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 Asunto: Re: Nuevo proyecto de Michael Kiske - UNISONIC
NotaPublicado: Vie Ene 04, 2013 2:28 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
Lo nuevo de UNISONIC para 2014

La banda comenta en su web oficia: "2013 será un año en silencio para Unisonic. Además de trabajar con nuestras otras bandas y proyectos, podéis estar seguros de que vamos a utilizar el tiempo para escribir y grabar un nuevo álbum de Unisonic! Girar juntos por primera vez y vuestras reacciones contundentes nos unen como banda, y no podemos esperar para canalizar todas estas impresiones en un álbum de metal potente y melódico que se publicará a principios de 2014!"


Happy new year

UnisonicHello out there, we wish you all a healthy and happy year 2013!!!

2012 was an event- and successful year for Unisonic: We released our debut CD and did the first tour, leading us to many countries in Latin America, Asia and Europe. The feedback on the CD and the live shows was phenomenal and we want to thank you all from the deepest of our hearts for your support!

2013 will be a more silent year for Unisonic. Besides working with our other bands & projects, be sure that we will use the time to write and record a new Unisonic album! Touring together for the first time and your overwhelming reactions glued us together as a band, and we can´t wait to canalize all these impressions into a powerful and melodic metal album to be released in early 2014!

Michael, Kai, Mandy, Dennis & Kosta


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo proyecto de Michael Kiske - UNISONIC
NotaPublicado: Vie Ene 04, 2013 12:03 pm 
Guitar Hero
Guitar Hero
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Registrado: Mar Jul 08, 2008 8:04 am
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Ubicación: El Triángulo de las Bermudas
pues vale ...

Siento ruido, siento gente,
siento quince, siento veinte...

 Asunto: Re: Nuevo proyecto de Michael Kiske - UNISONIC
NotaPublicado: Vie Ene 04, 2013 9:58 pm 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Registrado: Mar Abr 21, 2009 7:21 am
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Ubicación: En un lugar de la Marcha
A ver si esta vez se acuerdan de enchufar las guirarras electricas..... por que en anterior :roll:
.... Nunca un disco tan esperado causo una decepcion tan grande....... coscorrones.gif

...Camino por la desierta calle
no hay ni un alma
no estoy seguro de que yo la tenga...

 Asunto: Re: Nuevo proyecto de Michael Kiske - UNISONIC
NotaPublicado: Vie Ago 09, 2013 2:15 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
UNISONIC comienzan a trabajar en nuevo material

Comunicado de la banda:

"Después de tomar un descanso de Unisonic, cada uno de nosotros trabajamos con otros proyectos y bandas. Estamos felices de anunciar que ahora hemos empezado a recoger e intercambiar ideas para el segundo álbum de UNISONIC, que será lanzado en el 2014"

Pues si que van a poner a trabajar en 2014 a Kiske

After taking some time off from Unisonic, each of us worked with other projects and bands. We are happy to announce that we´ve now started collecting and exchanging ideas for the second UNISONIC album, which will be released in 2014! ... 1613414649


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo proyecto de Michael Kiske - UNISONIC
NotaPublicado: Sab Abr 05, 2014 1:49 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
UNISONIC: nuevo disco y EP "For The Kingdom"

"Dos años después de su célebre álbum debut homónimo el supergrupo alemán de hard rock UNISONIC que incluye a Michael Kiske, Kai Hansen, Dennis Ward, Mandy Meyer y por último pero no menos importante a Kosta Zafiriou está de vuelta con un nuevo disco que será lanzado el 25 de julio.

Como anticipo de su segundo álbum la banda lanzará el 23 de mayo el EP "For The Kingdom", que contiene dos nuevas canciones y cuatro temas en directo.

El mini-álbum saldrá en CD, EP edición limitada de 12 pulgadas en vinilo y descarga digital en plataformas como Amazon, iTunes, etc donde estará listo para la preventa a partir del 11 de abril.

CD tracklisting
1 - For The Kingdom (brand new album track)
2 - You Come Undone (brand new EP exclusive track)
3 - Intro & Unisonic (Live from Masters of Rock Festival 2012 in Czech Republic)
4 - Never Too Late - (Live from Masters of Rock Festival 2012 in Czech Republic)
5 - Star Rider - (Live from Masters of Rock Festival 2012 in Czech Republic)
6 - Souls Alive - (Live from Masters of Rock Festival 2012 in Czech Republic)

12" tracklisting
1- For The Kingdom (brand new album track)
2- Intro & Unisonic (Live from Masters of Rock Festival 2012 in Czech Republic)
3- Never Too Late - (Live from Masters of Rock Festival 2012 in Czech Republic)
1- You Come Undone (brand new EP exclusive track)
2- Star Rider - (Live from Masters of Rock Festival 2012 in Czech Republic)
3- Souls Alive - (Live from Masters of Rock Festival 2012 in Czech Republic)


Two years after their celebrated eponymous debut album German hard rock supergroup UNISONIC which includes Michael Kiske, Kai Hansen, Dennis Ward, Mandy Meyer and last but not least Kosta Zafiriou is back with a new record that will be released on July 25th.

As a foretaste of their eagerly awaited sophomore album the band will release the EP 'For The Kingdom', which contains two new songs and four live tracks, on May 23rd.

Rock and metal fans had to wait many many years – 23 to be exact – before it finally happened: German metal icons Kai Hansen and Michael Kiske, who kicked off German Metal trailblazers Helloween's international triumph with the two 'Keeper Of The Seven Keys' records at the end of the 80s, got back together again. Again? Yes, again: Hansen quit Helloween in 1989 to found Gamma Ray while Kiske left four years later to attend to his solo projects. Even though the band already formed a year before Kai joined them but it was his involvement that made UNISONIC a so-called supergoup.

The two congenial musicians' new baby was called UNISONIC and instantly aroused enthusiasm in the rock and metal community. Their first single 'Unisonic' got well over 150.000 YouTube clicks in just a few days after its release in January 2012 and has by now garnered more than 640.000. When music legends like Kiske on mic and Hansen on guitar, who are completed by bassist Dennis Ward (Pink Cream 69), guitarrist Mandy Meyer (Krokus, ex Asia & Gotthard) and drummer Kosta Zafiriou (ex Pink Cream 69), pool their creative strengths, the world is going to be set on fire for sure.

And UNISONIC did deliver the goods: After their teaser mini album 'Ignition' got rave reviews and sold out immediately, the eponymous full-length debut was equally acclaimed and proved impressively that the chemistry between Hansen and Kiske is simply second to none. However, all those who expected a third 'Keeper Of The Seven Keys' album were mistaken: Instead of relying on worn out success patterns the two thoroughbred musicians rather indulged in heavy rock than in power metal and delivered a stylistically manifold album which featured everything from emotional ballad to luscious rock track while occasionally still drawing on buzzing heavy metal of course. The outcome was a unique collection of rock anthems full of energy, melody and magic.

And there's more to come. Only two years later Hansen, Kiske and co. up the ante again with their sophomore album which is once more produced by Dennis Ward an will be released on July 25th. Heralding this eagerly awaited full-length album, UNISONIC will again offer a foretaste in form of an EP called 'For The Kingdom' which will see the light of day on May 23rd. The six song collection consists of the brand new album track 'For The Kingdom', which hymn-like chorus and it’s double-bass footwork extraordinaire will rush the blood to the head of all metal fans. Followed by the EP exclusive smasher 'You Come Undone' which could have been included on the first band offering as well but also gives a hint of what to expect from the near-by future plus four live recordings from their show at the Masters Of Rock Festival 2012 in the Czech Republic where UNISONIC performed a celebrated show (also exclusive to this EP).

The mini album will come as CD, strictly limited 12 inch vinyl EP and digital download on platforms like Amazon, iTunes etc. where it should be ready for preorder starting April 11th. ... e-kingdom/


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo proyecto de Michael Kiske - UNISONIC
NotaPublicado: Jue Abr 17, 2014 2:00 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
UNISONIC presenta la portada de su próximo EP "For The Kingdom"

La portada fue creada por el artista gráfico Martin Hausler (quien ha trabajado anteriormente con Unisonic en el diseño de la portada del álbum de debut de la banda).


Producido por Dennis Ward, el EP contiene el tema más rápido del disco "For The Kingdom", la canción exclusiva "You Come Undone" (sólo disponible en esta versión), además de cuatro canciones inéditas en directo: "Unisonic", "Never Too Late", "Star Rider" y "Souls Alive" todas grabadas en el Masters of Rock Festival 2012 en la República Checa.

El mini album/EP estará disponible en CD, vinilo limitado de 12 pulgadas y descarga digital el 23 de mayo de 2014.

Unisonic unveils the artwork for the upcoming EP "For The Kingdom“.
Created by graphic artist Martin Hausler (who has previously worked with Unisonic on the band´s debut album cover design), it constitutes only a very small excerpt of the futuristic album artwork.

Produced by Dennis Ward, the EP contains the fast album track "For The Kingdom“, the exclusive song "You Come Undone“ (only available on this release) plus four previously unreleased live songs: "Unisonic“, "Never Too Late“, "Star Rider“ and "Souls Alive“all recorded at the Masters of Rock Festival 2012 in Czech Republic (and to be found in their studio renditions on the band´s debut album).

The EP/mini album will be available on CD, strictly limited 12 inch vinyl EP and digital download on May 23rd 2014

Michael Kiske - vocals
Kai Hansen - guitars
Mandy Meyer - guitars
Dennis Ward - bass
Kosta Zafiriou - drums ... eam_ref=10


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo proyecto de Michael Kiske - UNISONIC
NotaPublicado: Jue Abr 17, 2014 5:32 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
UNISONIC lista de temas de su nuevo EP "For The Kingdom"

El mini album/EP estará disponible en CD, vinilo limitado de 12 pulgadas y descarga digital el 23 de mayo de 2014.


1. For The Kingdom
2. You Come Undone (EP exclusive track)
3. Unisonic (Live 2012 EP exclusive track)
4. Never Too Late (Live 2012 EP exclusive track)
5. Star Rider (Live 2012 EP exclusive track)
6. Souls Alive (Live 2012 EP exclusive track)


Michael Kiske - vocals
Kai Hansen - guitars
Mandy Meyer - guitars
Dennis Ward - bass
Kosta Zafiriou - drums ... s=unisonic


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo proyecto de Michael Kiske - UNISONIC
NotaPublicado: Vie May 09, 2014 11:31 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
UNISONIC pequeño adelanto de "For The Kingdom" y "You Come Undone"

CD tracklisting
1 - For The Kingdom (brand new album track)
2 - You Come Undone (brand new EP exclusive track)
3 - Intro & Unisonic (Live from Masters of Rock Festival 2012 in Czech Republic)
4 - Never Too Late - (Live from Masters of Rock Festival 2012 in Czech Republic)
5 - Star Rider - (Live from Masters of Rock Festival 2012 in Czech Republic)
6 - Souls Alive - (Live from Masters of Rock Festival 2012 in Czech Republic)

12" tracklisting
1- For The Kingdom (brand new album track)
2- Intro & Unisonic (Live from Masters of Rock Festival 2012 in Czech Republic)
3- Never Too Late - (Live from Masters of Rock Festival 2012 in Czech Republic)
1- You Come Undone (brand new EP exclusive track)
2- Star Rider - (Live from Masters of Rock Festival 2012 in Czech Republic)
3- Souls Alive - (Live from Masters of Rock Festival 2012 in Czech Republic)


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo proyecto de Michael Kiske - UNISONIC
NotaPublicado: Lun May 12, 2014 12:45 pm 
Heavy Metal Hamster
Heavy Metal Hamster
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Registrado: Jue Sep 25, 2008 6:02 pm
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Que bien suena...................pinta muy bien.

Quien aspire a MANDAR que aprenda primero a OBEDECER.

 Asunto: Re: Nuevo proyecto de Michael Kiske - UNISONIC
NotaPublicado: Vie May 23, 2014 2:32 pm 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Registrado: Sab Ago 30, 2008 1:50 pm
Mensajes: 1860
Unisonic - For the Kingdom - Official Lyric Video


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