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 Asunto: Re: SEBASTIAN BACH ficha por Frontiers Records
NotaPublicado: Jue May 09, 2013 1:50 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
SEBASTIAN BACH trabajando ya oficialmente en el nuevo disco

Comenta Sebastian Bach en su facebook oficial:

"Los trabajos del nuevo álbum de estudio han comenzado oficialmente. Gran día en el estudio con el productor Bob Marlette y el guitarrista Jeff George..."

Work on the NEW Studio Album has officially begun!! Totally great day in the studio with Producer Bob Marlette & Guitar Player Jeff George! We began the day writing & coming up parts & ended up recording some blazing kick ass grooves that are gonna destroy the rest of the tunes in your iPhone playlist upon loading! Sorry 'bout that! Not! #BachInTheStudio ... 808&type=1


 Asunto: Re: SEBASTIAN BACH ficha por Frontiers Records
NotaPublicado: Lun Jul 29, 2013 1:54 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
SEBASTIAN BACH: detalles de la grabación de su nuevo disco

Sebastian Bach se encuentra actualmente en el estudio trabajando en su próximo álbum con el productor Bob Marlette (BLACK SABBATH, ALICE COOPER), y que dirigió el último disco en solitario del cantante en 2011 "Kicking & Screaming".

Comenta Bach: "Bueno, estoy feliz de decir que hemos pasado los últimos dos días en el estudio y sabemos exactamente qué hacer con este nuevo disco. Va a ser "balls-out, kick-ass" (vamos que un despelote), rock 'n' roll con toneladas de histrionismo vocal y armonías especiales. Eso es lo que estoy escuchando hasta ahora en este disco.

"Voy a concentrarme en las armonías y empujar mi voz al máximo, nunca la habéis oído con ese empuje. Los riffs son frescos y una locura, tenemos 13 o más canciones, así que estamos en el camino correcto y sabemos exactamente qué hacer para darte una patada en el culo en 2014!

"Estamos en ello! Prepararos para el nuevo rock de Bach que lanzaremos pronto! Gracias a Devin Bronson y Bob Marlette que realmente están haciendo que suceda!"

Es probable que el lanzamiento sea a principios de 2014 a través de Frontiers Records, se esperan las contribuciones de Steve Stevens (Billy Idol), el guitarrista Jeff George y Danny Worsnop. Habrá una aparición especial en el álbum del bajista Duff McKagan.

Imagen ... 808&type=1

Sebastian Bach is currently in the studio working on his next album with producer Bob Marlette (BLACK SABBATH, ALICE COOPER), who helmed the singer's last solo CD, 2011's "Kicking & Screaming".

Comments Bach: "Well, I am happy to say we have spent the last two days in studio and we know exactly what to do with this new record. It is going to be balls-out, kick-ass rock 'n' roll with tons of vocal histrionics and harmonies especially. That is what I am hearing so far on this record.

"I am going to really concentrate on harmonies and pushing my voice to the maximum you have ever heard it pushed. The riffs are crazy and cool and we have 13 or so songs so we are right on track and we know exactly what to do to kick your ass into 2014!

"We are into it! And get ready for new Bach rock coming your way soon! Thanks to Devin Bronson and Bob Marlette who are really making it happen!"

Bach's next solo CD, which is tentatively due in early 2014 via Frontiers Records, is expected to feature contributions from Steve Stevens (BILLY IDOL) and Los Angeles-based guitarist Jeff George, who previously played with ASKING ALEXANDRIA's lead vocalist Danny Worsnop. Making a guest appearance on the album will also be bassist Duff McKagan (DUFF MCKAGAN'S LOADED, VELVET REVOLVER, GUNS N' ROSES). ... adlines%29


 Asunto: Re: SEBASTIAN BACH ficha por Frontiers Records
NotaPublicado: Mar Ene 14, 2014 2:57 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
"Give 'Em Hell" es el titulo de lo nuevo de SEBASTIAN BACH

Sebastian Bach ha elegido "Give 'Em Hell" como el título de su nuevo álbum en solitario que se lanzará en marzo por Frontiers Records. El disco fue producido nuevamente por Bob Marlette, quien ha trabajado anteriormente entre otros con Rob Zombie, Black Sabbath y Shinedown.

Bach reveló el nuevo título del CD durante una aparición en el Episodio 71 del podcast "Let There Be Talk" con el humorista Dean Delray.


Former SKID ROW singer Sebastian Bach has set "Give 'Em Hell" as the title of his new solo album, tentateively due in March via Frontiers Records. The follow-up to 2011's "Kicking & Screaming" was once again produced by Bob Marlette, who has previously worked with ROB ZOMBIE, BLACK SABBATH and SHINEDOWN, among others.

Bach revealed the new CD title during an appearance on Episode 71 of the "Let There Be Talk" podcast with with rock and roll comedian Dean Delray. You can now listen to the episode, which was recorded last Thursday (January 9) at at the Hollywood Improv, using the audio player below. ... adlines%29


 Asunto: Re: SEBASTIAN BACH ficha por Frontiers Records
NotaPublicado: Mar Feb 18, 2014 6:15 pm 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
SEBASTIAN BACH: portada y lista de temas de su nuevo disco

"Give 'Em Hell", que será lanzado el 22 de abril por Frontiers Records.


01. Hell Inside My Head
02. Harmony
03. All My Friends Are Dead
04. Temptation
05. Push Away
06. Dominator
07. Had Enough
08. Gun To A Knife Fight
09. Rock N Roll Is A Vicious Game
10. Taking Back Tomorrow
11. Disengaged
12. Forget You ... adlines%29


 Asunto: Re: SEBASTIAN BACH ficha por Frontiers Records
NotaPublicado: Mar Abr 08, 2014 6:31 pm 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
Sebastian Bach - Give 'Em Hell EPK


 Asunto: Re: SEBASTIAN BACH ficha por Frontiers Records
NotaPublicado: Mar Abr 15, 2014 7:05 pm 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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SEBASTIAN BACH nuevo tema "Taking Back Tomorrow"


 Asunto: Re: SEBASTIAN BACH ficha por Frontiers Records
NotaPublicado: Sab Mar 16, 2024 5:39 am 
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
SEBASTIAN BACH anuncia su nuevo disco "Child Within The Man"

"Un álbum que lleva más de 10 años preparándose". Así es como Sebastian Bach describe su nuevo LP en solitario, "Child Within The Man", que se lanzará el 10 de mayo a través de Reigning Phoenix Music.

El disco fue grabado en Orlando, Florida; producido y mezclado por Elvis Baskette; diseñado por Jef Moll, Josh Saldate como asistente de ingeniería y masterizado por Robert Ludwig/Gateway Mastering. Bach escribió o coescribió todas las pistas del álbum y cantó todas las voces principales y de acompañamiento. "Child Within The Man" incluye apariciones especiales de John 5, Steve Stevens y Orianthi, quienes coescribieron sus respectivos temas con Bach, y dos temas coescritos con Myles Kennedy ("What Do I Got to Lose?" y “To Live Again”).


01. Everybody Bleeds
02. Freedom (featuring John 5)
03. (Hold On) To The Dream
04. What Do I Got To Lose?
05. Hard Darkness
06. Future Of Youth (featuring Orianthi)
07. Vendetta
08. F.U. (featuring Steve Stevens)
09. Crucify Me
10. About To Break
11. To Live Again


Sebastian Bach: voz
Devin Bronson: guitarra
Todd Kerns: bajo
Jeremy Colson: batería

“An album more than 10 years in the making…”
That’s how singer, songwriter, author, Broadway star, and actor Sebastian Bach describes his new album "Child Within The Man" set for release May 10 on Reigning Phoenix Music. The 11-track album was recorded in Orlando, Florida; produced and mixed by Elvis Baskette; engineered by Jef Moll, assistant engineered by Josh Saldate and mastered by Robert Ludwig/Gateway Mastering. BACH wrote or co-wrote all the album’s tracks and sang all lead and backing vocals. "Child Within The Man" features guest appearances from John 5, Steve Stevens, and Orianthi—who all co-wrote their respective tracks with BACH—and two tracks co-written with Myles Kennedy (“What Do I Got to Lose?” and “To Live Again’); Devin Bronson on guitars, Todd Kerns (bass) and Jeremy Colson (drums) round out the players on the album. The album will be available on CD (Jewelcase), cassette and double LP in a variety of color options. Pre-save the album right here:
This week will also mark the release of Sebastian’s first-ever lyric performance video for the new single “Everybody Bleeds.” The song—with lyrics by Bach —addresses the universal truths of pain with such lines as "Everybody bleeds/Everybody burns/Everybody drowns..."
Watch the lyric video here:
“I have been putting out records since the year 1989,” Sebastian says. “Thank YOU for 35 years of Bach N' Roll…all leading up to "Child Within The Man"! If you like the records I have put out in the past, I can GUARANTEE that you will enjoy the new album. THIS is the kind of Rock N' Roll that keeps you young ! Can't wait for you all to crank up "Child Within The Man" —a magical elixir to the Fountain of Youth! Gone Wild! Forever! It's all one big song! TURN IT UP!”
The album artwork holds special meaning since it was designed by Bachs father, noted visual artist David Bierk. “This album artwork was started in 1978 and finished in 2024!” Sebastian says.
Bach adds, “RPM Records has provided me with the ultimate rock 'n' roll fantasy dream come true…to make my ultimate rock 'n' roll record! With the team of players & production on this album, I can honestly say we have made the best record that we could possibly make! The packaging is of the highest standard in every way. The vinyl, cd & cassette formats all have been made to exact specifications! The 45 RPM double gatefold sleeve vinyl editions come in three eco-formats which are the highest standard of vinyl sound. Plus multicolored variations including a Glow in the Dark special for all you rock collectors out there!”
Pre-order yours here:


 Asunto: Re: SEBASTIAN BACH ficha por Frontiers Records
NotaPublicado: Lun Abr 22, 2024 2:35 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
SEBASTIAN BACH comparte su nuevo tema ![Hold On] To The Dream!


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