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 Asunto: Re: Novedades VAN CANTO
NotaPublicado: Vie Ene 17, 2014 2:58 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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VAN CANTO: samples de "Dawn of the Brave"


 Asunto: Re: Novedades VAN CANTO
NotaPublicado: Vie Nov 20, 2015 4:30 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
Nuevo disco de VAN CANTO

El 11 de marzo 2016 Van Canto lanzará su nuevo álbum "Voices Of Fire" a través de earMUSIC. Para este lanzamiento, la banda se ha asociado con autor de bestsellers alemán Christoph Hardebusch ("Die Trolle" - "Los trolls".) Que lanzará su nueva novela de fantasía "Feuerstimmen" el 17 de marzo de 2016 (Piper Verlag).


"No somos capaces de decir qué fue primero: la música como parte de la novela o la novela como parte de nuestro álbum. Christoph Hardebusch y la banda trabajamos de la mano en esto. Nuestras composiciones influyeron en la novela, y viceversa. En pocas palabras, creamos nuestro propio mundo - un mundo lleno de reinos en guerra, batallas épicas, dragones, fuego y bardos. No siempre en serio, pero lleno de aventuras...", explica el cantante Sly que desarrolló la trama de la novela junto con Christoph Hardebusch.

"Por un lado trabajar en estrecha colaboración con Van Canto fue muy divertido, pero por otro lado también era muy exigente", añade el autor Christoph Hardebusch. "El gran cuadro sólo se puede lograr cuando las mentes creativas interactúan entre sí; el todo es más que la suma de sus partes. Desde el principio, la historia y la música han sido una unidad que se ha influido y alimentado mutuamente".

Por primera vez, Van Canto está trabajando con el coro "London Metro Voices" que participo en bandas sonoras como la del "Señor de los Anillos".

La portada de "Voices Of Fire", así como sus diversas ilustraciones fueron creadas por el artista Osmar Arroyo.


ON MARCH 11th, 2016 ON earMUSIC.

In 2006, VAN CANTO surprised the world of metal with a revolutionary idea: to perform metal music with vocals and drums only. Nine years later, after five top 20 releases in Germany, sold out headlining tours throughout Europe and festival performances taking the band from Wacken to Australia, Van Canto now mark a new chapter in the story of “metal a cappella”: Vocal Metal Musical.

“Vocal Metal Music further develops what we stand for as Van Canto. Not only can our voices sing and imitate guitars but they are also able to tell stories. It has been six years that we’ve been working on this concept – and now we’re finally able to share it with the world”, says founding band member Stef.

March 11th, 2016 sees the release of the brand new album “Voices Of Fire” on earMUSIC by Van Canto. For this release, the band has teamed up with German bestseller author Christoph Hardebusch (“Die Trolle” – engl. “The Trolls”) who is going to release his new fantasy novel “Feuerstimmen” on March 17th, 2016 on Piper Verlag.

“We are barely able to tell what came first: the music as part of the novel or the novel as part of our album. Christoph Hardebusch and we worked hand in hand on this. Our compositions did influence the novel and vice versa. Simply put, we created our own world – a world full of competing kingdoms, epic battles, dragons, fire and bards. Not always deadly serious but full of adventures to set your imagination running wild… like Van Canto does,” explains lead singer Sly who developed the plot of the novel together with Christoph Hardebusch.

„On the one hand working closely with Van Canto was a lot of fun but on the other hand it was also very demanding,” adds author Christoph Hardebusch. “The great picture can only be achieved when creative minds interact with each other; the whole is more than the sum of its parts. Right from the start, story and music has been a unit which has influenced and fueled each other.”

For the first time, Van Canto is working with the London Metro Voices – a choir which also sang on the soundtracks of the popular blockbuster saga “Lord of the Rings”.

“Nowadays, especially in metal, everyone is creating this pseudo symphonic metal, trying to squeeze as many drum machine tracks and fake orchestra sounds in one song as possible. We wanted to do it differently. We wanted to create an album full of human sounds – either by using one’s hands for drumming or using your voice,” drummer Bastian, who is responsible for directing the various international choirs on the album, explains.

The cover artwork for “Voices Of Fire” as well as its various illustrations were created by fantasy artist Osmar Arroyo from South America.
“For this album, we wanted people to actually see the most important scenes. Omar is a great artist who understands our vision,” Ross, responsible for the guitar vocals, adds.

Coinciding with the album release, the band is going to tour Europe in 2016.
“We will surely find a way to present the songs from the new album in a special way live. But not only, we are of course going to play the most loved Van Canto songs and will also pick songs who weren’t part of our setlist for a long time,” announces lead singer Inga.

Van Canto is supported by Grailknights as well as changing local supports and special guests on their upcoming tour.

March 18 Leipzig – Hellraiser (+ Grailknights + Victorius)
March 19 Zlin – Masters of Rock Cafe (+ Grailknights + Winterstorm)
March 20 Prag – Meet Factory (+ Grailknights + Winterstorm)
March 24 London – O2 Islington (+ Grailknights + End of the Dream)
March 25 Tilburg – O13 (+ Grailknights + End of the Dream)
March 26 Vosselaar Biebob (+ Grailknights + End of the Dream)
March 27 Paris – Le Petit Bain (+ Grailknights + End of the Dream)
March 31 Wien – Szene (+ Grailknights + Dragony)
April 1 Pratteln – Z7 (+ Grailknights + Victorius)
April 2 München – Backstage (+ Grailknights + Victorius)
April 3 Stuttgart – Im Wizemann (+ Grailknights + Victorius)
April 9 Hannover – Musikzentrum (+ Grailknights + Sinbreed)
April 10 Berlin – Lido (+ Grailknights + Sinbreed)
April 15 Oberhausen – Turbinenhalle (+ Freedom Call + Grailknights)
April 16 Hamburg – Markthalle (+ Freedom Call + Grailknights)
April 17 Frankfurt – Batschkapp (+ Freedom Call + Grailknights)


 Asunto: Re: Novedades VAN CANTO
NotaPublicado: Vie Ene 15, 2016 4:07 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
VAN CANTO nuevo tema "Clashings On Armour Plates"


 Asunto: Re: Novedades VAN CANTO
NotaPublicado: Mié Mar 09, 2016 2:17 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
VAN CANTO - Metal Vocal Musical - Voices Of Fire - Official Album Pre-Listening


 Asunto: Re: Novedades VAN CANTO
NotaPublicado: Sab Ago 19, 2017 1:09 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
VAN CANTO anuncian nuevo vocalista

El cantante principal Sly deja Van Canto después de 10 años y es sustituido por Hagen. Como de costumbre no fue por problemas personales o profesionales, fue por el también típico "problemas de agenda".

La banda ya está preparando los próximos festivales y una gira, así como un nuevo álbum para el próximo año.

Lead singer SLY leaves VAN CANTO after 10 years. But no need to worry as a new member is already found in the VAN CANTO camp!

SLY states:

“Dear fans, friends and fanclub members!

Today I would like to announce my departure as lead singer of Van Canto.

Looking back on 10 years of an unforgettable band history, full of countless memorable moments, I would like to thank you all for your support and engagement to the band, your singing and the many concerts you brought your energy to and gave right back to us.

It was a hard decision to reach, I also had to make due to private changes. The spirit in every Van Canto fan and musician, will remain in my heart for eternity. I will not die in Battle.

As far as new Van Canto projects are concerned, I wouldn't say no to a guest appearance. It's all just a question of time management, how much I can be involved, and of course what the band's vision is.

I wish Van Canto and everyone involved all the best for the future, and fingers crossed that they have lots of new surprises and wonderful moments.

Just to say, I will have a smile on my face and a tear in my eye and leave you all with a resounding RAKKATAKKA MOTHERFUCKER!!!

Your Sly.”

VAN CANTO comments:

“We are all sad to learn of Sly's leaving the band, but we would like to mention it was not because of the famous personal/professional differences. Quite the opposite.

Sly, you will always be a part of the Van Canto family and we would be delighted to have you along at one of the "positive surprises", you wished for us, on the stage or behind a microphone.

Time will tell dude, but friends will always be friends.

It is never nice when a band changes its line up and must tell everyone. We were going back and forth, but we noticed we all have too much energy and motivation to sing old songs and write new ones, play concerts, record in the studio, go on tour and to arrange plans together, rather than just quit.

Therefore, we will be presenting our new lineup on the 18.08.2017; and we would be more than delighted to have you all continue to accompany us on the strange journey that is Van Canto.

Sly, we wish you all the best - We're there for you!”

Their new singer is called "Hagen". To compliment his stormy and gravelly voice the band calls him "Hagel", which is German for "Hailstone". He is an outstanding young man with a fantastic voice, which has an impressive range, from the highest scream to the lowest growl and he is eager to RAKKA TAKKA your asses. You can already see him in the video message with a sample song called “Voice Number Seven” HERE!

And by the way Ike is back on board and will be active in the studio and at selected concerts, together with Jan, to bring some deep, double doom-a-bass to your ears. The band is already busy with preparing for upcoming festivals and tour, as well as a brand new album for next year.

Keep your eyes and ears open or as VAN CANTO use to say it: RAKKATAKKA, MOTHERFUCKERS!!!


 Asunto: Re: Novedades VAN CANTO
NotaPublicado: Jue Jun 07, 2018 3:16 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
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Nuevo disco de VAN CANTO en agosto

El 10 de agosto, Van Canto lanzará su séptimo álbum de estudio titulado "Trust in Rust".


CD 1:
01. Back in the Lead
02. Javelin
03. Trust in Rust
04. Ride the Sky (feat. Kai Hansen)
05. Melody
06. Neverland
07. Desert Snake
08. Darkest Days
09. Infinity
10. Hells Bells
11. Heading Home

CD 2: Best Of – Orchestral Versions: (El la versión Digipack)
01. The Mission (Orchestral Version)
02. Rain (Orchestral Version)
03. Hero (Orchestral Version)
04. Take to the Sky (Orchestral Version)
05. Water Fire Heaven Earth (Orchestral Version)
06. My Voice (Orchestral Version)
07. If I Die in Battle (Orchestral Version)
08. The Higher Flight (Orchestral Version)
09. Unholy (Orchestral Version)
10. The Other Ones (Orchestral Version)


Hagen Hirschmann: Lead Vocals
Inga Scharf: Lead Vocals
Ross Thomspon: Higher Rakkatakka Vocals
Stefan Schmidt: Lower Rakkatakka Vocals
Jan Moritz: Pad and Bass Vocals
Ingo Sterzinger: Bass and Backing Vocals
Bastian Emig: Drums and Backing Vocals

On August 10th the German metal a-cappella masters VAN CANTO will release their seventh studio album: Trust in Rust.

Since 2006 they have brought pure vocal power to the metal world. Now made up of seven members, Trust in Rust covers a wide stylistic range from melodic to bombastic, showcasing their own takes on ballads, hard rock ballbreakers and speed metal anthems. Covers, ranging from Helloween’s “Ride the Sky” (feat. Kai Hansen) to AC/DC`s “Hells Bells”, give listeners a completely fresh glimpse at the vocal crew. The sound of Trust in Rust reflects their varied experiences on the road with unbroken power and passion for the human voice in heavy metal.

The band comments on the new album:
“If you release 7 albums in 12 years you aren’t able to rust. Nevertheless the new album is rougher and more metal. It’s a composite work of all 7 band members, full of new ideas but without losing the good old VAN CANTO style. We are still excited about what we are doing and believe in ourselves – trust in rust!” ... =3&theater


 Asunto: Re: Novedades VAN CANTO
NotaPublicado: Vie Jun 22, 2018 5:08 pm 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
VAN CANTO: nuevo tema "Back In The Lead"


 Asunto: Re: Novedades VAN CANTO
NotaPublicado: Jue Mar 25, 2021 3:07 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69233
Nuevo disco de VAN CANTO

Van Canto anuncian que su nuevo disco, “To The Power Of Eight”, será lanzado el 4 de junio de 2021 por Napalm Records.


01. To the Power of Eight
02. Dead by the Night
03. Faith Focus Finish
04. Falling Down
05. Heads Up High
06. Raise Your Horns
07. Turn Back Time
08. Run to the Hills
09. Hardrock Padlock
11.From the End
12.I Want It All


German Acapella Metal Innovators Van Canto Reveal Exciting Official Teaser for Eighth Full-Length Album!

New Album, To The Power Of Eight, to be Released on June 4, 2021!
Pre-Order your copy here:

The world's most exciting acapella metal masters VAN CANTO return with their energetic and unique Rakkatakka-power and are set to release their highly anticipated, eighth inimitable offering, To The Power Of Eight, on June 4, 2021 via Napalm Records. Prepare for an outstanding vocal offering smashing in with full force! The record marks another milestone in the band's impressive career and presents VAN CANTO as a coherent entity stronger than ever!

With an impressive new teaser, VAN CANTO draw their devotees into a flawless universe and sonic adventure to deliver a glimpse of what can be expected in this multifaceted spectrum of vocal virtuosity. Adapted to the visual concept of the new record, this promising insight allows every band member to shine in high profile: A hypnotizing, harmonizing layer of drums smooths the way for vocal interpretation that only VAN CANTO can offer!

VAN CANTO states:
“The teaser presents an epic intro of our new album and heats up the anticipation for all twelve tracks in total: Eight original numbers and four cover versions (Iron Maiden, Amon Amarth, Queen and AC/DC). From ballads to proper double bass, you can find everything in there!”

Bringing pure vocal power to the metal world since 2006, VAN CANTO set the stage for their very own genre and never failed in surprising their fans and beyond, while showcasing that metal can be heavy as hell without any riffage. With their previous full length, Trust in Rust (2018), the German rarity reworked its lineup, consisting of seven members since then. For To The Power Of Eight, the unit once again joined forces with Philip Dennis “Sly” Schunke, who had been the lead singer on their first six studio records. Sly joins lead vocalists Inga Scharf and Hagen Hirschmann on all twelve flawless tracks as third vocalist and special guest. It’s clear that this peerless piece of music was written with three voices in mind: To The Power Of Eight embodies a special sense of common bond and presents VAN CANTO in undeniable peak form!

VAN CANTO on the new album:
“Being able to present an album after 15 years of band history, where three lead singers share the microphone hand in hand, makes us incredibly proud. Due to the pandemic situation we had a lot of time to work on To The Power Of Eight and put all our heart and soul into the compositions, the arrangements and the production. Originally we planned to have Sly as guest vocalist for one song – but it turned out to be twelve in total in the end. If someone would ask for one record to present VAN CANTO the most suitable way, we would choose To The Power Of Eight.” ... __tn__=K-R


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