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 Asunto: Behemoth - In Absentia Dei
NotaPublicado: Sab Jun 04, 2022 1:45 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Behemoth - In Absentia Dei

Setlist :
0:00 Intro
3:36 Evoe
6:50 Wolves ov Siberia
9:56 Prometherion
13:18 From the Pagan Vastlands
17:43 Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel
22:55 Antichristian Phenomenon
27:52 Conquer All
33:32 Lucifer
41:38 Satan's Sword (I have Become)
47:47 Ov Fire and the Void
53:10 Chwała Mordercom Wojciecha
57:28 As Above So Below
1:03:27 Slaves Shall Serve
1:07:01 Chant for Ezkaton 2000 e.v
1:13:50 Sculpting The Throne Ov Seth
1:19:39 Bartzabel
1:24:46 Decade Ov Therion
1:29:40 O Father O Satan O Sun!


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