STRYPER: "Live In Indonesia At Java Rockin' Land" DVDMVD Visual ha puesto como fecha de lanzamiento del DVD de Stryper "Live In Indonesia En Java Rockin 'Tierra" el 23 de octubre.

"Este show fue inesperado, pero bienvenido a la programación de la gira", dijo Michael Sweet. "Fue añadido en el último minuto y apresuradamente, pero me alegro de que saliese. Era una oportunidad de ir a un país principalmente musulmán y compartir nuestra fe. "Java Rockin' Land" fue un momento culminante de nuestra carrera y estoy encantado de haberlo podido grabar en vídeo. Definitivamente es una de las mejores actuaciones en directo de la banda en mucho tiempo, y el hecho de que se grabase en vídeo hace que sea aún más emocionante. Creo que los fans van a disfrutarlo. "

01. Sing Along Song
02. Murder By Pride
03. Loud 'N Clear
04. Rock That Makes Me Roll
05. Reach Out
06. Calling On You
07. More Than A Man
08. Honestly
09. Open Your Eyes
10. All For One
11. To Hell With The Devil
12. Soldiers Under Command
MVD Visual has set an October 23 release date for the "Live In Indonesia At Java Rockin' Land" DVD from Christian hard rockers STRYPER.
Celebrating almost 30 years of incredible melodies and musicianship, "Live In Indonesia" features hits and rarities delivered in impeccable sound and video.
Recorded in front of an enthusiastic crowd in 2010, this is the definitive STRYPER DVD.
"This show was an unexpected, but welcomed, addition to our tour schedule," said STRYPER singer, guitarist and songwriter Michael Sweet. "It was added last minute and we scrambled to make it happen, but I'm glad it worked out. It was an opportunity to go to a primarily Muslim country and share our faith. Java Rockin' Land was a highlight moment of our career and I'm thrilled that we were able to capture its on video. It's definitely one of the better live performances by the band in a long time, and the fact that it was captured on video makes it even more exciting. I think the fans are going to really enjoy it." ... adlines%29