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 Asunto: Novedades de TYGERS OF PAN TANG
NotaPublicado: Vie Ene 22, 2010 8:00 pm 
Rey de la Barra
Rey de la Barra
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Registrado: Lun Jun 23, 2008 2:35 pm
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Ubicación: En las cálidas tierras andaluzas



Una de las bandas más representativas y definitorias de lo que fue la NWOBHM, TYGERS OF PAN TANG quieren celebrar el treinta aniversario de su primer disco "Wild Cat" regrabando sus cinco temas preferidos del disco para editar un EP.

Los temas que van a ser regrabados son los siguientes:

* Euthanasia
* Slaves to Freedom
* Suzy Smiled
* Don't Touch Me There
* Wildcat

Estas regrabaciones serán publicadas en un EP que únicamente se podrá reservar en la web de la banda a partir de febrero y comprar, también desde su web, así como en sus conciertos, a partir de marzo.

Esta EP estará limitado a 1000 copias que contarán con una nueva portada.

La banda también pondrá a la venta en Marzo y a través de su web una camiseta conmemorativa de este aniversario.


Dime con quien andas y te diré con quien vas

NotaPublicado: Mié Jul 18, 2012 11:43 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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TYGERS OF PAN TANG: nuevo disco "Ambush"

TYGERS OF PAN TANG lanzará un nuevo álbum "Ambush" el 24 de septiembre.

"Ambush" cuenta con 11 pistas de rock melódico. Fue grabado y producido por Chris Tsangarides productor de los históricos discos de la banda "Wild Cat" y "Spellbound" de 1980 y 1981 respectivamente.

La portada es obra de Rodney Matthews y la masterización del audio de Ian Cooper ("Wild Cat" y "Spellbound"), unas tres décadas después han reunido al equipo de su época dorada.


01. Keeping Me Alive
02. These Eyes
03. One Of A Kind
04. Rock & Roll Dream
05. She
06. Man On Fire
07. Play To Win
08. Burning Desire
09. Hey Suzie
10. Mr. Indispensable
11. Speed


Robb Weir - Guitar
Jacopo Meille - Vocals
Dean Robertson - Guitar
Gavin Gray - Bass
Craig Ellis - Drums/Percussion

TYGERS OF PAN TANG To Release 'Ambush' In September - July 18, 2012
The influential and legendary British hard rock band TYGERS OF PAN TANG will release a brand new album, "Ambush", on September 24, celebrating a landmark year in the band's history.

"Ambush" features 11 tracks of handsomely crafted melodic rock, recorded and produced by Chris Tsangarides who produced the band's historic "Wild Cat" and "Spellbound" albums in 1980 and 1981, respectively. Those early efforts were critically acclaimed and similarly revered by fans, as was the TYGERS' most recent LP, "Animal Instinct".

With a truly impressive piece of coverart by Rodney Matthews who originally worked with the band on the iconic "Crazy Nights" album cover and with audio mastering by Ian Cooper ("Wild Cat" and "Spellbound" albums), some three decades on, the TYGERS have assembled a team which understands and lives up to their heritage. ... adlines%29


 Asunto: Re: Novedades de TYGERS OF PAN TANG
NotaPublicado: Vie Jul 20, 2012 1:37 pm 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody
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Registrado: Mar Ene 26, 2010 1:49 pm
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mítica banda, la epoca con John Sykes es la mejor para mi entender 25beber.gif

 Asunto: Re: Novedades de TYGERS OF PAN TANG
NotaPublicado: Jue Feb 04, 2016 1:24 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
TYGERS OF PAN TANG lanzarán un nuevo disco en agosto

TYGERS OF PAN TANG están en el estudio "Newcastle's Blast" trabajando en un nuevo álbum, después de haber firmado un acuerdo con la discográfica Mighty Music/Target Group.
El álbum homónimo se lanzará en agosto, y le seguirá una gira europea.


Fantastic news brought to you by Classic Rock Magazine!...! Welcome Tygers Of Pan Tang to the Mighty Music & Target Group family.

Tygers Of Pan Tang are in the studio working on a new album having signed a deal with Mighty Music/Target Group.

The self-titled album will be released in August, with a European tour to follow. It's being recorded at Newcastle's Blast Studio.

Mainman Robb Weir tells TeamRock: “This is a landmark album for the Tygers. Self-titled and self-produced, we feel we have written some pretty special hard rock songs.

"The sound is classic Tygers and the new cover version we have chosen to record is spectacular – after all, Love Potion #9 is 34 years old.

"It's a big year for the band, with 10 shows in South America in March, then festival's in Chicago, Ibiza, Gent, Alicante, a British tour starting October 21 and a European tour we're going to be applying to the time lords for membership."

Michael H Andersen, CEO of Mighty Music/Target Group, adds: “It’s no less than a landmark for our company to have signed Tygers Of Pan Tang.

"Having worked with and still working with artists like Mike Tramp, Volbeat and Pretty Maids, it is a great honour to welcome The Tygers to our family.

"After visiting the band in the Blast Studio in Newcastle, I have no doubts this is gonna be a classic hard rock album my staff and I will be very proud of releasing." ... 5854692758


 Asunto: Re: Novedades de TYGERS OF PAN TANG
NotaPublicado: Mar Jul 19, 2016 2:41 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
TYGERS OF PAN TANG: portada y lista de temas de su nuevo disco

El disco homónimo de Tygers Of Pan Tang será lanzado el viernes 21 de octubre de 2016. A finales de agosto el primer single "Only The Brave" será lanzado en un EP de 7 pulgadas que llevará como bonus track exclusivo el tema "What You Say". El video musical de "Only The Brave" se está rodando en estos momentos.


01. Only The Brave
02. Dust
03. Glad Rags
04. The Reason Why
05. Never Give In
06. Do It Again
07. I Got The Music In Me
08. Praying For A Miracle
09. Blood Red Sky
10. Angel In Disguise
11. The Devil You Know


Robb Weir - guitarra
Iacopo Meille - voz
Michael McCrystal - guitarra
Gav Gray - bajo
Craig Ellis - batería y percusión

...In late August first single “Only The Brave” will be released on 7” vinyl ep with exclusive bonus track “What You Say” from the album recording session. A music video for “Only The Brave” is being shot as we speak.

The long awaited comeback album "Tygers Of Pan Tang" will be released worldwide Friday 21st of October 2016 on LP, ltd picture LP, CD and through all digital services... ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Novedades de TYGERS OF PAN TANG
NotaPublicado: Jue Sep 12, 2019 3:17 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
TYGERS OF PAN TANG: nuevo disco "Ritual"

Tygers Of Pan Tang lanzará su nuevo álbum, "Ritual", el 22 de noviembre a través de Mighty Music.


01. World's Apart
02. Destiny
03. Rescue Me
04. Raise Some Hell
05. Spoils of War
06. White Lines
07. Word's Cut Like Knives
08. Damn You!
09. Love Will Find a Way
10. Art of Noise
11. Sail On


Iacopo Meille - Voz
Robb Weir - Guitarra
Michael McCrystal - Guitarra
Gav Gray - Bajo
Craig Ellis - Batería

Grabado por Fred Purser
Mezclado por Soren Andersen
Masterizado por Harry Hess
Portada de Roberto Toderico ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Novedades de TYGERS OF PAN TANG
NotaPublicado: Sab Oct 26, 2019 2:27 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
TYGERS OF PAN TANG: nuevo tema "Damn You!"


 Asunto: Re: Novedades de TYGERS OF PAN TANG
NotaPublicado: Vie Nov 15, 2019 7:09 pm 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
TYGERS OF PAN TANG: nuevo tema "Destiny"


 Asunto: Re: Novedades de TYGERS OF PAN TANG
NotaPublicado: Sab Abr 25, 2020 3:44 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Micky Crystal (guitarra) deja TYGERS OF PAN TANG

El guistarrista Micky Crystal deja la banda por razones personales. Según el grupo Mick ha sido fundamental en el aumento del éxito de la banda en los últimos 7 años y los dos últimos álbumes han sido trabajo suyo.

“... Mick ha sido uno de los mejores guitarristas de la larga historia de la banda, siempre hambriento de llevar las cosas al siguiente nivel, y estamos agradecidos por su dedicación y muy decepcionados de verlo marchar.”



The Tygers regretably need to inform our fans that Micky Crystal is leaving the band!..

His decision to leave for personal reasons is a huge blow to us, not only as an incredibly talented musician and songwriter, but also on performance, commitment and image. Mick has been instrumental in the rise in profile and current success of the band over the last 7 years and the last two albums have been a credit to him... Even though his decision was tough for us to take and we tried to resolve matters, he has made his mind up... Mick has been one of the best guitar players in the bands long history, always hungry to take things to the next level, and we are grateful for his dedication and very disappointed to see him go.

Statement from Micky Crystal

“I officially announce that I have left Tygers of Pan Tang and want to thank you the fans for all your love and support over the past 7 years. I also thank my friends in the band for the good times, great shows and of course two records that produced songs like “Only The Brave” and “White Lines.” I am proud of the music we have created and the things this lineup has achieved, I have developed and grown both as a musician and as a person and I feel this is the perfect time to open the door to a new chapter and new goals. I wish the band all the best for the future. Micky”

We would like to thank him for his time in band and wish him all the best for the future.

Tygers of Pan Tang ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Novedades de TYGERS OF PAN TANG
NotaPublicado: Jue Oct 15, 2020 4:07 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
TYGERS OF PAN TANG presentan su nuevo guitarrista

Tygers Of Pan Tang han anunciado que Francesco Marras es su nuevo guitarrista y que esperan comenzar pronto a grabar un nuevo disco.


We are delighted to announce that our new guitarist is – Francesco Marras (Francesco Marras - Guitarist). In what has been a very difficult year for all musicians we are ending this one secure in the knowledge that, amongst the talented players we have looked at, we have chosen the right guy to carry forward the music of the Tygers. We can’t wait to start recording and (fingers crossed) gigging with Francesco. For now we just wanted to ask you to join us in saying ‘Welcome Francesco’. Check out more information at Mighty Music
Help us to let everyone know by sharing our post. — con Gav Gray, Francesco Marras, Tyger Robb, Target Group y Mighty Music. ... =3&theater


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