CRIMSON GLORY anuncian su regresoCrimson Glory regresan con un nuevo vocalista, un nuevo guitarrista y planes inmediatos para lanzar dos nuevos sencillos.
A los miembros fundadores de Crimson Glory, Ben Jackson (guitarra), Jeff Lords (bajo) y Dana Burnell (batería), se les unirá el nuevo vocalista Travis Wills, de la banda de power metal progresivo de Dallas, Infidel Rising y el guitarrista Mark "Borgy" Borgmeyer de la banda de Florida The Lost Boys.
Está previsto que lancen dos nuevo singles, titulados "Triskaideka" y "Indelible Ashes".

Legendary progressive power metallers CRIMSON GLORY are returning with new lead vocalist, new guitarist and immediate plans to release two new singles.
Founding CRIMSON GLORY members Ben Jackson (guitar), Jeff Lords (bass) and Dana Burnell (drums) are being joined by new lead vocalist Travis Wills of the Dallas, Texas progressive power metal band INFIDEL RISING and guitarist Mark "Borgy" Borgmeyer of the Sarasota/Bradenton, Florida hard rock act THE LOST BOYS.
Two new singles, titled "Triskaideka" and "Indelible Ashes", are slated for release. The first song, "Triskaideka", is available now on the band's official web site, ... -guitarist