BEHEMOTH: planes de nuevo disco... y Nergal publicita bebidaNergal, el líder de Behemoth, está orgulloso de anunciar que va a ser la cara de la bebida energética Demon. Una parte de los beneficios se destinarán a la fundación DKMS. La fundación DKMS conciencia y recauda fondos para apoyar a los diagnosticados con varios tipos de leucemia.
Nergal comentó: "Bueno, decidí aceptar la oferta para ser el rostro de esta bebida energética "Demon", nunca he sido un gran fan de estas bebidas, pero me encantó la idea detrás de esto ... La campaña está fuertemente conectada con la fundación DKMS (la que encontró un donante de médula ósea para mí). Un porcentaje de las ventas será donado a la fundación y hará que todo este asunto para mí valga la pena. Además, me encantó el nombre y el logotipo ... así que ¿por qué diablos? "
La banda ha anunciado que van a comenzar los ensayos para su próximo álbum en septiembre, tras sus actuaciones en varios festivales europeos durante las próximas dos semanas. Además, la banda se embarcará en una gira por Europa del Este en otoño...

Nergal announces Demon Energy Drink endorsement; Behemoth set to being rehearsals for new album in September
Nergal, the prolific front man of blackened death metal act, Behemoth, is proud to announce that he will be endorsing Demon Energy Drink. As in every project Nergal approaches, this will be on his own terms: a portion of the proceeds will benefit the DKMS foundation. The DKMS foundation raises awareness and funds to benefit those diagnoses with various forms of blood cancer. For more information, and to find out how to get involved, please visit
Nergal comments on endorsing Demon Energy Drink: "Well, I decided to accept the offer to be a face of this energy drink called Demon. I've never been much of a fan of such drinks but I loved the idea behind it… the whole campaign is strongly connected with DKMS foundation (the one that found a bone marrow donor for myself). The percentage of sales will be donated to the foundation and will make this whole business worthwhile for me. Besides, I loved the name and a logo…so why the fuck not?"
There continues to be more great news from the Behemoth camp. The band has announced that they will begin rehearsals for their next album in September, following their performances at several European festivals over the next two weeks. Additionally, the band will embark on a tour of Eastern Europe in the fall. More tour dates and news regarding brand new music from Behemoth will be released as it becomes available.