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 Asunto: Nuevo trabajo de SUBWAY TO SALLY
NotaPublicado: Mié Ene 14, 2009 1:58 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Subway To Sally "Kreuzfeuer" portada nuevo disco



La portada de "Kreuzfeuer", el nuevo álbum de los alemanes (folk rock/metal) Svbway To Sally, se puede ver bajo estas lineas. La fecha de lanzamiento esta prevista para Marzo-Abril de 2009 por "Nuclear Blast Records", es el décimo álbum de estudio de la banda y contará con la siguiente lista de temas:


01. Aufstieg
02. Judaskuss
03. Besser Du Rennst
04. SoFfern, So Nah
05. Die Jagd
06. Einsam
07. Komm in Meinen Schlaf
08. Angelus
09. Krähenkönig
10. Niemals
11. Versteckt
12. Vater

The cover artwork for "Kreuzfeuer", the new album from German folk rock/metal heroes SVBWAY TO SALLY, can be viewed below. Due in late March/early April 2009 via Nuclear Blast Records, the band's tenth studio album will feature the following track listing:


 Asunto: Re: Subway To Sally "Kreuzfeuer" portada nuevo disco
NotaPublicado: Mié Abr 07, 2021 2:57 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Nuevo disco en directo de SUBWAY TO SALLY

Subway to Sally anuncian un nuevo Blu-Ray/DVD/CD en directo, titulado "Eisheilige Nacht - Back to Lindenpark", que se lanzará el 18 junio de 2021 por Napalm Records!


1 Intro
2 Messias
3 Königin der Käfer
4 Unsterblich
5 Imperator Rex Graecourm
6 Dein Anblick
7 Kleid aus Rosen
8 Das Elfte Gebot
9 Sieben
10 Kalte Winde
11 Minne (FAUN Version)
12 Henkersbraut
13 Falscher Heiland
14 Tanz auf dem Vulkan

1 Drag Me to Hell
2 Island
3 Kein Meer zu Tief
4 Arme Ellen Schmitt
5 Eisblumen
6 Sie tanzt allein
7 IX
8 Veitstanz (2014 Version)
9 Grausame Schwester
10 Alles was das Herz will
11 Aufgewacht
12 Ausgeträumt
13 Outro
14 Julia und die Räuber


Eric Fish - voz
Ally Storch - violín
Ingo Hampf - guitarra
Bodenski - guitarra, voz, zanfona
Simon - guitarra, voz
Sugar Ray - bajo
Simon Michael - batería

Subway to Sally
Announces New Live Blu-Ray/DVD/CD,
Eisheilige Nacht - Back to Lindenpark, out June 18, 2021 via Napalm Records!
Pre-Order now: ... 9738971052


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo trabajo de SUBWAY TO SALLY
NotaPublicado: Vie May 07, 2021 3:01 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
SUBWAY TO SALLY: video adelanto de su directo "Eisheilige Nacht - Back to Lindenpark"



 Asunto: Re: Nuevo trabajo de SUBWAY TO SALLY
NotaPublicado: Jue Jun 03, 2021 3:26 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
SUBWAY TO SALLY: nuevo video adelanto de su directo "Eisheilige Nacht - Back to Lindenpark"

"Kleid Aus Rosen" ft. Schandmaul


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo trabajo de SUBWAY TO SALLY
NotaPublicado: Vie Jun 18, 2021 5:54 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
SUBWAY TO SALLY: nuevo video adelanto de su directo "Eisheilige Nacht - Back to Lindenpark"

Drag Me To Hell ft. Chris Harms from Lord Of The Lost


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo trabajo de SUBWAY TO SALLY
NotaPublicado: Vie Dic 16, 2022 4:15 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
Nuevo disco de SUBWAY TO SALLY

Subway To Sally regresan con su decimocuarto álbum de estudio, Himmelfahrt (Ascension), que saldrá el 24 de marzo de 2023 a través de Napalm Records.


01 Was ihr wollt
02 Leinen los
03 Weit ist das Meer
04 So tief
05 Gaudens in domino
06 Gott spricht
07 Auf dem Hügel
08 Autumn
09 Eisbrecher
10 Halt
11 Ihr kriegt uns nie
12 Lasst die Himmel fall'n

CD2: Mediabook 2- CD
01 Gott spricht (Audinity Remix)
02 Auf dem Hügel (Akustik Version)
03 So tief (Akustik Version)
04 Was ihr wollt (Akustik Version)
05 Weit ist das Meer (Akustik Version)
06 So Rot MMXXI


Eric Fish - Voz, flautas, gaita
Ally Storch - Violín
Bodenski - zanfona, guitarra acústica, voz
Simon - Guitarras acústicas, trumsheit, voz
Ingo Hampf - Guitarra, Laúd
Simon Michael - batería, percusión
Sugar Ray - Bajo

Subway to Sally Announces New Album, Himmelfahrt, out March 24, 2023 via Napalm Records
Watch the brand new music video for "Was Ihr Wollt" by clicking below!
Pre-Order "Himmelfahrt" here:
German folk rock icons SUBWAY TO SALLY inspire hope with 14th studio album Himmelfahrt
Almost four long years have passed since the pioneers of German folk rock, SUBWAY TO SALLY, released their last album HEY!. Now they return with their 14th studio album, Himmelfahrt (eng. Ascension), out March 24, 2023 via Napalm Records. The brand new album marks a turning point in the discography of the band: since the beginning of their promising career, the musicians gave the darkest abysses of human soul a spotlight – but now, they surprise fans with the total opposite. For the first time in over 30 years of their band history, the musicians celebrate hope!
With first single “Was ihr wollt” (engl. What you want), the folk rock trailblazers criticize the principle of reciprocity, but above that, they also give a first taste of their new sonic realms. Including catchy rhythms and rousing electronic beats, a haunting atmosphere is created and sticks with the listener. Furthermore, the album opener is accompanied by a visually stunning official music video.
SUBWAY TO SALLY states on their new album:
"The new album marks a turning point. Himmelfahrt represents the ending and a new beginning at the same time. The work on the songs for Himmelfahrt began long before Covid, shortly after the release of the last album Hey!. This album addressed a broken world, the destructive treatment of people with their own kind and the environment in which they live. As the pandemic hit the world, most of the album seemed prophetic and depressing. All the material created up to that point had to be put to the test and was disposed of as outmoded.
SUBWAY TO SALLY have always dealt with the dark sides of the human soul with relish. Over the years, a lot of blood has been spilled and murdered for love. But the lust for doom is an attitude that works well when a fully fueled helicopter is waiting on the roof to carry us away from the zombie apocalypse.
For the first time in thirty years of the band's history, we had to ask ourselves if it was time to celebrate hope. Hope is fuel for the future, and so many songs on the new album are about departure and journey, about reaching out to others to lead them from the deepest depths into the light. However, the most current events in the world put this hope to a difficult test. This explains the downer, the bitterness that clouds hope. That's why even God had to say a word on the album, to vent his own disappointment in his work." ... Pl?__cft__


 Asunto: Re: Nuevo trabajo de SUBWAY TO SALLY
NotaPublicado: Mar Sep 17, 2024 3:16 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69204
SUBWAY TO SALLY anuncian su nuevo disco "Post Mortem"

Subway To Sally, lanzarán su decimoquinto álbum de estudio, "Post Mortem", el 20 de diciembre de 2024 a través de Napalm Records.


01. Introitus
02. Phönix
03. Post mortem
04. Wunder
05. Nero
06. Unter dem Banner
07. Herz in der Rinde
08. Lumpensammler
09. Stahl auf Stahl
10. Atlas
11. Kummerkind
12. Eisheilige Nacht
13. Die Erde bebt


Eric Fish - Voz, flauta, gaita
Ally Storch - Violín
Bodenski - Zanfoña, guitarra acústica, voz
Simon - Guitarras acústicas, Trumsheit, voz
Ingo Hampf - Guitarra, Laúd
Simon Michael - Batería, Percusión
Sugar Rayr - Bajo

Rumored to be finished, SUBWAY TO SALLY, the German grandmasters of folk metal, prove they are very much alive with their 15th studio album, Post Mortem, set for release on December 20, 2024 via Napalm Records. Their 2023 predecessor, Himmelfahrt, was secretly intended to be the final album of their over 30-year career. In hindsight, this explains the symbolic title. However, things turned out differently. The release of the album unleashed an unstoppable lightness, energy, and contagious enthusiasm that everyone involved could feel. SUBWAY TO SALLY had clearly struck a chord with their music, as fan and critic reactions to Himmelfahrt were overwhelmingly positive. Following a nearly sold-out tour, it became clear that the 14th album was not the final chapter. But how does one continue Post Mortem?
The Potsdam-based band provides an impressive answer with their new masterpiece, opening with the explosive track "Phönix", which celebrates the creative rebirth of the folk metal institution. On Post Mortem, SUBWAY TO SALLY neither look back nor into the future, but rather deliver a sharp analysis of the present. Songs like "Wunder", "Nero", "Lumpensammler", and "Die Erde bebt" offer the band’s signature soundscape while exploring socially critical themes without moralizing. SUBWAY TO SALLY comment: "The world around us is still in flux. The prevailing feeling is that nothing is getting better; on the contrary, it seems to be getting worse. The 'Black Death' is over, but the long-awaited Freedom Day after COVID never came. Instead, one problem seems to replace the next. We are living in times of grand failure. Everything swings between darkness and euphoria. People long for distraction, for forgetting, for celebration and freedom – even if only for a moment." This escapism is reflected in the anthemic title track "Post Mortem", the rousing "Unter dem Banner", and the poetic ballad "Herz in der Rinde". All songs unite the band’s familiar trademarks of great melodies and profound lyrics but never feel redundant. The haunting "Atlas" melancholically draws on Greek mythology, while the folk metallers showcase a heavier yet melodic side on "Stahl auf Stahl". For this piece, they enlisted their labelmates Warkings as guest performers, whose power metal adds a unique flavor to the track. With English lyrics in the chorus, SUBWAY TO SALLY return to their roots.
"In our music, we address the desires and fears of people, but also their hopes and dreams. In a time when the world seems to be falling apart, we want to be a constant – a voice of authenticity and humanity amidst the turbulence of life." With "Kummerkind", the septet tackles mental struggles that many people cannot escape, once again proving their precise grasp of the zeitgeist. "In this world of contradictions and changes, finding a voice seems difficult. But upon closer inspection, one finds parallels in history and art. What do Putin and Nero, Oppenheimer and Prometheus have in common? What rises from the ashes of Rome? Does history truly repeat itself – once as tragedy, the other time as farce?" SUBWAY TO SALLY skillfully explore this tension between past, future, and present, art and political reality with their music, making it clear with Post Mortem that they are more alive than ever before. ... 8523087350


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