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 Asunto: Re: KING DIAMOND da señales de vida
NotaPublicado: Mié Mar 16, 2011 4:23 pm 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Registrado: Sab May 23, 2009 8:56 pm
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Ubicación: Rock in Parla
oooh.gif oooh.gif oooh.gif


 Asunto: Re: KING DIAMOND da señales de vida
NotaPublicado: Mar Sep 18, 2012 7:17 pm 
Rey de la Barra
Rey de la Barra
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Registrado: Lun Jun 23, 2008 2:35 pm
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Ubicación: En las cálidas tierras andaluzas
Ponen nombre a un gusano fosilizado en honor a KING DIAMOND


El científico sueco Dr. Mats E. Eriksson ha descubierto un gusano fosilizado que ha sido llamado kingnites diamondi en honor del cantante danés KING DIAMOND.

Mats E. Eriksson, profesor asociado de Paleontología - Departamento de Geología en la Universidad de Lund, Suecia, ha explicado que se trata de "un fósil de cerca de 420 millones de edad que recientemente ha sido descubierto en rocas silúricas de Suecia y Estonia. Son los restos de un gusano marino con mandíbulas. La criatura ha sido bautizada kingnites diamondi en honor del maestro danés del Metal KING DIAMOND. Así que, además de su obvio lugar en la historia de la música Heavy Metal, Diamond ahora ha dejado una huella eterna en la ciencia. El padre de este fósil es Mats Eriksson, un profesor sueco de Paleontología amante del Metal".

En 2006 el profesor Eriksson bautizó a otro gusano fosilizado en honor al líder de MOTÖRHEAD Lemmy Kilmister. ... amond.html

Dime con quien andas y te diré con quien vas

 Asunto: Re: KING DIAMOND da señales de vida
NotaPublicado: Mar Dic 04, 2012 2:46 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
KING DIAMOND firma con Metal Blade el lanzamiento de tres discos

Metal Blade Records anuncia que KING DIAMOND ha firmado con ellos un acuerdo mundial para la grabación de tres discos.


- December 3rd, 2012 –

Metal Blade Records is pleased to announce that Grammy Award nominated KING DIAMOND has signed a new 3 album worldwide record deal with the label.

“This is gonna be awesome! Another perfect piece of the puzzle. We have the full backup of Metal Blade, and there’s an understanding between us that goes much, much deeper than before.

Our new business setup will noticeably benefit the fans in so many ways. You must have already noticed some of all the cool new stuff that is happening.

Now we can’t wait to get out there and start touring again!”

Stay Heavy,
King Diamond ... e-records/


 Asunto: Re: KING DIAMOND da señales de vida
NotaPublicado: Mar Dic 04, 2012 10:19 am 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Registrado: Mié Jul 30, 2008 1:57 pm
Mensajes: 2588
Ubicación: Una mica més cap a l'oest
oooh.gif 2alegria.gif toma33.gif Ganitas tengo ya de King Diamond, de disco, de concierto....

Don't Look Into Her Eyes, There's An Evil Darkness Inside

 Asunto: Re: KING DIAMOND da señales de vida
NotaPublicado: Mié Jul 02, 2014 1:57 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
KING DIAMOND trabajando en un nuevo disco

King Diamond ha revelado a que está trabajando en un nuevo álbum que espera lanzar el próximo año. "Hemos hecho un montón de cosas", dijo. "Algunas nuevas que van a ser increíbles."

Continuó: "He estado construyendo un estudio en mi casa donde grabar mi voz. Una vez completado, podré iniciar la grabación..."

"Tengo un título para el nuevo disco, pero no voy a decirlo."

"El disco tratará sobre las cosas que necesite escribir después de lo que he pasado. Pero no puedo decir mucho al respecto porque no he hablado con el resto de la banda de ello."


So you're working on a new album?
We've done a lot of stuff. We are going in some new ways that are going to be amazing. I've been building a studio so I can do my vocals at home. Once it's completed, we can start recording. I have a title for a new record, but I won't say it. [The record] will encompass the things I need to write about after what I went through. But I can't say much about it because I haven't talked to the rest of the band about it. ... e-20140630


 Asunto: Re: KING DIAMOND da señales de vida
NotaPublicado: Mié Jul 02, 2014 11:27 am 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Registrado: Dom Jul 20, 2008 10:52 am
Mensajes: 3374
Ubicación: GR4N4D4
¡Eso son buenas noticias!
¡¡¡Cómo me gustaría volver a verlo!!!
Lo vi hace unos años, y aluciné con ellos en directo oooh.gif


 Asunto: Re: KING DIAMOND da señales de vida
NotaPublicado: Dom Jul 20, 2014 10:11 am 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody

Registrado: Dom May 03, 2009 2:43 am
Mensajes: 252
Gran noticia. Uno de los mejores directos que he visto en mi vida...

 Asunto: Re: KING DIAMOND da señales de vida
NotaPublicado: Lun Jul 21, 2014 2:08 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262

King Diamond público la siguiente nota:

El bajista Hal Patino ha sido "despedido" de KING DIAMOND "por razones muy similares a por las qué fue despedido de la banda en 1990", según King Diamond, que añade: "Esto no tendrá ningún impacto negativo en nuestros próximos conciertos, al contrario.".

Bassist Hal Patino has been relieved of his duties with KING DIAMOND "for reasons very similar to why he was fired from the band in 1990," according to the group's frontman and namesake, Danish heavy metal singer King Diamond. King adds: "This will have NO negative impact on our upcoming shows whatsoever. On the contrary." ... adlines%29

Hal Patino contestó con la siguiente nota:

"Es triste que termine de esta manera después de - 19 años. No voy a dar todos los detalles, pero el sueldo que me ofrecieron para encabezar el Wacken Open Air, y los otros cuatro shows de este verano era totalmente ridículo. Dos días antes del primer día de ensayo, escribí un e-mail explicando mi punto de vista sobre ese tema, junto con una propuesta de un salario justo y realista para estos espectáculos. Por ello, me acusaron de 'chantajear' ¡¡¡me pareció una falta de respeto, y les dije que si es así como me tratan después de 19 años, me iría inmediatamente! Así que dejé la banda el jueves 17 de julio, fue mi elección."

"Por supuesto que no es la única razón por la que he decidido dejarla. Ya hubo problemas durante la última gira europea. De repente había reglas para la ropa en el escenario y mi forma de actuar, y había mal rollo porque promoví y ayudé a la banda de mi hijo. "

"It's sad that it had to end this way after — 19 years.

"I have always been 100% loyal to everyone in the band, and have always given my everything — onstage and offstage.

"Since Day One, I have always had KING DIAMOND as my No. 1 priority. I've never ever missed any shows or rehearsals — my performances have always been well prepared (and I've always been ahead of the game). I have been a faithful friend to [KING DIAMOND frontman and namesake] King, and kept my spirits up even in the toughest times.

"I will not go into every detail, but the salary I was offered to headline Wacken Open Air, and the four other shows this summer was totally ridiculous. Two days before the first rehearsal day, I wrote an e-mail explaining my view on that topic along with a proposal for a fair and realistic salary for these shows. For this, they accused me of 'blackmailing'!!! I found it disrespectful, and told them that if that is how I get treated after 19 years, we part immediately! So I already left the band on Thursday the 17th of July, by my own choice.

"Of course it's not the only reason why I have decided to leave. Problems already occurred during the last European tour. Suddenly there were rules for my stage clothes and my way of performing, and there were bad vibes because I promoted and helped my son's band.

"It's typical King to say that I'm fired — he did the same to me back in 1990 when he told the press that I was kicked out of the band due to lack of enthusiasm and drug problems. That was NOT the reason … It was just too much touring, King got dropped by Roadrunner Records, and I wanted to go in another direction. He did the same to my best friends Mikkey Dee and Pete Blakk.

"I am in Norway at the moment and will play two live shows with my other band. I told the KING DIAMOND camp that I would be able to fly back and forth so I did not miss the two first rehearsals — and the next thing I read is a statement from King where it says that I'm fired.

"I feel absolutely nothing for King Diamond and the band. I am proud to have been part of the classic albums, and the glory days in the '80s. And that's all!!

"I really appreciate all the messages I have received from so many people, and I just want you to know that I'm busy with my new band NORDIC BEAST, with Mikkey Dee, John Norum and Co.

"I got my other projects AMMUNITION and the ROCK 'N ROLL ADVENTURE, and I'm playing and writing with my son Maryann Cotton who's working with Dick Wagner and Alice Cooper on his new album. I'm a permanent member of the band, and I've written 30% of the album together with Maryann. It's going to be a full concept album in the spirit of Alice Cooper's 'Welcome To My Nightmare'. I'm also planning a solo project for the future.

"I hope that many of the 'diehard fans' that I've met over the years understand my decision to leave the band.

"Thank you all.

"See you on tour with my other projects and bands. Rock 'n roll!"

 Asunto: Re: KING DIAMOND da señales de vida
NotaPublicado: Lun Jul 21, 2014 2:28 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
King Diamond nuevo comunicado:

... "En primer lugar, no tengo problemas en revelar el sueldo de la banda para los conciertos europeos. Para estos 5 es de 1000 € por festival/concierto. Este salario no incluye las dietas de los días que no se toca, además de transporte, viajes, mantenimiento, cuerdas, baquetas, seguros, hoteles, en fin, la empresa corre con todos los gastos."...

"Parece que todo el mundo está satisfecho con lo que la empresa puede ofrecer en este punto, a excepción de Hal.

"No me interesa de un modo u otro si Hal dejó la banda o se le pidió que se fuera. Es exactamente el mismo resultado."

King Diamond has now released the following statement in response to Hal's comments:

"When someone puts out extreme lies about you and your character, there comes a time when you put a stop to it. This is that time.

"In the following, I will prove everything I say and I challenge Hal Patino to do the same with what he said.

"Hal's statement: 'I will not go into every detail, but the salary I was offered to headline Wacken Open Air and the four other shows this summer was totally ridiculous. Two days before the first rehearsal day, I wrote an e-mail explaining my view on that topic along with a proposal for a fair and realistic salary for these shows, For this, they accused me of 'blackmailing'! I found it disrespectful, and told them that if that is how I get treated after 19 years, we part immediately! So I already left the band on Thursday the 17th of July, by my own choice.'

"First of all, I have no problem disclosing the band salary for the European shows. For these 5 shows, it is €1000 per festival show. This salary does not include per diems for days not played on (which is on top of the salary), plus all shipping, travel, maintenance, strings, drum sticks, insurance, hotel; in short, the company bears all expenses.

"We do not headline Wacken Open Air. In reality, we don't even headline the Black Stage. Sometimes the headliner is not the last band playing on a specific stage. As far as I know, MOTÖRHEAD playing right before us are the headliner for Friday August 1st on the Black Stage. After them, SLAYER plays on the Main Stage and they are the Wacken headliner for Friday. Then we cool everything down on the Black Stage from midnight. I don't remember who cools down the Main Stage after us.

"I'm not gonna get into details on how our registered company in Denmark is run, but it's a full company with year-round expenses, and if it wasn't for Wacken this year, I could guarantee that there wouldn't be a U.S. tour in the autumn.

"The two indoor shows in Berlin and Tilburg are straight losses, even if sold out. On top of this comes EVERYTHING involved in a tour and our company is, unfortunately, not at the level of MEGADETH, SLAYER, etc, and can only offer what's possible.

"We can't go and get loans in the bank to pay Hal's salary, however minor it may seem. If Hal didn't find that satisfactory, no one kept him from leaving. I just wish he hadn't brought this up on the very day/evening I arrived in Denmark (17th of July). He's had an entire year to think about this, and he brings it up now.

"An important fact with regard to the salaries is that the entire crew and band from last year's European tour is identical to both the European shows we're about to do now and the U.S. shows later this year, except for Hal.

"It seems everybody is satisfied with what the company can offer at this point, except for Hal.

"It doesn't interest me one way or another whether Hal quit the band or he was asked to leave. It's exactly the same result.

"It is interesting though that Hal shipped his gear at the company's expense to the rehearsal facilities on the very date (17th of July) when he claims that he quit the band. We have the receipt for that with stamped date. You can also see in his official statement that he says that he was willing to try to fly in for some of the early rehearsals from Norway. We're talking after the 17th of July, which again, doesn't make sense. Why would he want to try to arrange to fly in for rehearsals from Norway after he already quit the band?

"Hal's statement: 'It's typical King to say that I'm fired — he did the same to me back in 1990 when he told the press that I was kicked out of the band due to lack of enthusiasm and drug problems. That was NOT the reason … It was just too much touring, King got dropped by Roadrunner Records, and I wanted to go in another direction. He did the same to my best friends Mikkey Dee and Pete Blakk.'

"These are extremely insulting and pathetic lies.

"First of all, would Hal EVER have come back to play for KING DIAMOND if I had lied to the press about him being fired in 1990 due to drug problems?

"Hal was taken back into the band sometime after he had asked us in 2000 (I believe it was) at one of our rehearsals, which he was attending with his son, if he could ever get another chance. He swore he was totally clean and that he didn't even drink anymore. This, back then, made him a true hero to me, but this has, of course, changed now. I just don't trust him enough anymore to rely on his contributions.

"Next, can anybody explain to me what it means when Hal says that the reason he was fired was instead 'too much touring'? What does this mean? When did anyone ever get fired for too much touring??

"I would like Hal to present the letter from Roadrunner saying they were dropping us from the label, if he can. This is another outright lie.

"Most of you already know that we bought our way out of Roadrunner by delivering to them 'King Diamond Abigail Live 1987', plus 'Mercyful Fate - Return of the Vampire'. I also have the contract to prove this, and will gladly scan it in for all to see when I return to Dallas.

"The whole problem with trust culminated while we were in the studio recording 'The Eye', at which time Ole Bang [KING DIAMOND and MERCYFUL FATE manager], Andy La Rocque [KING DIAMOND guitarist] and myself can vouch to the fact that Hal Patino was not to be found anywhere when he was supposed to lay down bass tracks. No one could find him, no matter how many phone calls we placed. We ended up spending seven days watching the walls of expensive Sweet Silence studios in Denmark with absolutely nothing to do but sit and hope that Hal Patino would show up at some point. This is actually part of the reason why we had to buy our way out from the Roadrunner contract. We were so underrecouped that the label, with good reason, I guess, wanted to take the over expenditure off our next recording budget. This was simply not an option if we were to continue as a band at the time.

"Seriously, Hal, how dare you accuse me of having fired Mikkey Dee?! You might have forgotten, but both Andy and I remember very well Mikkey coming by Sweet Silence studios during 'The Eye' recordings to play us the new DOKKEN album, which he had just recorded with them.

"I have never uttered a bad word about Mikkey, whom I've always had the highest respect for, both as a drummer and as a person. And he knows that.

"Pete Blakk had some problems like you during the recording of 'The Eye' and the U.S. tour prior to that, which at the time made him unreliable. A situation I think everybody knows he took care of in a very noble way.

"Hal's statement: 'I am in Norway at the moment and will play two live shows with my other band, I told the KING DIAMOND camp that I would be able to fly back and forth so I did not miss the two first rehearsals — and the next thing I read is a statement from King where it says that I'm fired.'

"Again, how is it possible to fire someone who has already quit???


"I would like to address Hal, if he reads this.

"Personally, I don't care if it says you quit, was let go, or whatever with regards to what has happened, but we will obviously never be working together again. There is no trust left.
We can stop it at that, or you can continue if you want, just don't forget that I know so many of the people you associate with just as well as you, and I know what's going on in your life.

"Your real problem is really not what we've been talking about these past couple of days, right?

"You know, in the end, I'm really trying to be nice about this." ... XpAjshm.99


Hal Patino contesta con otro comunicado:

"Su verdadero problema es que es un viejo cansado y resentido"

"No soy un adicto a las drogas!

"En realidad estoy cansando de esto ya, pero siento que tengo que contar la historia desde mi punto de vista (sin responder a cada pequeño detalle de la declaración del King, porque eso sería convertir esto en una novela). Después esto, le toca a cada persona pensar / creer lo que quieran.

"¿Qué carajo!!? King lo ha hecho otra vez!"

"Estás mintiendo sobre cosas - como acusarme de tomar drogas y llamándome mentiroso, es posiblemente lo más bajo y repuganante - pero realmente no es una sorpresa para mí, porque siempre has sido así."...


Earlier today, Patino released the following statement:

'Your Real Problem Is That You Are A Tired, Bitter, Old Man'

"I'm NOT a drug addict!

"I'm actually getting pretty tired of this already, but I feel like I have to tell the story from my point of view (without responding to every little detail in King's statement, 'cause that would turn this into a novel). After this, it's up to every individual to think/believe whatever they want to.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!? King has done it again!

"I got three kids who are using Facebook and reading the news on a daily basis.

"You're lying about stuff — like accusing me of doing drugs and calling me a liar is about as low and disgusting as it gets — but it really doesn't come as a surprise to me, because it has always been like this.

"I knew that something like this would come up, and King knows that if we could have come to some kind of an agreement, I would have been able to fly in and out from rehearsals to the shows in Norway… When I didn't hear from him (them)… I just quit ! ... adlines%29


 Asunto: Re: KING DIAMOND da señales de vida
NotaPublicado: Lun Jul 21, 2014 5:12 pm 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody
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Registrado: Mié Sep 22, 2010 4:10 pm
Mensajes: 225
El siguiente paso será verles en el Salvame, al paso que van...


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