Me ha costado un poco sacarla, apenas tengo tiempo y la canción no la conocía, ya que no escucho mucho hard rock.
Marc Ferrari - Run The Road En la que canta
Bob Reynolds, por si alguno tenía curiosidad.
Marc Ferrari - Lights, Camera, Action - 2003/2004
Marc Ferrari Guitar, Bass
Bob Reynolds Vocals Tracks 1, 2, 3, 4
Keith St. John Vocals Track 7
Steve Plunkett Vocals Track 9
Stan Bush Vocals Track 10
Todd Smallwood Vocals Track 11
Jeff Wilson Vocals Track 12
Phil Soussan Bass, Drums Track 7
John Rowlamd Drums Track 9
Gary Allegretto Harmonica Track 12
Ray Luzier Drums Tracks 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 12
Paul Taylor Guitar, bass, keyboards on various tracks
1. Run the Road 3:27
2. Caution To the Wind 4:14
3. Wheelin' and Dealin' 3:46
4. Off the Deep End 2:44
5. Chance of a Lifetime 3:51
6. Right On the Money 4:11
7. The Beat of My Heart 4:14
8. Bad Mofo 3:35
9. To Hot To Stop 2:52
10. Capture the Dream 4:04
11. Depths of My Soul 5:10
12. The Story of My Life 3:01Puedes escuchar samplers del resto de los temas