Fallece Dave Brockie vocalista de GWARJack Flanagan mager de Gwar ha emitido el siguiente comunicado:
"Con el corazón entristecido, confirmo mi querido amigo Dave Brockie (ODERUS URUNGUS), artista, músico y cantante de GWAR, falleció aproximadamente a las 18:50 EST el Domingo 23 de marzo de 2014. Su cuerpo fue encontrado el domingo por un compañero de banda en su casa de Richmond, Virginia. Las autoridades de Richmond han confirmado su muerte y sus familiares fueron avisados. Se realizará una autopsia completa. Tenía 50 años de edad, nacio el 30 de agosto de 1963.
"Mi principal objetivo en este momento es cuidar de mis compañeros de banda y de su familia.
"Se dará más información sobre el fallecimiento a medida que se confirmen los detalles."

GWAR's manager, Jack Flanagan, has released the following statement:
"It is with a saddened heart that I confirm my dear friend Dave Brockie, artist, musician, and lead singer of GWAR, passed away at approximately 6:50 p.m. EST Sunday, March 23, 2014. His body was found Sunday by his bandmate at his home in Richmond, Virginia. Richmond authorities have confirmed his death and next of kin has been notified. A full autopsy will be performed. He was 50 years old, born August 30, 1963.
"My main focus right now is to look after my bandmates and his family.
"More information regarding his death shall be released as the details are confirmed."
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