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 Asunto: Re: CRAZY LIXX prepara nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Vie Dic 23, 2011 3:58 pm 
Heavy Metal Hamster
Heavy Metal Hamster
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Registrado: Vie Ene 16, 2009 1:45 pm
Mensajes: 575
Buahhhhhhhhh, que ganitas!!!!


 Asunto: Re: CRAZY LIXX prepara nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Vie Dic 23, 2011 4:24 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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threewolves escribió:
Buahhhhhhhhh, que ganitas!!!!

¿Estos te gustan :roll: ? y yo pensando que estabas totalmente echada a perder en el mundo progresivo.

Y ¿The Poodles?


 Asunto: Re: CRAZY LIXX prepara nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Vie Dic 23, 2011 11:11 pm 
Heavy Metal Hamster
Heavy Metal Hamster
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Registrado: Vie Ene 16, 2009 1:45 pm
Mensajes: 575
Crazy Lixx me gustan muchísimo, su anterior disco el que más y Outloud y Bai Bang y Dynazty y si, también The Poodles también, aunque con el último me llevé un pequeño chasco, sólo salvo cuatro o cinco temas.


 Asunto: Re: CRAZY LIXX prepara nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Mar Feb 14, 2012 9:28 pm 
Rey de la Barra
Rey de la Barra
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Registrado: Lun Jun 23, 2008 2:35 pm
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Ubicación: En las cálidas tierras andaluzas
El nuevo disco de CRAZY LIXX en Abril


Forntiers Records lanzará en EEUU el dia 24 de Abril el nuevo disco de los suecos CRAZY LIXX titulado "Riot Avenue".

El disco ha sido producido por los mismos miembros de la banda.

Aquí tenéis el track list y la portada de "Riot Avenue":

01. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
02. Young Blood
03. Riot Avenue
04. Fire It Up
05. Downtown
06. In The Night
07. Church Of Rock
08. Heatseeker
09. Sweet, Bad & Beautiful
10. Be Gone
11. Only The Dead Know


Frontiers Records has set an April 24 North American release date for the new album from Swedish hard rockers CRAZY LIXX, "Riot Avenue". Produced by the bandmembers themselves, the CD finds CRAZY LIXX in fine form, with eleven sexy, hard-rocking new tracks on the their third studio release (the second for the Frontiers Records label).

Formed in southern Sweden in 2002, CRAZY LIXX was among the first bands to emerge in what has now become known as "The New Wave Of Swedish Sleaze" alongside CRASHDIET, HARDCORE SUPERSTAR, BABYLON BOMBS and VAINS OF JENNA. ... mID=169751

Dime con quien andas y te diré con quien vas

 Asunto: Re: CRAZY LIXX prepara nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Mar Feb 14, 2012 11:52 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Loke (bajo) deja la banda y más detalles del nuevo disco

La banda se encuentra una vez más reducida a tres miembros, con la reciente salida del bateria Joél Cirera y el bajista Loke Rivano (ambos figuran en el nuevo álbum) Los miembros restantes se verán obligados al difícil reemplazo de la sección de ritmo, antes de que empiece la gira en la primavera de 2012.

"Esto parece ser una maldición que sufre Crazy Lixx con más frecuencia que otras bandas. Cuando me uní a la banda acababa de perder a su guitarrista un mes después del lanzamiento del primer álbum y ahora, incluso antes de empezar a grabar este álbum Joél indicó que iba a ser su último álbum con Crazy Lixx y por el camino también se perdió Loke. " - Dice el guitarrista Andy Dawson, quien se unió a la banda en 2008.

El primer single "In The Night" será distribuido exclusivamente en Suecia a través de "Sweden Rock Magazine" en la edición que saldrá a la calle el 19 de marzo. Esta versión especial incluirá dos pistas acústicas exclusivas: "Riot Avenue" y "Fire It Up". Una versión digital se lanzará para todo el mundo en la misma fecha, pero sin los bonus tracks acústicos.

Nota de prensa:

Martes, 14 de febrero 2012
Declaración oficial de Loke Rivano:
Ya no estoy en la banda.

Durante el proceso de grabación del nuevo álbum, y durante algún tiempo antes de eso, ha quedado claro para mí que yo no debería estar en esta banda. Creativamente no hemos estado trabajando muy bien juntos durante este tiempo, y lo mejor para todos es reducir las pérdidas y empezar de nuevo.

Estoy bastante seguro de que hablo por todos cuando digo que no hay nada más que amor entre nosotros. Espero que el nuevo álbum despegue como un cohete! (Confíad en mí, suena muy bien!)

Estos últimos siete años han sido increíbles y echaré mucho de menos ir de gira con los chicos, ver el mundo y conocer toda clase de gente nueva.

No tengo planeado dejar de tocar y lo más probable es que me veáis en la otra banda muy pronto, en cuanto a los otros chicos: sin duda nos veremos!



La formación actual de CRAZY LIXX sería la siguiente:

Danny Rexon - voz
Andy Dawson - guitarra
Edd Liam – guitarra

Músicos de estudio:
Joél Cirera - bateria
Loke Rivano - bajo
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Official statement from Loke Rivano:
I´m no longer in the band.

During the process of recording the new album, and for some time before that, it´s become clear to me that I shouldn´t be in this band. Creatively we haven´t really been working well together for a while, and the best thing for everyone is to cut the losses and start fresh.

I´m pretty sure I speak for everyone when I say there´s nothing but love between us. I hope the new album takes off like a rocket! (Trust me, it sounds great!)

These past seven years have been nothing short of amazing and I will sorely miss touring with the boys, seeing the world and meeting all kinds of new people.

I´ve no plans to stop playing and you´ll most likely see me around in some other band soon enough, as for the other guys: you´ll definitely see more of them!



 Asunto: Re: CRAZY LIXX prepara nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Mar Mar 20, 2012 2:26 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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CRAZY LIXX: "In The Night" nuevo single

Crazy Lixx han lanzado un nuevo single, "In The Night", a través de iTunes. La copia física estará disponible en Suecia a través de Sweden Rock Magazine en la edición que saldrá a la calle esta semana. Esta versión especial incluirá dos pistas acústicas exclusivas (: "Riot Avenue" y "Fire It Up".


Swedish hard rockers CRAZY LIXX have released a new single, "Into The Night", via iTunes. A physical copy of the single has been made available in Sweden through Sweden Rock Magazine in the issue that will hit the streets this week. This special release will include two exclusive acoustic bonus tracks (unavailable elsewhere): "Riot Avenue" and "Fire It Up". ... adlines%29


 Asunto: Re: CRAZY LIXX prepara nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Dom Abr 06, 2014 10:47 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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CRAZY LIXX nuevo tema "Sympathy "



 Asunto: Re: CRAZY LIXX prepara nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Lun Sep 15, 2014 9:39 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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CRAZY LIXX: detalles de su nuevo disco "Crazy Lixx"

"Frontiers Music Srl" sera quien lance el cuarto álbum de estudio "Crazy Lixx". El álbum homonimo saldrá el 7 de noviembre en Europa y el 11 de noviembre en EE.UU.


01 - Hell Raising Women
02 - Sound Of The Loud Minority
03 - Outlaw
04 -Girls Of The 80’s
05 - I Missed The Mark
06 - All Looks, No Hooks
07 - Ain’t No Rest In Rock N’ Roll
08 - Call To Action
09 - Heroes Are Forever
10 - Psycho City
11 - Wrecking Ball Crew


Danny Rexon - Voz
Andy Zata - Guitarra
Edd Liam - Guitarra
Joél Cirera - Batería
Jens Sjöholm - Bajo

Frontiers Music Srl is pleased to announce the release of the hotly anticipated fourth studio album from CRAZY LIXX. The self-titled album will be released on November 7th in Europe and November 11th in North America.

Just like every Rock band does at some point in their career, CRAZY LIXX thought it was the right time to release their Self-Titled album: the kind of album that really does the band’s name justice and that shows everyone what the band and their music is really all about. This is that album for Sweden’s CRAZY LIXX!

Says lead singer and producer Danny Rexon, “We were discussing possible titles for the album and we didn’t really feel like any of the suggestions were quite right. Then I came up with the idea of a making it a self-titled album and we all agreed this was the right time for one. You know, bearing the very name of the band, a self-titled album does have a lot to live up to, but we all felt that this album has what it takes to represent the band as a whole, both in terms of the songs, the sound and the performance.”

With their new album, CRAZY LIXX show their growth as a band by sinking their teeth into 11 anthemic rock songs that will satisfy both the hardcore Lixx fans, as well as all fans of melodic hard rock and hair metal in general. By combining the strategies of recording and producing the album themselves along with utilizing the mixing skills of the great Chris Laney, the band has once again returned to the bombastic sound of CRAZY LIXX’s earlier work while at the same time adding the improved song-writing and musicianship of today’s CRAZY LIXX.

“We learnt a lot through the years, especially when it comes to the recording process and we put all that knowledge and experience to use on this album. We used many different studio settings to record different parts of the album and did not rush the recording, but made sure everything was as good as it could get. At the same time we did not want to be too nitpicking with details, I mean we’re still in the business of rock n’ roll, right?”, adds guitarist and co-producer of the album Andy Zata.

In addition to returning to the old CRAZY LIXX sound, the band has also re-recorded fan favorite “Heroes are Forever” which was originally on the band’s first, now out of print album. “It’s this one song, that was our first single back in around 2006, that we’ve played on almost every live show we’ve done since then, but when we started to think about it, it was a song that a lot of our fans had no chance to ever listen to. The first album, ‘Loud Minority’, was released on a minor independent label, in a limited printing which has long since sold out, and it isn’t available digitally either. Still we felt that the track was one of those songs that had a really fundamental CRAZY LIXX vibe to it, so we decided to record it again and give the fans a nice treat. If you ask me, it came out way better this second time around,” says drummer Joél Cirera.

Newest and youngest member, bassist Jens Sjöholm adds: “Being my first album release with Crazy Lixx I don’t really have any special expectations, but hearing the final result and seeing how fired up the guys are about it makes me look forward to seeing the reactions of the fans and media.”

With the addition of Jens Sjöholm and the return of original drummer Joél Cirera, CRAZY LIXX Mk III proved to be the best lineup to date, both in concert and on record. “I think the fans will really enjoy what we’ve got in store for them with this album. Killer songs, great sound and memorable hooks combined with a bit of the twin guitar action and riff-based approach that we added to the sound on our last album,” says guitarist Edd Liam.

“It’s really a bit of a do or die, no guts, no glory situation – after all, you only get one chance to do a self titled album, so make sure you do it good,” concludes Danny Rexon.

“Crazy Lixx” tracklisting: Hell Raising Women; Sound Of The Loud Minority; Outlaw; Girls Of The 80’s; I Missed The Mark; All Looks, No Hooks; Ain’t No Rest In Rock N’ Roll; Call To Action; Heroes Are Forever; Psycho City; Wrecking Ball Crew.

You can enjoy the first samples from the new album by clicking on the following link:

CRAZY LIXX are: DANNY REXON Vocals, JOÈL CIRERA Drums, ANDY ZATA Guitar & Background Vocals, JENS SJOHOLM Bass, EDD LIAM Guitar & Background Vocals

Guests on the album include: MATS LEVÉN (Backing vocals on tracks 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9 and 11), TÅVE WANNING (Backing vocals on tracks 4 and 5)



 Asunto: Re: CRAZY LIXX prepara nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Lun Sep 15, 2014 10:31 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Con lo bueno que fue su primer disco Loud Minority... el bajón que pegaron con el tercero... este suena bastante bien por lo que parece.


 Asunto: Re: CRAZY LIXX prepara nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Lun Oct 06, 2014 5:35 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 68674
Crazy Lixx EPK (Official / New Studio Album / 2014)


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