)
The address of a descendant that has just appeared in this world to people. He explains that he has went through many centuries and was born to glorify his land and continue the traditions through the ages.

“I will bow before Rod’s face,
Touch our mother-land with my hand,
I am little, but my heart is big,
And there are Words I have to tell you.”

9. Slovo (The Word)
The Word is something ancient stones, rivers, tumuli keep inside. The Word is what is inside your soul, with its help you can address the gods, talk to nature, people, yourself; The Word is a story about something, about past and future, about the forgotten and the returned; The Word is the voice of nature, the rustle of leaves, grass, the noise of rivers, bird singing, with The Word a person can do many things: to kill and to revive, to lose and to return.

“The crimson sundown I am trying to find in the sky,
Bringing my words to blind people with hope on my palm.
Standing before the dear idol, I’ll fall on my knees again,
Bringing my living words into the deep sky for him.”

10. Odna (Alone)
A song about loneliness in this strange world that is trying to impose its life laws, rules and moral, and all of them wear lying masks on their faces. There’s an impetuous desire to run away to people like you, but unfortunately the reality is harsh, and there is no one left like you. You have to live on, closing your eyes, hoping that in centuries people like you will come back to this land, together with you.

“Alone among pale faces,
In the world of strange shadows.
Again I’m roaming about this world,
Hiding from people,
I’ll tell you my secret.
I keep the precept of the ancestors,
Maybe in centuries
My kin will find me”

11. Vo moiom sadochke… (In my garden)
An acoustic ballade that describes a young widowed woman, who tells about her suffering to a river, how she saw her son off to war and lost him forever.

“River-sister, let me tell you about my pain,
Oi-da-ri-di-da, oi-da-ri-da, I can’t sleep at night.
I let my son go to war, to fight the enemy,
Told him, gods speed him on his way!
Saw him off, and now I’m alone.
Oi-da-ri-di-da, oi-da-ri-da,
Now I’m alone.”

12. Stenka na Stenku (Wall on wall)
Wall on wall is an ancient Slavic entertainment for men, that was basically a fist fight. Such a thing was conducted quite often on July 24, the Perun (the war god) festival. Two rows of men stood facing each other like two walls and at run they started the fight in the middle of the ground. Such an entertainment was believed to be good for strengthening the fighting spirit.

“Wall on wall – knee-deep grass,
Wall on wall – fear, disappear!
The lightning rune in this Perun day
Will guide us into the fist fight.”

13. Zimushka (Winter)
A cover song of an ancient Siberian native song, the motives are according to Tatiana Naryshkina (‘Vedan Kolod’ band).
The song is about the unhappy life of a family couple, the wife kills her husband in the end.

“Oh, my husband, oh, my darling,
My dear husband.
Oh, my husband, oh, my darling,
My dear husband, oh.
My dear husband, oh,
We’ll go home.”



 Asunto: Re: ARKONA: Novedades varias
NotaPublicado: Jue Jul 21, 2011 4:47 pm 
Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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Registrado: Vie Oct 17, 2008 1:34 pm
Mensajes: 602
Ubicación: Bergantitos
Canción nueva

Se llama "Никогда" (nikogdá) y es esa de arriba.

Si a alguien le interesa mi opinión:

Sorprendente cuando menos, especialmente después de aquel fiesticutre Стенка на стенку. Vamos por partes: empieza con una tormenta to bruta en plan grindcore, luego llega un coro que recuerda más a grupos extremos sinfónicos y a continuación llega el death melódico a lo Eluveitie. Después un trozo que recuerda más al Arkona estándar, y a partir de ahí se van entremezclando melodez y Arkona estándar. Dejémoslo mejor en "menos diferente". No sé qué pensar, si os digo la verdad. La primera vez que la oí al principio pensé que menudo horror, pero una vez que se estabiliza, la melodía está realmente bien, je trouve. Me encuentro en un dilema. No sé si me encanta o me horroriza. Es como si vas al Domus de Coruña y tocas el tubo ese de dos espirales enrolladas juntas, una caliente y otra fría. Probablemente me acabe decantando por la primera opción, porque la segunda mitad me gusta mucho más que la primera; si fuera al revés probablemente acabaría cogiéndole manía enseguida.

Bueno, ya que estamos os pongo algo de informeichon on di apcomin álbum, por si alguno no se enteró aún o no leyó lo que puso Xanceda en el comentario anterior a éste. Se llama Слово, pronunciado Slovo, Palabra en castellano, y si el anterior contaba con un quinteto de cuerdas y un coro, éste tiene otro coro y una orquesta completa. Y, como ya es habitual, tantos instrumentos tradicionales que yo creo que algunos nombres se los inventan. Serán catorce canciones, dos de las cuales ya hemos visto que son totalmente dispares entre sí, por lo que yo ya no me espero ni me desespero nada. Salvo, obviamente, que habrá un poco de todo en lugar de seguir todas las canciones una misma línea. Aunque igual me equivoco en esto también. Sale el 26 de agosto, habrá que esperar hasta entonces para juzgarlo...


...Sí, prejuzgar es mucho más divertido, yo también lo creo. Seguramente va a ser tremendamente irregular, con canciones mejores o peores pero cada una de su padre y de su madre, sin continuidad entre ellas y dejando sin cohesión al disco; y, para bien o para mal (hago hincapié en esto), podemos considerar que el Arkona de hace entre cuatro y seis años ya no volverá.

Anda que como se metan ellos también en el death melódico... menuda gracia.

chupi.gif Imagen chupi.gif

 Asunto: Re: ARKONA: Novedades varias
NotaPublicado: Vie Jul 22, 2011 4:58 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
ARKONA - Slovo Teaser

The "Slovo" track-by-track, which includes samples of the complete album, may be found HERE! "Slovo" will be released on 26 August!


 Asunto: Re: ARKONA: Novedades varias
NotaPublicado: Vie Jul 22, 2011 5:18 pm 
Centinela de Asgard
Centinela de Asgard
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Registrado: Dom Jun 22, 2008 11:15 pm
Mensajes: 9957
Ubicación: Beneath the metal sky
Buenobuenobueno, eso ya tiene mejor pinta :D

O es que crees que eres el único que va to ciclau ahiiii pinchando aguja por todo baraca? eh?

 Asunto: Re: ARKONA: Novedades varias
NotaPublicado: Sab Jul 23, 2011 3:39 pm 

Registrado: Sab May 01, 2010 10:25 am
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La verdad es que promete... ok1

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