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 Asunto: Pentakill - Mortal Reminder
NotaPublicado: Sab Ago 05, 2017 2:28 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Pentakill - Mortal Reminder

Video of Pentakill’s “live musical carnage” in Bandle City, performing Mortal Reminder from the new album Grasp of the Undying, recorded in the catacombs of the Shadow Isles.


Pentakill official site:

Alex "Scherzo" Temple – Orchestration on “Mortal Reminder”
Billy "The Buck" Banjoman - Banjos and Slide Gueetars on "Mortal Reminder"
Bob "robesman" DeBelina – Production Coordinator
Christian "Praeco" Linke – Executive Producer, Engineer
Eugene "kyugene" Kang – Bass Guitars
Jason "chupacobbler" Willey aka ProtoShredanoid – Lead Guitars
Joe "Keytar Dragon" Atlan – Keyboards, Piano
JORN Lande – Vocals on "Mortal Reminder" and "The Bloodthirster"
F.A.M.E.'S. Macedonian Symphonic Orchestra & Choir – Strings on "Mortal Reminder"
Mike “PitmanDrums” Pitman – Producer, Drums, Rhythm Guitars, Lead Guitars, Acoustic Guitars, and Synths
Noora Louhimo – Vocals on "Tear of the Goddess"
Richard “RickyTee” Thomson – Drums, Rhythm Guitars, Acoustic Guitars, Lead Guitars & Synths
Scott Kirkland - Synths on “The Bloodthirster”
Smiley Sean – Drum Recording & Engineering
Viranda "Viranimal" Tantula – Creative Director, Producer

All Music & Lyrics written by Pentakill.
Engineered and Produced by Riot Games in Los Angeles, CA and London, UK.
Mixed and Mastered by Jacob Hansen.


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