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 Asunto: Re: Noticias de CRYSTAL VIPER
NotaPublicado: Jue Mar 14, 2024 4:22 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
CRYSTAL VIPER anuncian nuevo disco

Crystal Viper lanzará su nuevo álbum de estudio, “The Silver Key”, el 28 de junio a través de Listenable Records. Estará disponible en vinilo, CD, casete y digital.

"The Silver Key" fue producido y masterizado por Bart Gabriel, y grabado y mezclado por Rafal Kossakowski. La portada es obra del artista guatemalteco Mario López, quien también fue responsable de la portada del álbum anterior, "The Cult".


01. Return To Providence
02. Fever Of The Gods
03. Old House In The Mist
04. The Key Is Lost
05. Heading Kadath
06. Book Of The Dead
07. The Silver Key
08. Wayfaring Dreamer
09. Escape From Yaddith
10. Cosmic Forces Overtake
11. Gods Of Thunder Of Wind And Of Rain - CD bonus track
12. Scream! - LP bonus track


CRYSTAL VIPER - new studio album "The Silver Key", out on June 28, 2024, on Listenable Records. It will be available as a vinyl record, compact disc, cassette, and digitally.
The album will be promoted on European headlining tour, on which CRYSTAL VIPER will be joined by the US heavy metal act Savage Master.
As all the lyrics are once again inspired by the works of the father of cosmic horror, Howard Phillips Lovecraft, "The Silver Key" is a natural continuation of the previous full length release, "The Cult", which came out on Listenable Records in 2021. In fact, working title of the new album was "The Cult II". However, "The Silver Key" is an album with very own identity and character, and is without a doubt the most intense release that CRYSTAL VIPER ever recorded. The new album is heavier, faster and darker, but at the same more epic and melodic than their previous works. In the past the band was very often balancing between Power Metal and Heavy Metal, but here, there's no doubt that we are talking about pure Heavy Metal. The band had very unique approach to songwriting and production, which was almost like a tribute to classic Metal acts such as IRON MAIDEN or JUDAS PRIEST, but except that CRYSTAL VIPER decided to show their love for the Metal culture, and incorporated in their songs several new elements, characteristic for other subgenres. So don't get fooled by the term "female-fronted" which is usually associated with softer genres: CRYSTAL VIPER, founded and led by the vocalist and bassist Marta Gabriel (who for the last few years played rhythm guitar for the band), is simply as that METAL, and very serious about it.
"The Silver Key" was produced and mastered by the Heavy Metal veteran Bart Gabriel, and was recorded and mixed by Rafal Kossakowski. Its cover artwork was painted by respected Guatemalan artist Mario Lopez, who was also responsible for the cover artwork of the previous album, "The Cult". ... PQZaofihJl


 Asunto: Re: Noticias de CRYSTAL VIPER
NotaPublicado: Mié Jun 19, 2024 4:23 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
El guitarrista Eric Juris deja CRYSTAL VIPER

Comunicado de la banda:

"¡Buenas y malas noticias! Como algunos de ustedes quizás ya sepan, debido a problemas de agenda, Eric Juris decidió dejar Crystal Viper y concentrarse en su carrera como músico de sesión. Eric tocó con nosotros desde 2018: hicimos 3 álbumes y tocamos muchos shows juntos. ¡Buenos tiempos! Le deseamos a Eric todo lo mejor y quién sabe, tal vez algún día nos volvamos a encontrar en el mismo escenario.

¡Pero no hay descanso para los malvados! Démosle la bienvenida al siciliano Giuseppe Tiyris Taormina como el nuevo hombre del hacha en Crystal Viper.

¡Somos la Nación del Metal!"


Some bad news, some good news! As some of you maybe already know, due to conflicting schedules Eric Juris decided to leave CRYSTAL VIPER and focus on his session musician career. Eric played with us since 2018 – we did 3 albums, and played a lot of shows together. Good times! We wish Eric nothing but all the best, and who knows, maybe we will meet on the same stage again one day.
But, there’s no rest for the wicked ones! Please welcome the Sicilian born Giuseppe Tiyris Taormina as the new CRYSTAL VIPER axeman. We are Metal Nation! ... RxX3Sm5GLl


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