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 Asunto: Nuevo disco de NARNIA
NotaPublicado: Mar May 19, 2009 12:52 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
Narnia nuevo disco "Course Of A Generation"


Narnia a completado el trabajo de su sesto album "Course Of A Generation", que será lanzado el 24 de Julio para Europa por Massacre Records. El CD marcará el debut del nuevo vocalista de la banda Germán Pascual (MIND'S EYE, MENDEZ), que sustituyo a Christian Liljegren el año pasado. La portada ha sido diseñada por Carlos Barbosa de "Artiside, Brazil" y el logo ha sido rediseñado por "Rainer Mittelstädt" de "InLine Design" de Alemania.


"Course Of A Generation" fue mezclado por Fredrik Nordström y Henrik Udd en "Studio Fredman" (IN FLAMES, SOILWORK, ARCH ENEMY, DIMMU BORGIR) en Gotemburgo, Suecia.

Segun la banda su mejor disco:

Commented the band: "The result is truly explosive and it's the most unique album we have ever done — by far!! We have a new and unique blend of dark and aggressive riffing along with melodies that we believe are the strongest in our history."


01. Sail Around The World
02. When The Stars Are Falling
03. Course Of A Generation
04. Scared
05. Kings Will Come
06. Rain
07. Armageddon
08. One Way To Freedom
09. Miles Away
10. Behind The Curtain


 Asunto: Re: Narnia nuevo disco "Course Of A Generation"
NotaPublicado: Sab Ago 20, 2016 3:11 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
NARNIA: detalles de su nuevo disco homónimo


El nuevo disco saldrá a la venta el 16 de septiembre.


1. Reaching for the Top
2. Still Believe
3. Highest Mountain
4. Set the World on Fire
5. Thank You
6. Who Do You Follow
7. Moving On
8. Messengers
9. One Way to the Promised Land


Christian Liljegren – Voz
Carljohan Grimmark – Guitarra, teclados y voz
Andreas Passmark – Bajo
Andreas Johansson – Batería
Martin Härenstam – Teclados


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de NARNIA
NotaPublicado: Sab Jun 01, 2019 1:53 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
NARNIA: nuevo disco "From Darkness To Light"

Narnia lanzará su nuevo álbum, "From Darkness To Light", el 2 de agosto. El video dell primer single, "A Crack In The Sky", se puede encontrar a continuación.


01. A Crack In The Sky
02. You Are The Air That I Breathe
03. Has The River Run Dry
04. The Armor Of God
05. Mnfst
06. The War That Tore The Land
07. Sail On
08. I Will Follow
09. From Darkness To Light (Part 1)
10. From Darkness To Light (Part 2)


Christian Liljegren - Vocals,
CJ Grimmark - Guitars, vocals
Martin Härenstam - Keyboards
Andreas Johansson - Drums
Jonatan Samuelsson - Bass, vocals


"A Crack in the Sky" - first single from the coming album "From Darkness to Light", available on all major digital platforms.

Music video:
Album-release: August 2, 2019

”A Crack in the Sky” - 1st single and video from the coming album “From Darkness to Light”

Uppsala, Sweden. May 31st, 2019

Today (May 31st), Swedish metal band, Narnia, releases the single A Crack in the Sky, which is the first track of the coming studio-album; From Darkness to Light. To follow up the release, touring begins in September, where the band looks forward meeting old and new fans.

While waiting for Swedish metal band Narnia’s eighth studio-album, which will be released on August 2nd, first single; A Crack in the Sky, is released on all major digital platforms in cooperation with record label Sound Pollution. On the band’s YouTube-channel you can find the music-video, produced by Mats Vassfjord (220 Volt and Impera).
The song is the first track of the coming album From Darkness To Light, and a mix of a modern sound meets melodic metal, which has been associated with the band for over 20 years.
This single release begins the countdown of a new major venture with Narnia, which means additional single
releases, album release in August, and then the forthcoming tour that begins in South America along with American bands Stryper and Tourniquet.
The album is produced by Narnia’s guitarist CJ Grimmark, mixed by the band’s sound engineer Viktor Stenquist, and mastered by Jens Bogren, Fascination Street Studios (Sepultura, Symphony X, James LaBrie in Dream Theater).
From Darkness To Light will be released on CD, vinyls in different colors and digitally August 2nd , and distributed by Sound Pollution (Europe, USA, Australia), King Records (Asia) and Latin America: Voice Music, Icarus Music and The Dove’s Voice Records. The album-release will be followed up with a tour in 2019-2020, starting in South America, together with Stryper and Tourniquet. ... 67?__xts__


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de NARNIA
NotaPublicado: Vie Dic 23, 2022 3:20 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
NARNIA anuncia su nuevo disco "Ghost Town"

"Ghost Town" el nuevo disco de Narnia, fue producido por CJ Grimmark, mezclado por el ingeniero de sonido de la banda, Viktor Stenquist, y masterizado por Thomas Piec Johansson. Estará disponible en todas las plataformas digitales, CD y vinilo el 17 de marzo en colaboración con Sound Pollution Distribution.


01. Rebel
02. Thief
03. Hold On
04. Glory Daze
05. Descension
06. Ghost Town
07. Alive
08. Modern Day Pharisees
09. Out of the Silence
10. Wake Up Call


Christian Liljegren: Voz
CJ Grimmark: Guitarra, coros
Jonatan Samuelsson: Bajo, coros
Martin Härenstam: Teclados
Andreas “Habo” Johansson: Batería

wenty-seven years into a career that continues to grow, Swedish metal band Narnia takes huge steps into an exciting chapter with the new album ’Ghost Town’. The seasoned five-some once again shows how to shape a masterpiece with this melodic metal future classic.

On the ninth studio album, ’Ghost Town’, Narnia has picked the icing on the cake from its vast catalog. You can’t simply label this album a neoclassic metal album or a power metal album, even though these elements are present. There are also parts that are progressive, modern, heavy, or just creatively different. But you can summarize by saying this is well-crafted piece of classic and melodic metal.

Co-founder, guitarist, and producer CJ Grimmark is the crucial architect of the band’s sound, and also its primary songwriter along with co-founder and lead singer Christian Liljegren and bassist Jonatan ”Jono” Samuelsson. Through well formulated lyrics and melodies created to enhance the music, the songwriting team has explored new modes of expression that are well represented in songs such as ’Thief’, with its dramatic arrangement, anxiety-laden, expressive imagery, and the progressive ’Modern Day Pharisees’, a song dealing with the subject of hypocrisy.

The title track, ’Ghost Town’, was first introduced to the cheering live-audience at Sweden Rock Festival 2022 and is now an obvious part of the set list with its bombastic four on the floor-pulse and sing along chorus. The heartbeat of Narnia, Andreas “Habo” Johansson, does a tremendous job behind the drums, and spares no energy. 

Martin Härenstam and his keyboards have been given a large but tasteful space on the record, and range in sound from vintage synths to grand piano.

The record’s neoclassical gem, ’Rebel’, with a nod to the band’s earliest influences, should appeal to longtime fans. But also, more immediate songs like the soon-to-be crowd pleasers ’Hold On’, ’Wake Up Call’, and ’Alive’. ’Descension’, on the other hand, is more progressive, but there is a constant and clear common thread throughout the entire production that ties it together brilliantly.

’Out of the Silence’ picks up where 2019’s ’The War That Tore the Land’ left off as the album’s only ballad. Featured by Saviour Machine’s frontman Eric Clayton, who reads the Lord’s prayer with his deep baritone operatic voice. 

’Glory Daze’ is perhaps the album’s heaviest song, which also addresses one of today’s biggest problems: Stress and chasing the wind. Something that Liljegren himself experienced during a burnout.

– Different songs will appeal to different people lyrically, but we cover a variety of topics throughout the album, and I’m sure people will be able to relate to them, both musically and spiritually. Some of these songs stand out a bit from our previous repertoire, but without abandoning our historical influences. Liljegren explains and continues:

– This is an album with a positive message combined with bombastic music. You can’t have one without the other when it comes to Narnia. Liljegren concludes.

Lyrics that make you reflect combined with the broad musical breadth the band possesses, along with a solid production, is Narnia’s musical trademark which runs throughout the entire album.

If the latest studio album ’From Darkness to Light’ from 2019 marked the way, ’Ghost Town’ is a more than worthy sequel with a life of its own.

“Ghost Town” is produced by CJ Grimmark, mixed by the band”s sound engineer Viktor Stenquist, and mastered by Thomas Piec Johansson. It will be available on all digital platforms, CD, and vinyl on March 17th in collaboration with Sound Pollution Distribution.


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de NARNIA
NotaPublicado: Sab Feb 11, 2023 4:20 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
NARNIA publican su nuevo tema "Rebel"


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