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 Asunto: Re: MÖTLEY CRÜE ventas de su nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Mar Dic 11, 2012 2:04 am 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody

Registrado: Lun Jul 21, 2008 6:14 pm
Mensajes: 61
Ubicación: Uviéu
Si le metió al segurata, olé sus cojones. ESO ES METAL

 Asunto: Re: MÖTLEY CRÜE ventas de su nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Mié Feb 06, 2013 3:10 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
MÖTLEY CRÜE: Vince Neil ahora dice que no habrá nuevo disco

En declaraicones a el vocalista comenta que no están trabajando en un nuevo disco, que como mucho hay tres-cuatro temas que saldrán posiblemente en un EP a principios de 2014 junto con el tema "Sex".


Music News Nashville: Is there talk of a new MÖTLEY CRÜE album?

Vince: No — no new album. What I'm hearing is that maybe two or three or four more songs might come out to go with that song we released [last] year, but it will be something like an EP, not an album. Our schedule seems to have a lot of touring. If something did come out in the form of an EP, it would probably be in the beginning of 2014. ... f25d624b48


 Asunto: Re: MÖTLEY CRÜE ventas de su nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Mié Feb 06, 2013 11:48 pm 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Registrado: Mar Abr 21, 2009 7:21 am
Mensajes: 4248
Ubicación: En un lugar de la Marcha
O a este se le pira el panchito o le han vuelto a echar de los Mötley y todavia no se lo han dicho .....

...Camino por la desierta calle
no hay ni un alma
no estoy seguro de que yo la tenga...

 Asunto: Re: MÖTLEY CRÜE ventas de su nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Jue Feb 07, 2013 1:27 pm 
Heavy Metal Hamster
Heavy Metal Hamster
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Registrado: Lun Sep 08, 2008 8:12 pm
Mensajes: 372
Ubicación: Where I am
jajajajaja estos tíos toda la vida igual, cómo les gusta la publicidad y la polémica a los colegas

And baby.... talk dirty to me.

 Asunto: Re: MÖTLEY CRÜE ventas de su nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Mié Feb 13, 2013 1:41 am 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody

Registrado: Mar Sep 22, 2009 2:18 pm
Mensajes: 60
hola , para los que os guste el rock macarra alo MOTLEY CRUE ,,,,, os dejo esta emisora haber que os parece , saludos

 Asunto: Re: MÖTLEY CRÜE ventas de su nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Sab Ene 11, 2014 3:05 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
¿Gira despedida de MÖTLEY CRÜE?

MÖTLEY CRÜE han confirmado un evento especial en Los Ángeles a finales de este mes, que al menos a juzgar por su título, confirmará los rumores recientes de que van a salir de gira por última vez.

El evento lleva por nombre "RIP: All Bad Things Must Come To An End" y se celebrará el 28 de enero, se piensa que será una conferencia de prensa en la que anunciaran una gira de despedida con una duración de un año o dos y que probablemente abarque la mayor parte del mundo.


The glam metal legends have confirmed a special event in LA at the end of this month that, judging by its title at least, will confirm strongly-held recent rumours that they are heading out on tour one final time.

Titled RIP: All Bad Things Must Come To An End, the event – believed to be a press conference – will be held on January 28 and is expected to confirm a farewell tour that’d likely span most of the globe and last at least a year or two. ... +Hammer%29


 Asunto: Re: MÖTLEY CRÜE ventas de su nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Sab Ene 11, 2014 1:59 pm 
Metal Heart
Metal Heart

Registrado: Mar Jun 16, 2009 6:38 pm
Mensajes: 974
Lo que no entiendo es como grupo como DEEP PURPLE,BLACK SABBATH,THE ROLLING STONES, y hasta el PAUL MCARNEYde los Beatles, aun estan en pleno funcionamiento,y grupos muchisimo mas jovenes como los Motley Crue o los SCORPIONS o JUDAS PRIEST,ya dicen adios........

 Asunto: Re: MÖTLEY CRÜE ventas de su nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Dom Ene 12, 2014 12:51 am 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Registrado: Mar Abr 21, 2009 7:21 am
Mensajes: 4248
Ubicación: En un lugar de la Marcha
¡ AMEN !

...Camino por la desierta calle
no hay ni un alma
no estoy seguro de que yo la tenga...

 Asunto: Re: MÖTLEY CRÜE ventas de su nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Mié Ene 29, 2014 12:07 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
MÖTLEY CRÜE: detalles de "The Final Tour"

Después de más de tres décadas juntos, Mötley Crüe anunciaron hoy su última gira y el retiro definitivo de la banda. El anuncio se confirmo cuando la banda selló frente a los medios de comunicación en Los Angeles el acuerdo de cese formal de giras, que sera efectivo a finales de 2015. Celebrando el anuncio de este final de la gira, la banda actuará el programa de la ABC "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" esta noche y aparecerá en "CBS This Morning" mañana 29 de enero.

... Mötley Crüe ha demostrado que saben cómo impresionar y este tour no será diferente; los fans podrán escuchar todos los éxitos de la banda y esperamos que alucinen con una producción en vivo sin precedentes.

"The Final Tour" presentado por "Dodge" y producido por "Live Nation" arrancará en EE.UU el 2 de julio en Grand Rapids, MI y llegará a 72 ciudades antes de salir al resto del mundo en 2015... "No hay discusión de que Mötley Crüe han sido y siempre serán los chicos malos del rock and roll", dice Rick Franks, presidente regional de "Live Nation Concerts" en EE.UU. "Pero detrás de todas esas conocidas anécdotas es una banda de rock legendaria que ha revolucionado el heavy metal y ha creado algunos de los éxitos más grandes de la historia de la música. Se trata de una marca global de gran éxito y potentes giras. Todo el mundo en "Live Nation" tiene un enorme respeto a estos señores que trabajan duro y son extremadamente talentosos. La industria de la música nunca tendrá otros Motley Crue".

Los hermanos Dodge son un dúo muy conocido (los de la marca de coches, supongo que lo serán mucho en su casa), por lo que parecía natural que se asociasen con la banda de rock mas famosa del mundo" Cada vez que hablo con la gente sobre Motley Crue, el hilo conductor es lo moderna y relevante que se mantiene la banda incluso después de 33 años", dijo Tim Kuniskis , Presidente y CEO de la marca "Dodge" (Chrysler Group LLC). "Esta irreverente resistencia encaja a la perfección con la marca ahora que cumple su centenario. ¿Qué mejor manera de celebrar la última gira de la banda y el 25 aniversario de "Kick Start My Heart" que haciéndolo juntos?

Los fans podrán disfrutar de un invitado muy especial, ALICE COOPER se unirá a Mötley Crüe para un cartel increíble - Alice inventó el género y Mötley Crüe puso los esteroides "Las bandas de hard rock autenticas son difíciles de encontrar en estos días", dijo Alice, y continuó "Motley han subido siempre al escenario con una gran actitud y eso hace al publico explotar. Eso es exactamente lo que hacemos. Poner a Motley Crue y a Alice Cooper juntos va a ser justo lo que realmente necesita este verano. Vamos a salir y romper, y no puedo esperar a ver a Mötley en el escenario. Mötley Crüe y Alice Cooper - Una combinación echa en el ... Armagedón"...


Presented by Dodge

Band is first-ever to sign binding “Cessation of Touring” agreement to prevent future, unauthorized touring

Last Chance To Ever See The Band Perform Live

TWEET IT: #RIPMotleyCrue – @MotleyCrue announces #TheFinalTour, Country tribute album, “The Dirt” movie & more! Full details at

Los Angeles, CA (January 28, 2014) – After more than three decades together, iconic rock ‘n roll band MÖTLEY CRÜE announced today their Final Tour and the band’s ultimate retirement. The announcement was solidified when the band signed a formal Cessation Of Touring Agreement, effective at the end of 2015, in front of global media in Los Angeles today. Celebrating the announcement of this Final Tour, the band will perform on ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live TONIGHT and will appear on CBS This Morning TOMORROW MORNING.

FINAL_AD_MATwAC4With over 80 million albums sold, MÖTLEY CRÜE has sold out countless tours across the globe and spawned more than 2,500 MÖTLEY CRÜE branded items sold in over 30 countries. MÖTLEY CRÜE has proven they know how to make a lasting impression and this tour will be no different; Fans can expect to hear the catalogue of their chart- topping hits and look forward to mind-blowing, unparalleled live production. “When it comes to putting together a new show we always push the envelope and that’s part of Motley Crue’s legacy,” explains Nikki Sixx (bass). “As far as letting on to what we’re doing, that would be like finding out what you’re getting for Christmas before you open the presents. We think in an age of too much information, we’d like to keep some surprises close to our chest until we launch the Final Tour.”

The Final Tour presented by Dodge and produced by Live Nation will kick off in North America on July 2nd in Grand Rapids, MI and reach 72 markets before hitting international territories in 2015. To Live Nation MÖTLEY CRÜE tours are not only box office successes but artistically their shows have set the bar for production and entertainment value. “There’s no arguing that Motley Crue have been and always will be the definitive bad boys of rock and roll,” says Rick Franks, Live Nation’s Regional President of North America Concerts. “But behind all those notorious stories is a legendary rock band that has revolutionized heavy metal and created some of the biggest hits in music history. They are a hugely successful global brand and a touring powerhouse. Everyone at Live Nation has a tremendous amount of respect for these hard working and extremely talented gentlemen. The music industry will never have another Motley Crue.”

The Dodge brothers were a notorious duo, so it seemed only natural to partner with the World’s Most Notorious Rock Band. “Whenever I talk to people about Motley Crue, the common thread is how cool and relevant the band remains even after 33 years,” said Tim Kuniskis, President and CEO, Dodge Brand, Chrysler Group LLC. “This irreverent ‘staying power’ resonates deeply with the Dodge brand as we turn the corner on our 100 year anniversary. What better way to celebrate the band’s final tour and the 25th anniversary of Kickstart My Heart than to do it together?”

Fans can look forward to Very Special Guest ALICE COOPER joining MÖTLEY CRÜE for an incredible package – Alice invented the genre and MÖTLEY CRÜE put steroids in it! “Real hard rock bands are hard to find these days,” said Alice, continuing,”Motley has always gone on stage with one attitude and that’s to blow the audience away. That’s exactly how we do it. Putting Motley Crue and Alice Cooper together is going to be just what this summer really NEEDS. We’re going to go out there and tear it up, and I can’t wait to see Motley on stage. Motley Crue and Alice Cooper – A match made in… Armageddon?”

As documented in the Cessation Of Touring Agreement the band signed at the press conference today, the band will not tour after this Final Tour. Band Attorney, Doug Mark of Mark Music & Media Law, explains “Other bands have split up over rancor or the inability of people to get along, but this is a mutual among all four original members and peaceful decision to move on to other endeavors and to confirm it with a binding agreement.” Vince Neil, Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee, and Mick Mars will go their separate ways after the lengthy 2-year touring cycle. Tommy Lee (drums) explains “Everything must come to an end!! We always had a vision of going out with a big fucking bang and not playing county fairs and clubs with 1 or 2 original band members! Our job here is done!!!” Of the band’s tumultuous history, Mick Mars (guitar) adds “(It has been) more drama than ‘General Hospital’ it keeps ‘em watchin’ and they keep comin’ back.” Vocalist, Vince Neil says of the Finality of the tour – “I’ll miss playing with the guys but I won’t quit playing rock and roll!! I feel there are a lot of great opportunities and exciting projects after Motley.”

The Final Tour will coincide with the film made from MÖTLEY CRÜE’s NY Times Best-Selling book The Dirt. Jeff Tremaine (Bad Grandpa) has signed on to direct the opus that is set to debut in theaters globally in 2015, coinciding with The Final Tour. The Dirt is not only one of the best selling rock books of all time but also one of the greatest rock books of all time because of its brutal honesty, its unique voice, its multiple perspectives on the same events and its first-person inclusion of all members of the same band. Most rock memoirs are salacious mud-slinging accounts of a single person and MÖTLEY CRÜE was adamant to include the perspectives of all four of its members. Tremaine’s intention is to make, not just a great movie about a band, but a great movie about four misfits who, despite themselves and everyone else, band together to overcome the odds and change the history of Rock & Roll. “The Dirt’ is a movie I’ve wanted to make ever since I read the book in 2002,” says Tremaine. “I relate to the story on so many levels; my whole professional career has been about boys behaving badly, so I have a real connection to the material. It’s awesome to be working with the band at such an exciting time in Motley Crue’s history.” The film will be produced by the members of MÖTLEY CRÜE, Rick Yorn, Julie Yorn, Erik Olsen and 10th Street Entertainment. ... adlines%29

 Asunto: Re: MÖTLEY CRÜE ventas de su nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Mié Ene 29, 2014 12:08 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233

July 02 - Grand Rapids, MI - Van Andel Arena
July 04 - Milwaukee, WI - Summerfest
July 05 - Noblesville, IN - Klipsch Music Center
July 06 - Cincinnati, OH - Riverbend Music Center
July 08 - Columbus, OH - Schottenstein Center
July 09 - Maryland Heights, MO - Verizon Wireless Amphitheater
July 11 - Des Moines, IA - Wells Fargo Arena
July 12 - Wichita, KS - INTRUST Bank Arena
July 13 - Tulsa, OK - BOK Center
July 15 - Cedar Park, TX - Cedar Park Center
July 16 - Dallas, TX - Gexa Energy Pavilion
July 18 - Albuquerque, NM - Isleta Amphitheater
July 19 - Phoenix, AZ - AK-Chin Pavilion
July 21 - Los Angeles, CA - Hollywood Bowl
July 22 - Irvine, CA - Verizon Wireless Amp
July 23 - Mountain View, CA - Shoreline Amphitheatre
July 25 - Reno, NV - Reno Events Center
July 26 - Ridgefield, WA - Sleep County Amphitheater
July 27 - Auburn, WA - White River Amphitheater
July 29 - Wheatland, CA - Sleep Train Amphitheater
July 30 - Chula Vista, CA - Sleep Train Amphitheater
Aug. 01 - Salt Lake City, UT - USANA Amp
Aug. 02 - Denver, CO - Pepsi Center
Aug. 03 - Kansas City, MO - Sprint Center
Aug. 05 - Sturgis, SD - Sturgis Buffalo Chip
Aug. 06 - Sioux City, IA - Tyson Events Center
Aug. 08 - Tinley Park, IL - First Midwest Bank Amphitheatre
Aug. 09 - Clarkston, MI - DTE Energy Music Theatre
Aug. 10 - Toronto, ON - Molson Canadian Amp
Aug. 12 - Cuyahoga Falls, OH - Blossom Music Center
Aug. 13 - Burgettstown, PA - First Niagara Pavilion
Aug. 15 - Pelham, AL - Oak Mountain Amp
Aug. 16 - Alpharetta, GA - Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre @ Encore Park
Aug. 17 - Tampa, FL - MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Amp
Aug. 19 - Charlotte, NC - PNC Music Pavilion
Aug. 20 - Virginia Beach, VA - Farm Bureau Live at Virginia Beach
Aug. 22 - Bristow, VA - Jiffy Lube Live
Aug. 23 - Camden, NJ - Susquehanna Bank Center
Aug. 24 - Mansfield, MA - Xfinity Center
Aug. 26 - Saratoga Springs, NY - Saratoga Performing. Arts Center
Aug. 27 - Allentown, PA - Great Allentown Fair
Aug. 29 - Wantagh, NY - Nikon at Jones Beach Theater
Aug. 30 - Holmdel, NJ - PNC Bank Arts Center
Aug. 31 - Darien Center, NY - Darien Lake Performing. Arts Center
Oct. 10 - Oklahoma City, OK - Chesapeake Arena
Oct. 11 - The Woodlands, TX - Cynthia W. Mitchell Pavilion
Oct. 12 - Bossier City, LA - CenturyLink Center
Oct. 14 - Louisville, KY - KFC Yum! Center
Oct. 15 - Nashville, TN - Bridgestone Arena
Oct. 17 - Hollywood, FL - Seminole Hard Rock Live
Oct. 19 - Jacksonville, FL - Veterans Memorial Arena
Oct. 21 - Greenville, SC - Bon Secours Wellness Arena
Oct. 22 - Greensboro, NC - Greensboro Coliseum
Oct. 25 - Atlantic City, NJ - Borgata Events Center Phoenix - AK-Chin Pavilion
Oct. 26 - Montville, CT - Mohegan Sun
Oct. 29 - Syracuse, NY - The OnCenter Complex
Nov. 05 - Biloxi, MS - Mississippi Coast College
Nov. 06 - Southaven, MS - Landers Center
Nov. 09 - Moline, IL - iWireless Center
Nov. 11 - Green Bay, WI - Resch Center
Nov. 12 - Madison, WI - Alliant Energy Center
Nov. 13 - Omaha, NE - CenturyLink Center
Nov. 15 - St. Paul, MN - Xcel Energy Center
Nov. 16 - Fargo, ND - FargoDome
Nov. 18 - Edmonton, AB - Rexall Place
Nov. 19 - Calgary, AB - Scotiabank Saddledome
Nov. 21 - Vancouver, BC - Rogers Arena


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