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 Asunto: Re: Triple DVD de AT THE GATES
NotaPublicado: Sab Feb 06, 2010 2:04 pm 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Registrado: Sab Jun 21, 2008 4:22 pm
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Ubicación: ∆x·∆p≥ħ/2
¿Reino Unido no es Europa?

::fire:: for the night is dark and full of terrors ::fire::

 Asunto: Re: Triple DVD de AT THE GATES
NotaPublicado: Mar Jun 14, 2011 11:07 pm 
Up the Irons!!!
Up the Irons!!!

Registrado: Dom Jun 22, 2008 12:19 am
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Ubicación: En Madrizzz
AT THE GATES: Nuevo pack limitado a la venta


Los suecos AT THE GATES lanzan una edición limitada doble para conmemorar su reunión en directo. Se trata de un pack que contiene el clásico "Slaughter of the soul" junto con el último directo del grupo "Purgatory Unleashed (Live At Wacken), grabado en el prestigioso festival alemán Wacken Open Air el pasado 2008, dentro de la gira de reunión de la banda. El tracklist es el siguiente:


01. Blinded By Fear
02. Slaughter Of The Soul
03. Cold
04. Under A Serpent Sun
05. Into The Dead Sky
06. Suicide Nation
07. World Of Lies
08. Unto Others
09. Nausea
10. Need
11. The Flames Of The End
12. Legion (Slaughterlord Cover)
13. The Dying (Unreleased Track)
14. Captor Of Sin (Slayer Cover)
15. Unto Others (1995 Demo)
16. Suicide Nation (1995 Demo)
17. Bister Verklighet (No Security Cover)


01. Slaughter Of The Soul
02. Cold
03. Terminal Spirit Disease
04. Raped By The Light Of Christ
05. Under A Serpent Sun
06. Windows
07. World Of Lies
08. The Burning Darkness
09. The Swarm
10. Forever Blind
11. Nausea
12. The Beautiful Wound
13. Unto Others
14. All Life Ends
15. Need
16. Blinded By Fear
17. Suicide Nation
18. Kingdom Gone

:shock: platanobailón :shock: Ahorre energía, viaje en Tripi :shock: platanobailón :shock:

 Asunto: Re: Triple DVD de AT THE GATES
NotaPublicado: Mié Jun 15, 2011 4:54 pm 
Centinela de Asgard
Centinela de Asgard
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Registrado: Dom Jun 22, 2008 11:15 pm
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Ubicación: Beneath the metal sky
Pero si hace nada que reeditaron el Slaughter... tres o cuatro años...

O es que crees que eres el único que va to ciclau ahiiii pinchando aguja por todo baraca? eh?

 Asunto: Re: Lo nuevo de AT THE GATES
NotaPublicado: Mar Feb 27, 2018 3:32 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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AT THE GATES: detalles de su nuevo disco "To Drink From The Night Itself"

At The Gates lanzará su nuevo álbum, "To Drink From The Night Itself", el 18 de mayo a través de Century Media.

El disco fue producido por Russ Russell (Napalm Death, The Haunted, Dimmu Borgir) en Parlor Studios en el Reino Unido. El trabajo contará con ilustraciones creadas por "Twilight 13 Media Costin Chioreanu", que trabajó con At The Gate en el anterior disco de la banda.


01. Der Widerstand
02. To Drink From The Night Itself
03. A Stare Bound In Stone
04. Palace Of Lepers
05. Daggers Of Black Haze
06. The Chasm
07. In Nameless Sleep
08. The Colours Of The Beast
09. A Labyrinth Of Tombs
10. Seas Of Starvation
11. In Death They Shall Burn
12. The Mirror Black


Adrian Erlandsson - Batería
Jonas Björler - Bajo
Tomas Lindberg - Voz
Jonas Stålhammar - Guitarra
Martin Larsson - Guitarra

Artwork and info revealed for “To Drink From The Night Itself” album due May 18th, 2018 via Century Media Records.

The album’s front cover can be seen below and Tomas Lindberg checked in about it with the following comment:

"It has once again been an absolute pleasure working creativily with Costin. We had a lot of ideas for what we wanted to get across with the art this time around. Overall they were, not surprisingly, related to the general concept of the record. What is great with Costin is that he understands the band. He knows what we are and where we come from. And me and him also have a strong artistic connection. I have never met anyone that goes so deep into the world of my lyrics and concepts. When I first wrote to him describing my ideas, I was worried that my remarks were perhaps too long and too confusing, only to get back an even longer and very inspired response…

The inspiration for the actual front cover piece is taken from the Pergamon Altar, on display at the Pergamon museum in Berlin. It is of course linked closely to the concept that the whole record is based upon, but more on that later. But I will throw a name out there, for the interested ones; Peter Weiss.

I can't wait to get the whole record in my hands now, as this is just one of the many great artwork pieces that Costin has created for us on “To Drink From The Night Itself“..." ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Lo nuevo de AT THE GATES
NotaPublicado: Sab May 29, 2021 2:40 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
Nuevo disco de AT THE GATES

At The Gates lanzarán su próximo álbum, "The Nightmare Of Being", el 2 de julio a través de Century Media Records.


01. Spectre Of Extinction
02. The Paradox
03. The Nightmare Of Being
04. Garden Of Cyrus
05. Touched By The White Hands Of Death
06. The Fall Into Time
07. Cult of Salvation
08. The Abstract Enthroned
09. Cosmic Pessimism
10. Eternal Winter Of Reason


Adrian Erlandsson - batería
Jonas Björler - Bajo
Tomas Lindberg - Voz
Jonas Stålhammar - Guitarra
Martin Larsson - Guitarra

Today Swedish melodic death metal pioneers At The Gates are debuting the second single/video off their upcoming album “The Nightmare Of Being”, to be released July 2nd, 2021 via Century Media Records. ... ?__tn__=-R


 Asunto: Re: Lo nuevo de AT THE GATES
NotaPublicado: Lun Jul 25, 2022 2:20 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
Jonas Stålhammar (guitarra) deja AT THE GATES

At The Gates han anunciado la salida de su guitarrista de los últimos cinco años, Jonas Stålhammar.

Stålhammar se unió a la banda en septiembre de 2017 para sustituir al guitarrista cofundador Anders Björler, quien dejó At The Gates en marzo de ese año.

La banda publicó en las redes sociales: "At The Gates ha decidido separarse del guitarrista Jonas Stålhammar. Actualmente estamos trabajando para encontrar un reemplazo para los próximos conciertos".


"At the gates have chosen to part ways with guitar player Jonas Stålhammar. We are currently working to find a replacement for the upcoming shows." ... =3&theater


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