DIMMU BORGIR: primeros detalles de su nuevo disco "Eonian"Dimmu Borgir lanzará su nuevo álbum, "Eonian", el 4 de mayo a través de Nuclear Blast.
"El núcleo de compositivo de Dimmu Borgir se compone además del carismático vocalista Shagrath, de los magos Silenoz y Galder, pero otras caras familiares también emergen de la oscuridad: el batería Daray y el teclista Gerlioz siguen formando parte del equipo, y Gaute Storaas ayudó con los arreglos corales para las majestuosas voces del coro "Schola Cantrum". La portada fue diseñada con fascinantes detalles por Zbigniew M. Bielak (Ghost, Behemoth, Mayhem).
Este décimo disco contendrá 10 nuevas pistas, producidas por la propia banda y Jens Bogren. "Eonian" sigue un concepto filosófico, que trata de la ilusión del tiempo.

2018-01-25 - Over seven years, deathlike silence has filled the halls of the world’s biggest black metal forge, DIMMU BORGIR, whilst powers have been gathering to resurrect the band right in time for their 25th anniversary. Now they finally mark their return with a vicious work of art that can be defined as timeless in the truest sense of the word: »Eonian«.
The songwriting core of DIMMU BORGIR furthermore consists of charismatic vocalist Shagrath, as well as the string wizards Silenoz and Galder, but other familiar faces also emerge from the darkness: Drummer Daray and keyboarder Gerlioz are still part of the team, and Gaute Storaas helped with the choral arrangements for the majestic voices of the Schola Cantrum Choir. The cover artwork was designed in fascinating detail by Zbigniew M. Bielak (GHOST, BEHEMOTH, MAYHEM).
This tenth full-length record will see the light of spring on May the 4th, and it will contain 10 new tracks, produced by the band itself and engineered by Jens Bogren. Emerging from the dark minds of the three songwriters, »Eonian« follows a philosophical concept, dealing with the illusion of time:
“Time, when not approaching it from the construct we're used to can't be defined and thus it is illusory”, explains axemaster Silenoz. “There's only an 'eternal now', which the album title is already hinting at. When we travel between the worlds seen and unseen, the perception of time ceases to exist, it has no function. Our energy is our torch and our compass when we make rifts and pierce through the veil - when we go beyond.”
Vocalist Shagrath adds: “»Eonian« represents the illusion of time, everything that is and always has been. For us, it also marks the 25th anniversary of DIMMU BORGIR and the album itself is a tribute to our own history and the Norwegian black metal history.”
http://www.nuclearblast.de/en/label/mus ... album.htmlOn February 23rd, DIMMU BORGIR will unveil their first single 'Interdimensional Summit', that will be released as a 7'' vinyl EP, providing a first taste of the upcoming album. You can pre-order the EP here. The pre-order for the full-length album starts on the single's release day, February 23rd: