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 Asunto: Re: Falconer nuevo video y álbum Among Beggars And Thieves
NotaPublicado: Dom Abr 03, 2011 12:52 pm 
Rey de la Barra
Rey de la Barra
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Registrado: Lun Jun 23, 2008 2:35 pm
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Ubicación: En las cálidas tierras andaluzas
Tracklist y Portada de FALCONER

"Armod" track listing:

01. Svarta Änkan
02. Dimmornas Drottning
03. Griftefrid
04. O, Tysta Ensamhet
05. Vid Rosornas Grav
06. Grimborg
07. Herr Peder Och Hans Syster
08. Eklundapolskan
09. Grimasch Om Morgonen
10. Fru Silfver
11. Gammal Fäbodpsalm


Dime con quien andas y te diré con quien vas

 Asunto: Re: Falconer nuevo video y álbum Among Beggars And Thieves
NotaPublicado: Mar Abr 19, 2011 12:01 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
"Svarta Änkan" nuevo tema de FALCONER

Order here:
Falconer's "Svarta Änkan" from their album "Armod".


 Asunto: Re: Falconer nuevo video y álbum Among Beggars And Thieves
NotaPublicado: Mar Ene 29, 2013 2:05 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
FALCONER preparando nuevo disco

El guitarrista Stefan Weinerhall anuncia en la web de la banda que ha comenzado a escribir nuevos temas y que ya tiene seis terminados. "Las 6 canciones completadas hasta el momento son más duras, rápidas y con mayor actitud, algunas suenan como sacadas del primer álbum".

También comenta que después de dos años de parón la banda comenzará de nuevo a ensayar.


The Falconer is awake from slumber.

After the darkest year yet I am once again in writing mood, and what a mood! I guess somethig good really can come out of something bad after all. After rebooting musically from a year of creative vacuum there is a fresh hunger and optimism.

The 6 songs completed so far are harder and faster and with more of an attitude again, some of the songs sound like taken from the first album. After reading a book about deciphering and reading the language of runestones I really got some lyrical inspiration too!

I must say that it hasn't been this rewarding and promising for many years to write for a new album, without being carried away too far.The future plan is to concentrate on writing, re-writing and rehearsing for the new album, being sure it is as good as it can and not re-using too many patterns. All songs will be in english this time.

We are just to begin rehearsing once again after a 2 year break and I can't wait to put Mathias through some tests and find out the speed limit of Karsten.

Hails from Stefan and the falcons!!

Stefan / 28:th of January 2013


 Asunto: Re: Novedades FALCONER
NotaPublicado: Lun Dic 16, 2013 3:49 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
Lo nuevo de FALCONER se titula "Black Moon Rising"

El guitarrista Stefan Weinerhall de FALCONER ha emitido el siguiente comunicado:

"El octavo álbum "Black Moon Rising está finalmente escrito. En enero entraremos una vez más en los estudios "Sonic Train" (en Vargerg, Suecia) con (el productor y guitarristade KING DIAMOND) Andy La Rocque. El lanzamiento será en junio de 2014.

Esta vez incluso hemos hecho algunas preproductions del material para escucharlo por adelantado. Algunos títulos son: "There's A Crow On The Barrow", "Age Of Runes", "Scoundrel" y "The Squire".

Como se ha dicho antes, todas las canciones son en Inglés, después de que el anterior álbum sólo tuviese canciones en sueco.

Es sin duda el disco más a base de riffs desde hace muchos años, y sin duda hay algunos momentos en el álbum. Si resumiría el material con dos palabras, serían intensidad y revitalización.

Va a ser bastante básico, sin músicos invitados y además no hay teclados para mantenerlo crudo, natural y sin pretensiones.

No puedo esperar a entrar en el estudio y dar los toques finales a las canciones."


Guitarist Stefan Weinerhall of Swedish metallers FALCONER has issued the following update:

"The eighth [FALCONER] album, 'Black Moon Rising', is finally written.

"In January, we will once again enter Sonic Train studio [in Vargerg, Sweden] with [producer and KING DIAMOND guitarist] Andy La Rocque.

"Release date is set to June 2014.

"This time we have even made some preproductions of the material to test it out in advance.

Some titles are: 'There's A Crow On The Barrow', 'Age Of Runes', 'Scoundrel' and 'The Squire'.

"As said before, all songs are in English this time after the last album's one-off with only Swedish songs.

"It's for sure the most riff-based album in many years, and there are certainly some furious moments of brow raising on the album.

"If I would sum up the material with two words, they would be intensity and revitalization.

"We will keep it quite basic with no guest musicians and allmost no keyboards to keep it raw, natural and unpretentious.

"Can't wait to enter the studio and put the finishing touches on the songs!!


 Asunto: Re: Novedades FALCONER
NotaPublicado: Mar Mar 18, 2014 3:18 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
FALCONER: fecha de lanzamiento de "Black Moon Rising"

FALCONER han terminado de grabar su octavo álbum, "Black Moon Rising" que será lanzado el 06 de junio a través de Metal Blade Records.


Swedish metallers FALCONER have finished recording their eighth album, "Black Moon Rising", for a June 6 release via Metal Blade Records.

Comments guitarist Stefan Weinerhall: "So now the mix and mastering is done for 'Black Moon Rising'.

"After having a break from the studio and then returning, my first impression was: 'Was it that much double bass drums?' I'm sure this album will compete with 'Northwind' as being my favourite album though they are not alike. The last album entirely in Swedish was really rewarding to do, but I must admit it's always great to be back where you feel you belong!

"Well, enough with the self-admiration for this time." ... adlines%29


 Asunto: Re: Novedades FALCONER
NotaPublicado: Mié Abr 16, 2014 10:37 pm 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
FALCONER nuevo tema "Locust Swarm"


 Asunto: Re: Novedades FALCONER
NotaPublicado: Vie Abr 18, 2014 1:50 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
FALCONER lista de temas de "Black Moon Rising"

"Black Moon Rising" saldrá a la venta el 9 de junio en Europa y el 10 de junio en América del Norte a través de Metal Blade Records.

01. Locust Swarm
02. Halls and Chambers
03. Black Moon Rising
04. Scoundrel and the Squire
05. Wasteland
06. In Ruins
07. At The Jester's Ball
08. There's a Crow on the Barrow
09. Dawning of a Sombre Age
10. Age of Runes
11. The Priory

Imagen ... adlines%29


 Asunto: Re: Novedades FALCONER
NotaPublicado: Jue May 15, 2014 2:23 am 
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
FALCONER nuevo tema "Halls And Chambers"


 Asunto: Re: Novedades FALCONER
NotaPublicado: Vie Jun 06, 2014 2:09 am 
Ready To Rock
Ready To Rock
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Registrado: Mié Jun 18, 2008 1:22 am
Mensajes: 69262
FALCONER: su nuevo disco "Black Moon Rising" completo en Streaming


01. Locust Swarm
02. Halls And Chambers
03. Black Moon Rising
04. Scoundrel And The Squire
05. Wasteland
06. In Ruins
07. At The Jester's Ball
08. There's A Crow On The Barrow
09. Dawning Of A Sombre Age
10. Age Of Runes
11. The Priory


 Asunto: Re: Novedades FALCONER
NotaPublicado: Vie Jun 06, 2014 2:50 pm 
Killing Machine
Killing Machine
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Registrado: Sab Ago 30, 2008 1:50 pm
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No tardará en aparecer en calidad buena, salía hoy, así que :roll:


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