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 Asunto: Dallian - The Nun From Azrael
NotaPublicado: Mar Jun 11, 2019 2:19 pm 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody

Registrado: Mar Jun 11, 2019 1:40 pm
Mensajes: 1
La banda Steampunk (symphonic/prog/death) lanza su primer videoclip

The video follows "The nun", the last alive member of the Order Of Azrael. After their destruction ordered by the vatican, she begins scheming the rise of the cult.
She recruits the young children living in the village of Otterbourne, England 1880 as members, using their fears and desires in her favor, making them submit to her madness.
The video depicts them performing a resurrection on the Convent that had been burned down by the local villagers. Here they try to resurrect the deceased Abess of the order, using one of the children as tribute.

Dallian uses this as an essay on brainwashing and cult mentality set on an age where the rise of spiritualism and paranormal was rampant. Each of the characters portrays distinct expressions through the videoclip, coinciding with their true internal feelings about the ritual.

It's in this austere climate that Henry is coerced back into the cult after leaving and forced by the others to kill Jane, his friend, in order to complete the ritual.

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