Only Heavy Metal

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NotaPublicado: Jue Ago 04, 2011 7:09 pm 
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Registrado: Vie Nov 20, 2009 7:20 pm
Mensajes: 9793
Ubicación: El Ojete de Satán
dentro de 10 años: las de los 90/00, no ves que llevan 40/30 años acumulando fans

La Cripta (no spam)

NotaPublicado: Jue Ago 04, 2011 11:07 pm 
Metal Heart
Metal Heart
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Registrado: Sab Ago 30, 2008 7:36 pm
Mensajes: 755
Pues yo veo ahora mismo muchisimas bandas capaces de llenar ese supuesto hueco, y respecto al tema de los frontmans veo lo mismo, hay muchisimo carisma en los jovenes.

Un saludo.

NotaPublicado: Vie Ago 05, 2011 12:29 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Metal_Inhar escribió:
El dia en que las bandas de los 70/80 desaparezcan, a ver quien ocupa el lugar de ellos y llenar pabellones, estadios...

Yo lo que veo es que la gente no hace nada por actualizarse, claro que hay sitios donde propician eso porque lo fácil es centrarse en los grandes para atraer visitas en vez de dar un tratamiento correcto a las bandas emergentes... Creo que actualmente sólo el 10% de lo que escucho son bandas de esa época y ahí sigo.


NotaPublicado: Vie Ago 05, 2011 7:12 pm 
Heavy Metal Hamster
Heavy Metal Hamster

Registrado: Vie Sep 12, 2008 2:23 pm
Mensajes: 356
Xanceda escribió:
Metal_Inhar escribió:
El dia en que las bandas de los 70/80 desaparezcan, a ver quien ocupa el lugar de ellos y llenar pabellones, estadios...

Yo lo que veo es que la gente no hace nada por actualizarse, claro que hay sitios donde propician eso porque lo fácil es centrarse en los grandes para atraer visitas en vez de dar un tratamiento correcto a las bandas emergentes... Creo que actualmente sólo el 10% de lo que escucho son bandas de esa época y ahí sigo.

El verdadero Heavy y el buen rock estan en los 70 y 80 pero tambien hay que actualizarse, si no mal andamos.

Hay gente muy cerrada y no escuchan las nuevas bandas que vienen, talento si que hay, calidad tambien, pero claro si la gente no ve mas alla, la musica desaparecera, tiempo al tiempo, si las compañias discograficas no apuestan por esas bandas nuevas, solo se fijan en el dinero, no merece la pena.

NotaPublicado: Vie Ago 05, 2011 7:23 pm 
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Registrado: Vie Nov 20, 2009 7:20 pm
Mensajes: 9793
Ubicación: El Ojete de Satán
Metal_Inhar escribió:

Yo lo que veo es que la gente no hace nada por actualizarse, claro que hay sitios donde propician eso porque lo fácil es centrarse en los grandes para atraer visitas en vez de dar un tratamiento correcto a las bandas emergentes... Creo que actualmente sólo el 10% de lo que escucho son bandas de esa época y ahí sigo.

El verdadero Heavy y el buen rock estan en los 70 y 80 pero tambien hay que actualizarse, si no mal andamos.

Hay gente muy cerrada y no escuchan las nuevas bandas que vienen, talento si que hay, calidad tambien, pero claro si la gente no ve mas alla, la musica desaparecera, tiempo al tiempo, si las compañias discograficas no apuestan por esas bandas nuevas, solo se fijan en el dinero, no merece la pena.[/quote]

estoy contigo, ese es uno de los problemas, muchos de los heavys de siempre siguen escuchando lo de siempre y dejan poco hueco a lo nuevo. también es verdad que los nuevos heavys escuchan cosas nuevas pero también buscan en lo de antes, no se, yo empecé a escuchar metal a primcipio de los noventa y escuchaba lo del momento pero tambien los viejos Black Sabath, deep purple, led zepellin...

el "problema" también es que antes casi todos escuchaban las mismas bandas, por ejemplo, a principios de los noventa todo cristo escuchaba los maiden, helloween, wasp, y metallica-anthrax-megadeth como más extremo, y ahora está todo tan dividido en tantisimos generos, que un "Nuevo heavy" tiende a declinarse por pocas ramas (que por cierto, son bastante extensas), por eso aunque un grupo lo MegaPete en su genero ( me viene a la cabeza rapido los Watain de la lista de terrorizers) es posible que no llenen ni una pista de tenis si actuaran en una capital como madrid... esta banda con esa calidad nace en los 70/80 y arrastraría masas

La Cripta (no spam)

NotaPublicado: Vie Ago 05, 2011 10:39 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Para la gente veterana lo de las bandas extremas es más complicado aun, a mi gustan tres / cuatro casos contados y no he conseguido que le interesen a mis amigos, :roll:


NotaPublicado: Sab Ago 06, 2011 4:56 am 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Registrado: Lun Sep 07, 2009 5:07 pm
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Ubicación: Las islas del recuadro aparte cuando dan el tiempo
Xanceda escribió:
Para la gente veterana lo de las bandas extremas es más complicado aun, a mi gustan tres / cuatro casos contados y no he conseguido que le interesen a mis amigos, :roll:

Ese es mi caso. El uso de voces excesivamente guturales sigue sin entrarme, de ahí que me guste poco death y black. Soy más bien clásico, quizás porque oí a muchos de los grupos que ahora son míticos mientras sacaban los discos que les encumbraban o al poco de haberlo hecho. También el número de grupos (y el acceso a lo que hacían) era más limitado. Por no hablar de la variedad de estilos, que era más bien poca comparada con las etiquetas que hay ahora.


NotaPublicado: Sab Ago 06, 2011 6:49 pm 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Registrado: Sab Jun 21, 2008 4:22 pm
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Ubicación: ∆x·∆p≥ħ/2
shownomercy escribió:
Watain ... esta banda con esa calidad nace en los 70/80 y arrastraría masas

Primero, aprende a citar dedorisa.gif
Segundo, un grupo de black arrastrando masas? Lo dudo.

::fire:: for the night is dark and full of terrors ::fire::

NotaPublicado: Jue Sep 22, 2011 1:59 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
W.A.S.P. anuncia la gira “30 Years of Thunder”

Hace veintinueve años hoy (ayer), el 21 de septiembre de 1982, WASP dio su primer concierto en el Troubadour en Los Angeles.

El 21 de septiembre 2012 W.A.S.P. comenzará el "30 Years of Thunder" Tour aniversario que comenzará en el Reino Unido y continuará por todo el mundo!

Este World Tour será el mayor espectáculo que WASP haya hecho antes. El espectáculo de dos horas se compondrá de tres partes. Una parte de una hora con canciones de los cuatro primeros álbumes. La segunda será una versión abreviada de 25 minutos de "The Crimson Idol", con el acompañamiento de la película. Una tercera parte sera del material del nuevo álbum de estudio, los temás más antiguos y todo lo demás. Este espectáculo se verá en múltiples pantallas de video, pirotecnia, elementos de los primeros conciertos de WASP...


W.A.S.P. – “30 Years of Thunder”

Twenty Nine years ago today, on September 21st 1982, W.A.S.P. played their first show at the Troubadour in Los Angeles.

On September 21st 2012 W.A.S.P. will begin the “30 Years of Thunder” anniversary Tour starting in the United Kingdom and continue Worldwide!!

This World Tour will be the biggest spectacle W.A.S.P. have ever created. The two hour show will consist of three parts. A one hour set contain songs from the first four albums. The second set will be a 25 minute shortened version of “The Crimson Idol” complete with the movie accompaniment. A third set will consist of material from the New Studio Album, older material and everything in between. This show will see multiple video screens, pyrotechnics, and elements from the early W.A.S.P. shows (maybe even an exploding cod piece) and Blackie’s moving microphone stand “Elvis”!

The “30 Years of Thunder” World Tour -
This promises to be the Greatest W.A.S.P. Show Ever !!!

W.A.S.P. "30 Years Of Thunder" - Part One

This is the first monthly installment of fifteen in total to chronicle the real events of this Band and give you all a little better insight to the last thirty years in our history. A lot has been written over the years, some true, some not. These monthly installments will give you a snapshot of what really happened.

The First W.A.S.P. Show

It was early June 1982 when I met with Chris Holmes to discuss working together again. It had been over 4 years since the two of us had played together in the band Sister. Sister was the group where we both learned the type of Rock-Theatre that we would later do in this new band. Originally we had no intention of playing live shows. I had written about 10 songs that we were only going to record and then shop them around trying to get a record deal. Many of those early recordings were songs that would be re-recorded for the first album. The problem was, we got no offers from any of the major labels. They all turned us down. So after impatiently waiting around for 2
months for a response (that never came), we decided to go out and try these new songs live. We didn’t know if they would be accepted by a very jaded L. A. audience but we thought they were pretty good. Love Machine, Hellion, Sleeping in the Fire, On Your Knees, these were songs that NO RECORD COMPANY wanted. Seems funny now!

Anyway, in our haste to make something happen we decided to go out and play live, something we said we would not do. First we needed a direction. The four of us were, Chris, Tony Richards (drums), Don Costa (bass) and myself. Don was the last to join. If we were going to do this, we did not want to just stand still and play songs. We wanted to entertain ourselves. This is where the idea of the “show” really came from.

For the record, the first show was played in August of 82’ but I was still playing guitar. Don Costa was playing bass. Don was a fantastic player and performer and was a real star. He used to do a routine where he nailed a metal cheese greater to the back of his bass. In the middle of the show he turned the bass over and started grating his knuckles on it. Blood was streaming down his arms – it was quite a spectacle! Chris had a major problem with this. Not that the visual of it bothered him. It was the idea that Don stopped playing the bass to do it. There were actually a number of times during the show that he stopped playing for one thing or another. The next day Chris gave me an ultimatum, either he or Don was leaving the band. I tried for an hour to get Chris to reconsider but he didn’t want to know about it. I would not leave Chris so I was elected to break the news to Don. This was tough, as I had actively courted both Don and Tony to leave the band they were in at the time. That band was called Dante Fox. They would later change their name to Great White.

Now we have no bass player! I had known Randy Piper from a couple of bands that he and I had played in before. An early incarnation that had Tony, Randy and myself could never get off the ground. The missing ingredient was Holmes and I knew it. So I called Randy and asked him to come down. I felt the chemistry was there but there was only one problem – no bass player. Randy could sing and I needed another voice to do all those harmonies with. I had sent copies of the demo tape to both Ace Frehley and former Kiss manager, the late Bill Aucoin. They had agreed to come out to L. A. to see our first show at the Troubadour that was quickly approaching. Now we have one of two options, find a bass player and rehearse him in 3 weeks and I just sing lead, OR I play bass. The other two would not even discuss the idea of them doing it. Holmes said, “we’ve already got 4 very volatile personalities, we don’t need a fifth guy to make it even worse”. So it’s off to Guitar Center (there was only one back then and this was the original on Sunset Blvd.) to buy myself what I would eventually refer to as “the tool of ignorance”. That description was unfair but it described my anxiety and frustration toward that instrument at the time.

There were two shows that were booked for us to play the Troubadour. The first was September 21st and the next week on the 28th. Both were Tuesday nights at 8 PM. Considering the Troubadour was closed on Monday, these were the worst time slots in the week. There were 63 people in attendance at that first show. Humble beginnings !!

More Next Month!!
B. L.


NotaPublicado: Jue Sep 22, 2011 10:02 am 
Heavy Metal Hamster
Heavy Metal Hamster
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Registrado: Mié Ene 05, 2011 9:30 pm
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