1972 también he añadido un grupo alemán a mis favoritos, que entonces con su Gamma Ray arrasaba en la escena. Titulo con letras que por desgracia no han perdido nada de su validez
The World Is Pervated With
Irony, Hunger And Corruption
The Eastern World And The Africans Too
Are Going To Repeat The History Of Our Wars
And Our Industry Supplies Them With Arms
Everybody Knows, But Apparently
Nobody Can Do Anything Against It
For Our Society Is On The Make
Well, Sometimes, Sometimes,
I Tried To Draw Up A List
I Tried To Find Out What Death Had Done
I Thought Of Honorable Murderers You Know
Like Jobbers And Mad Rabble-Rousers
At Anytime, Everywhere In The Whole World
If I Were A Gamma Ray, A Gamma Gamma
Gamma Ray Made Of Pure Existence
If I Were A Gamma Ray, A Gamma Gamma
Gamma Ray Mighty And Unfailing
I'd Radiate Love, To Fight Misery
Without A Body I Could Fly Round
The World…