APOLLO PAPATHANASIO (voz) deja FIREWINDEl vocalista Apollo Papathanasio ha dejado FIREWIND y ha sido sustituido temporalmente por el cantante estadounidense Kelly Sundown Carpenter (foto de abajo, Adagio, Beyond Twilight, etc.).

A pesar de que Papathanasio ha sido sustituido temporalmente en algunas agiras en el pasado, ha aparecido en todos los discos de Firewind desde 2006. El próximo CD en directo contará con grabaciones de sus recientes conciertos con el grupo.
Declaración de la banda: "Hoy nos encontramos en la lamentable situación de anunciar que Apolo ha decidido dejar definitivamente su trabajo como vocalista Firewind.
"Durante los últimos años, se hizo evidente que Apollo no podía seguir el ritmo de giras y el calendario promocional cada vez más creciente y exigente FIREWIND. Varias veces hemos tenido que reclutar reemplazos para poder seguir viajando por el mundo y seguir tocando para nuestros fans. Tenemos la suerte de haber trabajado con algunos de los mejores cantantes de metal!
"Aunque estamos tristes de anunciar la salida de Apolo y estamos seguros de que lo extrañaremos, al mismo tiempo, creemos que el show debe continuar!
"FIREWIND es una banda que ha pasado por muchos altibajos en los últimos 10 años, pero todavía está fuerte! Dicho esto, estamos felices de anunciar que Kelly Sundown Carpenter estará cantando con nosotros en la próxima gira norteamericana con TURISAS! Este tipo es un cantante fenomenal...
FIREWIND have announced Kelly Sundown Carpenter (Adagio, Beyond Twilight, etc.) as new vocalist for their upcoming North American touring activities, after longterm vocalist Apollo Papathanasio parted ways with the band. Even though Papathanasio has been temporarily replaced for some touring activities in the past, he has appeared on all FIREWIND releases since 2006’s “Allegiance” album and the band’s upcoming live-album will feature recordings from his recent final shows with the group.
FIREWIND have checked in to comment the news as follows:
“Today we are in the unfortunate position to announce that Apollo has decided to step down permanently from the vocal duties in FIREWIND. For the past few years it was evident that Apollo could not keep up with FIREWIND’s ever growing and demanding touring & promotional schedule. Several times we've had to recruit replacements in order to continue touring the world and keep playing for our fans. We're lucky enough to have worked with some of the best Metal singers out there!
Although we're sad to announce Apollo's departure and we sure will miss him, at the same time we feel that the show must go on! FIREWIND is a band that has gone thru lots of ups and downs the past 10 years, but is still going strong!
With that said, we're happy to announce that Kelly Sundown Carpenter (Adagio, Beyond Twilight, Darkology) will be singing for us on the upcoming N. American tour with Turisas! This guy's a phenomenal singer and we can't wait to get out there and Rock! We're looking forward to our return in America. See you all soon!”