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 Asunto: Re: Novedades FAITH NO MORE
NotaPublicado: Mar Abr 14, 2015 2:14 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69289
FAITH NO MORE: "Superhero" Remix


 Asunto: Re: Novedades FAITH NO MORE
NotaPublicado: Lun Nov 13, 2017 4:03 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69289
FAITH NO MORE: fallece su ex-vocalista Chuck Mosley

Chuck Mosley, vocalista de Faith No More en sus primeros discos, falleció el pasado 9 de noviembre a los 57 años. Según ha informado la familia, su muerte fue debida a las secuelas que dejaron sus adicciones.

A través de la página de Facebook de "EMP Label Group", la familia de Chuck Mosley publicó un comunicado. "Después de un largo período de sobriedad, Charles Henry Mosley III perdió la vida, el 9 de noviembre de 2017, debido a una enfermedad generada por su adicción".

"Compartimos la manera en que falleció, con la esperanza de que sirva como advertencia o como señal de alerta para cualquier persona que lucha por estar sobrio".

Faith No More también publico en su web un comunicado:

"Con gran pesar tenemos que informar de la muerte de nuestro amigo y compañero de banda Chuck Mosley. Era una fuerza imprudente y temeraria de energía que nos dio convicción y nos ayudó a ponernos en una senda de singularidad y originalidad que no se habría desarrollado de la forma que lo hizo si no hubiese sido parte de ella. Nos sentimos afortunados por haber podido actuar con él el año pasado al reunirnos por la reedición de nuestro primer disco. Muchos echarán de menos su entusiasmo, su sentido del humor, su estilo y su fanfarronería. Éramos una familia, una familia extraña y disfuncional, y estaremos siempre agradecidos por el tiempo que compartimos con Chuck."


It’s with a heavy, heavy heart we acknowledge the passing of our friend and bandmate, Chuck Mosley. He was a reckless and caterwauling force of energy who delivered with conviction and helped set us on a track of uniqueness and originality that would not have developed the way it had had he not been a part. How fortunate we are to have been able to perform with him last year in a reunion style when we re-released our very first record. His enthusiasm, his sense of humor, his style and his bravado will be missed by so many. We were a family, an odd and dysfunctional family, and we’ll be forever grateful for the time we shared with Chuck. ... =3&theater

Today the EMP/THC family has suffered a devastating loss, with the passing of our friend, and artist, Chuck Mosley. Here is the official statement from his family.

“After a long period of sobriety, Charles Henry Mosley III lost his life, on November 9th, 2017, due to the disease of addiction. We’re sharing the manner in which he passed, in the hopes that it might serve as a warning or wake up call or beacon to anyone else struggling to fight for sobriety. He is survived by long-term partner Pip Logan, two daughters, Erica and Sophie and his grandson Wolfgang Logan Mosley. The family will be accepting donations for funeral expenses. Details to follow when arranged.”

When I met Chuck, he had been away from music for a long time, and it was an honor to be able, with his greatest supporter Doug Esper, to help make him active again, out touring for the fans, and release his last few releases. We had been working on re-releasing some of his classic catalog with Cement, and helping him stay in the studio to continue being productive moving forward on new music.

Being involved with him, the Faith No More reunion shows, everything we have done the last 2 years, has been one of the most incredible, and rewarding experiences of my career. In Chuck I found a true friend, and a beautiful, timeless, musical soul. I was just with him a few weeks ago, we had some great conversations about the future, the new music he was working on with Matt Wallace. He was in amazing spirits and truly excited about music again. Thankfully, that is the last memory I will have of him. He fought a long hard battle with sobriety, which he seemed to be winning, which makes it all the more devastating.

Chuck was truly one of the greats, as the original vocalist of Faith No More, he had a voice that launched not only one of the greatest bands of all time, but helped define an entire generation of music. Thom, David, and all at EMP today mourn the loss of a one of a kind voice that will never be duplicated, Mr. Chuck Mosley. We were so beyond honored to have him as part of our family. Our deepest condolences to his amazing family, friends, and anyone else whose lives were touched by Chuck and his music. Thankfully, we were able to have a small hand in making sure there was more of it for the World to enjoy.

Rest In Peace.
Thom Hazaert – EMP LABEL GROUP ... 0879072251


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