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 Asunto: Edge Of Forever - Calling
NotaPublicado: Sab May 07, 2022 1:40 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Edge Of Forever - Calling

"When we finished "Seminole", almost a year ago, we were left with some songs that we simply didn't finish during the recordings because they didn't fit into the bigger concept we had for album. The original plan was to release "Calling" somewhere during the year, but in the end, we realized we had all these great songs that we wanted to share with our fans. And here we are with the plan of releasing these tracks so that we can extend, somehow, "Seminole" and give you even more music! We've had a great reaction to our last album which led to a 15-show tour in the first four months of the year, while next week we'll get together with our friends and labelmates FM for a few shows in Europe. We strongly feel this is the moment for EOF to push and deliver even greater music and make a bigger impact in the scene with our positivity driven and motivational hard rock. In fact, "Calling" is a song about finding your purpose, your drive, and what really makes yourself, you. Especially in these tough times, we feel lost and don't know where to find the strength and the values to be able to tell good from evil and be the cause and effect of a better world. It's all about that call, to hear your name and be on the trail of your life. We've had the honor of featuring the great Val Monteleone in this video, with an intense Martial Arts training sequence in the snow, showcasing the strength, determination, and mindset behind our actions and will. When I wrote these lyrics I was inspired by Bruce Lee's "Artist Of Life" concept and it felt natural for us to involve a great Martial Arts expert, researcher, and practitioner. I'm sure this song will boost your mindset, help you set your goals, and find even more strength. PMA all day, my friends!" - Alessandro Del Vecchio - May 6, 2022


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