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 Asunto: Nuevo disco de VISION DIVINE
NotaPublicado: Mar Ago 20, 2019 2:57 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
Nuevo disco de VISION DIVINE

El nuevo álbum de Vision Divine "When All The Heroes Are Dead" se lanzará el 25 de octubre de 2019 a través de Scarlet Records en Europa / América y King Records en Japón.

Es el debut oficial en el estudio para la nueva formación, que incluye a Mike Terrana en la batería y Ivan Giannini en la voz junto a Olaf Thorsen y Federico Puleri (guitarras), Andrea "Tower" Torricini (bajo) y Alessio Lucatti (teclado).

"When All The Heroes Are Dead" fue producido por Olaf Thorsen y Alessio Lucatti y grabado y mezclado por Simone Mularoni.

La portada es obra de Federico Mondelli (Frozen Crown, Be The Wolf, Eldritch)


01. Insurgent (Intro)
02. The 26th Machine
03. 3 Men Walk On The Moon
04. Fall From Grace
05. Were I God
06. Now That All The Heroes Are Dead
07. While The Sun Is Turning Black
08. The King Of The Sky
09. On The Ides Of March
10. 300
11. The Nihil Propaganda (Outro)
12. Rusty Nail (X-Japan Cover, Bonus Track)


VISION DIVINE new album ‘When All The Heroes Are Dead’ details revealed

Vision Divine new album ‘When All The Heroes Are Dead’ will be released on October 25th, 2019 via Scarlet Records in Europe/America and King Records in Japan.

The new record follows the highly successful single ‘Angel Of Revenge’ is the official studio debut for the new line-up, which includes MIKE TERRANA OFFICIAL PAGE on drums and Ivan Giannini on vocals alongside Olaf Thorsen and Federico Puleri (guitars), Andrea "Tower" Torricini (bass) and Alessio Lucatti (keys).

‘When All The Heroes Are Dead’ was produced by Olaf Thorsen and Alessio Lucatti, recorded and mixed by Simone Mularoni.

The artwork was created by Federico Mondelli (Frozen Crown, Be The Wolf, Eldritch) ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de VISION DIVINE
NotaPublicado: Mié Sep 18, 2019 1:14 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
VISION DIVINE: nuevo tema "3 Men Walk On The Moon"


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de VISION DIVINE
NotaPublicado: Mié Jul 10, 2024 3:24 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
VISION DIVINE anuncian el lanzamiento de su nuevo disco "Blood And Angels' Tears"

Vision Divine lanzaran su nuevo álbum, "Blood And Angels' Tears", el 20 de septiembre a través de Scarlet Records.


Chapter I: War In Heaven
Chapter II: The Ballet Of Blood And Angels’ Tears
Chapter III: Once Invincible
Chapter IV: Drink Our Blood (featuring Bulldozer's AC Wild)
Chapter V: When Darkness Comes
Chapter VI: Preys
Chapter VII: A Man On A Mission
Chapter VIII: Go East
Chapter IX: The Broken Past (featuring Fates Warning's Ray Alder & Twilight Force/Trick Or Treat's Alle Conti)
Chapter X: Dice And Dancers
Chapter XI: Lost


Ivan Giannini - voz
Olaf Thorsen - guitarra
Federico Puleri - guitarra
Alessio Lucatti - teclados, piano
Andrea 'Tower' Torricini - bajo
Matt Peruzzi - batería

Vision Divine will release the new album "Blood And Angels' Tears" on the 20th of September through Scarlet Records.
The finest Italian prog-power metal prime movers are back for good, once again delivering a handful of glorious and smooth progressive power metal. An epic saga unfolding across two monumental records, with "Blood And Angels' Tears" as its first part: set in a distant epoch before known civilizations, the narrative revolves around three angels banished from heaven for their indecision during the cataclysmic war between Lucifer and Archangel Michael.
Each album is a chapter in a grand movie-like tale: themes of redemption, unity and resilience permeate the melodic orchestrations and haunting vocals. Experience the cinematic majesty of "Blood And Angels' Tears" where each note and lyric merges to evoke a timeless struggle and a heroic journey through the realms of ancient myth and fantastical imagination!
"Blood And Angels' Tears" will be released in the following formats:
- digipack CD
- vinyl LP: 350 marbled red (retail exclusive), 150 marbled blue (mailorder exclusive)
- digital ... FKqBDjUWel


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo disco de VISION DIVINE
NotaPublicado: Mar Nov 26, 2024 6:03 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
El vocalista de VISION DIVINE deja la banda

Vision Divine compartieron la noticia de que su vocalista Ivan Giannini inesperadamente decidió dejar la banda. La declaración completa de la banda se puede leer a continuación.


"Queremos destacar que, por primera vez en 25 años de nuestra carrera, nos vemos obligados a cancelar nuestros shows en diciembre, debido a la decisión de nuestro cantante de dejar la banda apenas 2 semanas antes de los próximos conciertos y su negativa a al menos honrar los compromisos más próximos.

Nos disculpamos profundamente y podemos prometer que nos aseguraremos de que cosas como esta no vuelvan a suceder.

Nos vemos pronto y gracias a las salas, promotores y bandas por haber entendido la situación."

We want to emphasize that, for the first time in 25 years of our career, we are forced to cancel our shows in December, due to the decision of our singer to leave the band just 2 weeks before the upcoming concerts and his refusal to at least honor the nearest commitments.
We deeply apologize and we can promise we'll make sure things like this won't happen again.
See you soon and thanks to the venues, promoters and bands for having understood the situation.
Con grande rispetto per tutti coloro che seguono le nostre iniziative e per tutti gli artisti coinvolti, desideriamo informarvi che i Vision Divine , inizialmente annunciati per i nostri eventi, venerdì 6 dicembre allo Spazio Webo di Pesaro (Pesaro) , e sabato 7 dicbre all' Alchemica Music Club ( Bologna) , non potranno purtroppo esibirsi. La band sta attualmente attraversando un periodo di riorganizzazione artistica a seguito della recente decisione del loro cantante di abbandonare il progetto.
Siamo certi che la band ritroverà presto un suo equilibrio e non vediamo l’ora di collaborare nuovamente con loro quando sarà il momento.
Ci teniamo a rassicurare il nostro pubblico che entrambe le serate si svolgeranno regolarmente e le band già confermate si esibiranno live con un bill aggiornato che garantirà uno spettacolo di alto livello. Stiamo lavorando con dedizione per assicurarci che l’esperienza sia memorabile e all’altezza delle aspettative di tutti i partecipanti.
Vi ringraziamo per il continuo supporto e la fiducia che ci dimostrate, e siamo entusiasti di condividere con voi la nostra passiona più grande. Seguiteci per ulteriori aggiornamenti e non esitate a contattarci per qualsiasi domanda. ... ErhchRVERl

talian power metal operatives Vision Divine shared news that their vocalist Ivan Giannini has unexpectedly decided to leave the band. Full statement from the band can be read below.


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