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 Asunto: Recomendaciones de Bandas Nacionales
NotaPublicado: Mié Jul 02, 2008 4:30 am 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody

Registrado: Mié Jul 02, 2008 1:15 am
Mensajes: 58
Omission (Esp)
Thrash Metal
Lyrical theme(s)
Satanism, inner feelings, revenge
Origin Formed in Current label Status
Spain (Madrid) 2005 Unsigned Active
Current line-up
Miguel A. Hernanz ``Patillas``: Lead Vocals/Rhythm guitar (Muro, Crienium)
Marco Mauroco: Lead Guitar (Sabatan, Extreme Unction)
Julio Rico ``Julito``: Bass (Muro, Crienium)
Juanjo Rico: Drums
Former/past member(s)
Charlie: Lead guitars
Eduardo Olmos: Drums (Sabatan)

Day Of Your Death Arrives Demo, 2005
Yells That Destroys Demo, 2007
V.P.A. Demo, 2008

 Asunto: SPARTO
NotaPublicado: Mié Jul 02, 2008 4:33 am 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody

Registrado: Mié Jul 02, 2008 1:15 am
Mensajes: 58
Traditional Metal
Lyrical theme(s)
Social issues, metal way of life
Origin Formed in Last label Status
Spain (Pamplona, Navarre) 1987 Urantia Split-up
Last known line-up
Juan Carlos 'Ion' Pino - vocals
Jose Luis 'Koldo' Pino - guitar
Augusto 'Tito' Trujillo - guitar (Billy Goat)
Jesus Maria 'Txutxo' Villarroya - bass
Jesus Luis 'Txus' Casanova - drums

Víctimas, Héroes EP, 1988
Todos Juntos Full-length, 1988
Entre Dos Fuegos Full-length, 1992

 Asunto: MURO
NotaPublicado: Mié Jul 02, 2008 4:35 am 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody

Registrado: Mié Jul 02, 2008 1:15 am
Mensajes: 58
Speed Metal
Lyrical theme(s)
True metal
Origin Formed in Last label Status
Spain (Madrid) 1981 Avispa Split-up
Last known line-up
Silverio ``Silver`` Solorzano - Vocals (Silver Fist, Venganza, Alien (Esp), Viuda Negra (Madrid))
Alex Escorza - Guitar (Crienium)
Julio Rico ``Julito`` - Bass (Sabatan, Omission (Esp), Crienium)
Lapi - Drums
Former/past member(s)
José Manuel Navarro ``Largo`` - Guitar
Miguel ``Patillas`` Hernanz - Guitar (Omission (Esp), Crienium)
Javier Morales - Guitar (Enuma Elish, Härem)
Paco Gomez - Guitar
Manolo Arias - Guitar (Niagara, Ñu,
Motores, Bella Bestia)
Joaquin Arellano ``El Niño`` - Drums (Mägo de Oz, Saratoga (Esp), Ñu, Jose Andrëa, Cuatro Gatos)
Lapi - Drums
Ivan Manzano - Drums (Silver Fist, Crying Blood, Crienium)
Additional notes
The Band reunited for some show in 2007 celebrating the 20th Aniversary - ``Acero y Sangre``, first LP. In this reunion they haven't ``Largo`` guitarrist, then they chose the young guitarrist Alex Escorza from Crienium.


Acero y Sangre Live album, 1987
Telon de Acero (The Steel Curtain) Full-length, 1988
Mutant Hunter Full-length, 1989
Pacto de Sangre (`Pact in Blood) Full-length, 1992
Grandes Exitos (Greatest Hits) Best of/Compilation, 1995
Los Grandes del Heavy Español Split album, 1999
Peligro Inminente (Imminent Danger) Full-length, 1999
Corazon de Metal (Metal Heart) Full-length, 2001
Este Muro No Se Cae Live album, 2003
Enterrados En Vivos (1987 - 2003) Best of/Compilation, 2004
Grandes y Directos Best of/Compilation, 2007

 Asunto: PANZER
NotaPublicado: Mié Jul 02, 2008 4:37 am 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody

Registrado: Mié Jul 02, 2008 1:15 am
Mensajes: 58
Panzer (Esp)
Heavy/Traditional Metal
Lyrical theme(s)
Social Issues
Origin Formed in Current label Status
Spain (Madrid) 1981 Avispa - Lady Alicia Records Active
Current line-up
Carlos Pina - Vocals
Miguel Angel "Cachorro" Lopez - Guitars (Wild Side (Esp), Coz, Harakiri (Esp), Silver Fist, Punto de Mira)
Mario - Bass (Silver Fist, Crienium)
Paco - Guitar
Rafael Ramos - Drums
Former/past member(s)
José Segura - Keyboards (Azuzena)
José Antonio Casal - Guitar (Ñu)
Pepe Rubio - Guitar (Bella Bestia)
Juan Leal - Guitar
Suso - Guitar
Fernando Diaz - Valdés - Bass
Additional notes
Carlos Pina is a rock DJ at the national radio station Radio3, where he hosts various shows such as ``Musica en Negro`` (Music in Black) or ``Bienvenidos al Paraiso`` (Welcome to Paradise) ranging from classic rock to industrial.

Panzer - Solitario Single, 1982
Perro viejo Single, 1982
Al Pie del Cañón Full-length, 1982
Galones de plastico Single, 1983
Sálvese Quién Pueda Full-length, 1983
Junto a tí Single, 1984
Especial Heavy (II) Split album, 1984
Dios del Rock Single, 1985
Toca madera Single, 1985
Toca Madera Full-length, 1985
No hay quien nos pare Single, 1986
Volverás, desertor Single, 1986
Caballeros de Sangre Full-length, 1986
Junto a tí (live) Single, 1987
Sábado Negro Live album, 1987

 Asunto: SANTA
NotaPublicado: Mié Jul 02, 2008 4:39 am 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody

Registrado: Mié Jul 02, 2008 1:15 am
Mensajes: 58
Heavy Metal (1983-1984), AOR/Hard Rock (1985-1986)
Origin Formed in Last label Status
Spain (Madrid) 1983 Chapa Discos Split-up
Last known line-up
Jerónimo Ramiro - Guitar (Salamandra, Ñu, Saratoga (Esp))
Bernardo Ballester - Drums (Ñu, Alborde)
Miguel Ángel Collado - Keyboards (Salamandra, Ñu, Sangre Azul)
Diego R. Jiménez - Bass
Leonor Marchesi - Vocals (Púrpura (Arg))
Former/past member(s)
Fernando Sánchez - Drums (1983) (Obús, Venganza)
Juan Luis Serrano - Bass (1983) (Red Box, Obús, Venganza)
Julio Díaz - Bass (1983-1984) (Mazo (Esp), Sangre Azul)
Azuzena Dorado - Vocals (1983-1985) (Huracán) [R.I.P. 02/01/2005]
Additional notes
The band born by the hands of two ex-Obús members, Fernando Sánchez and Juan Luis Serrano, when they saw an Huracán gig where Azuzena was singing in 1983. The first line-up only recorded a demo in 1983.

Their most succesful release was Reencarnación that sold 17000 copies in the first pressing. In 1985 Miguel Ángel Collado entered the band and the band’s sound became AOR. For that reason Julio Díaz left the band. After recording the album “No Hay Piedad para los Condenados”, some problems between Jero Ramiro and Azuzena Dorado forced the last to leave the band and she begin a solo career.

A new vocalist, Leonor Marchesi, from the Argentinean band Púrpura entered the band to record an album in a AOR/Hard Rock feeling that only sold 3000 copies. After a gig in 1987 the band decided to split.

Santa’s albums were reissued in 2003.

Héroe de Papel/Sobrevivir Single, 1984
Mis Noches Tienen R'n'R Single, 1984
Reencarnacion Full-length, 1984
No Eres Suficiente Single, 1985
Sin compasión Single, 1985
No hay piedad para los condenados Full-length, 1985
No Sabes Como Sufrí Single, 1986
Ven Hasta Mí Single, 1986
Templario Full-length, 1986

NotaPublicado: Mié Jul 02, 2008 4:41 am 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody

Registrado: Mié Jul 02, 2008 1:15 am
Mensajes: 58
Angelus Apatrida
Heavy/Thrash Metal
Lyrical theme(s)
Social Issues
Origin Formed in Current label Status
Spain (Albacete, Castile-La Mancha) 2000 Independent Active
Current line-up
Guillermo Izquierdo - Guitars, Lead & Backing Vocals
David García - Guitars
Jose Izquierdo - Bass
Víctor Valera - Drums & Backing Vocals
Former/past member(s)
A.T. (Drums)
Alberto (Vocals)
Additional notes
Born in march 2000, Angelus Apatrida had became in seven years one of the most important spanish thrash metal bands with Legen Beltza, Killem, Omission, Barbarian, Rancor, Arterial Pressure and much more, they all redefined the Thrash Metal scene in Spain, almost dead since Legion and Fuck Off splitted up.

Lost in the realms of Orchinodaemon Demo, 2001
Unknown Human Being EP, 2003
Evil Unleashed Full-length, 2006
Give 'Em War Full-length, 2007

NotaPublicado: Mié Jul 02, 2008 4:20 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
Vamos a aprovechar los post que ha abierto PericoCardhu para que recomendéis bandas nacionales, de esas que no son tan conocidas.

1_beber.gif 1_beber.gif 1_beber.gif 1_beber.gif


NotaPublicado: Mié Jul 02, 2008 4:25 pm 
Centinela de Asgard
Centinela de Asgard
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Registrado: Dom Jun 22, 2008 11:15 pm
Mensajes: 9957
Ubicación: Beneath the metal sky
No sé si os suena Marqués o algo así de no sé qué color...

O es que crees que eres el único que va to ciclau ahiiii pinchando aguja por todo baraca? eh?

NotaPublicado: Mié Jul 02, 2008 4:49 pm 
I Wanna Be Somebody
I Wanna Be Somebody

Registrado: Mié Jul 02, 2008 1:15 am
Mensajes: 58
crisis de fe y metal mareny estan bastante bien

NotaPublicado: Lun Jul 07, 2008 5:15 pm 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Registrado: Mar Jun 24, 2008 5:12 pm
Mensajes: 3150
Ubicación: Por el centro de Hispania
Quelonio suenan muy cañeros son de valencia tienen un cd en la calle y grabado otro con formacion totalmente distinta (Cambiaron de cantante masculino a Femenina)
este es su myspace


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