EXODUS: portada de "Blood In, Blood Out"EXODUS han elegido "Blood In, Blood Out" como el título de su nuevo álbum, cuyo lanzamiento esta previsto para el 14 octubre a través de Nuclear Blast. El CD será el primero desde la salida del vocalista Rob Dukes, y el retorno de su predecesor, Steve "Zetro" Souza, quien anteriormente liderada EXODUS entre 1986-1993 y 2002-2004.
La portada es obra del artista sueco Par Olofsson.

Legendary thrash metal band EXODUS have revealed the never-before-seen album art for their upcoming album, Blood In, Blood Out, hitting retail and digital stores on October 14, 2014 via Nuclear Blast. The album art was illustrated by Swedish artist Par Olofsson, known worldwide for his incredible renderings that have graced the covers of countless heavy metal albums, including EXODUS’ Let There Be Blood.
The concept for the art was impressively envisaged by Olofsson based on the album title alone, as Gary Holt explains, “The concept came from Par Olofsson – I fed him the title and he immediately came up with the final concept, and it’s perfect! One of my favorite covers we’ve ever done and it fits the title and theme to a T!”
http://exodusattack.com/site/2014/07/31 ... ear-blast/